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Welcome to the Speedcubing Help section - READ BEFORE POSTING

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im new to the forum , but not new to cubing,and i am having trouble finding out how to post something :L please help

You mean a new thread? You just posted something but making a new thread is easy. You can go to the section you want to (ex. Hardware Area) and on the left hand side, you can see a button that says "New Thread". You click that and your set to type! I hope this helped
where can i find something good about f2l oll pll
because i know only beginners mehtod and i did not know where i can find a good page to continue
i have a problem to remember all oll and i think its very difficult to learn 55 algorithms!!!!!can you please help me????
i have a problem to remember all oll and i think its very difficult to learn 55 algorithms!!!!!can you please help me????

Why dont you try 2LOLL (2-Look OLL), a lot less algorithms needed for it.

Here is a link. http://cubefreak.weebly.com/2-look-oll.html

This wont slow you down as much as you think, can still get good times with it, and these OLL cases can be used in full OLL if you want to progress from this at a later stage, hope this helps.

More specifically, it is VERY possible to get sub-20 with 2 look OLL. No need to learn all 50ish algs until then, because it only cuts a couple of seconds at best. Learn 2 look OLL but learn 1 look PLL, it's only 20 something algs. Then, just practice until sub-20.
thank all of you!!!!is it a place that i can buy rubiks cubes in greece no 2x2 and 3x3 an like this but strange cubes and stickers and many cubes???

I'm a relatively newer speedcuber, and I have a C DIY. Hopefully. I ordered it off Ebay from HongKong, and it came in a bag. Is there a way to tell DIY types apart? I can't find anything really.
A great book to teach speed solving is Speedsolving The Cube by Dan Harris. He teaches cube notation, CFOP system, and Corner Orient Last Layer. He goes in depth about how and why certain algorithms work and how to use your own intuition and figure stuff out on your own
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