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Full List of LPELL Algorithms


Apr 3, 2011
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Hi, everyone. So here's my list of all of the 48 LPELL algorithms. LPELL is a method that inserts the last F2L pair while simultaneously orienting and permuting the edges of the last layer. This is the first and currently the only full list of LPELL algs. Make sure to check it out by clicking the link below. I'm not going to be posting the mirrors of these algs (pair on left) since they can easily be figured out intuitively by just mirroring the algs I've posted, but I am planning on compiling a list of algs for all of the R U R' cases sometime in the future.

All of the cases are move optimal because I felt this could be best applied to FMC, since it takes you from the "F2L minus 1 pair" stage to the L4C/L3C stage in only 7 moves or so (excluding AUFs). But if you'd like to incorporate it into speedsolving, some of the algs aren't too shabby.

I was actually supposed to post this a couple of weeks ago when I wrote down all of the algs from CubeExplorer, but I was too lazy to make all the pictures for the cases and write down the algs on my site so I forgot all about it. But, I finally got round to it. While going through CubeExplorer's solutions of the cases I made sure to pay attention to leading or ending U-turns. For example, if I had a 9 move solution and also a 10 move solution beggining and ending with U turns I'd ignore the U-turns (since leading and/or ending AUFs would occur anyway and they could turn out to be any possible U-turn) and I'd write down the second solution which would then turn out to be 8 moves long and thus the most optimal.

Anyway, tell me what you think and if you're planning on using any of these. I'd be very happy if at least one person finds this useful.



Jul 21, 2015
The first set is useful also for ZZ phasing, for full EPLL instead of only two edges

I am, am I?

Theo Leinad

Mar 31, 2017
Hello, @rubikmaster
It seems that the last 4 algs are missing in your website for the DOT case (they're the same as F-Line) could you please update those last 4 or post them here :)

Thank you...