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Worldwide Solving Average

Solvador Cubi

May 4, 2016
What ideas have people had for how to determine (or estimate) the average 3x3 solve time for all active solvers in the world?
I would guess competition times and users of this forum may skew the times to look faster than a worldwide average.
I'm curious about everyone... from speedsolvers to beginners.

Would online timers be a good estimate? Do they keep that data?
What about mobile apps, do any aggregate average time data? or keep average battle times across all users?
and obviously there are solvers who don't use web-timers or even time themselves for that matter!

or... everyone can just throw out a guess and we'll take the mean of those! :)
(I'll say 52.4 seconds)

-= Solvador Cubi

Mike Hughey

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Jun 7, 2007
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I think a difficult thing to define would be what is meant by "all active solvers in the world". How you define the meaning of that would probably have a big impact on the overall average. (Not that we're likely to be able to come up with a good average even if we did have a good definition of the meaning of that, but I do think that the meaning you ascribe to it would have a big impact on the actual average, if it were somehow able to be determined.)

If you include anyone who is capable of solving the cube now (even if they haven't done so in several years), the average will be slower than if you only include people who have solved a cube in the past year, and even slower than if you only include people who have solved a cube in the past week, for instance.

Solvador Cubi

May 4, 2016
Mike Hughey, that's a good discussion point.

Perhaps we would look at it from the cubes point of view, instead.... :)
"What is the average time of all the occurrences that a cube has been solved in history?"

such as if someone was a 30s solver from years 2010-2015, but hasn't touched it since then, that counts!

I realize this is such an open-ended topic and we'll never get a true global average time,
but what can we get ... and is it interesting to know?

-= Solvador Cubi