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WCA inaction to punish traps and lies of its members with charges.


Oct 4, 2014
I'm Javier Cabezuelo Sánchez (2007 SANC 01)

I was born in 1969.

I solved the Rubik's Cube, in the early 80's, without any help or manuals. I compete only with my own knowledge.

My official brands in Fewest Moves are 22 single and 27 on average.
(Unofficial 17 turns).

I have some years with certain complaints not attended and for that reason I have continued reiterating.
I sent a complaint to the WCA Board on July 31, 2019. I translate a part that I sent in Spanish).

Against Alexander Olleta del Molino for repeated unsportsmanlike conduct (emails contributed to the WDC and WEC).
I brought several witnesses and two of them gave them the option to save themselves despite being totally involved.

Against Javier Tirado and Luis Javier Iañez for allowing on several occasions that Alexander Olleta to exceed time in Fewest Moves competition. And this before me and despite my protests. To say that with Luis Javier Iañez as part of the Board I initially put them as witnesses and not as involved, because in that case they would not possibly have initiated an investigation.

Against Chris Tran of the WDC for leaving parties without investigating and for seeking excuses and minimizing facts to protect Alexander Olleta and also Javier Tirado and Luis Javier Iañez.

Against Lorenzo Vigani for not wanting to reopen the case, even though I contributed new facts of unsportsmanlike behavior after my first complaint. And above all for lying in the exercise of his duties as leader of the WDC.

My complaints are in effect, without being addressed by the WDC, the WEC and the WCA Board.
With my public complaint, everyone should reflect and rectify.

Those involved who still have positions in the WCA must file their immediate resignation or the WCA Board will immediately expel them for loss of confidence. And after that impose the appropriate sanctions, proportional to the seriousness of acts committed.
It is unacceptable that certain delegates remain in their positions and that someone who lies leads the WDC. It's crazy, this can only lead the WCA to chaos and discredit. The WCA is also all of us who compete and we must ask to act with the ethical code and spirit of the WCA.

It is incomprehensible that the WEC knowing all the data of my complaints and knowing the case of the WDC leader's lie in a year did nothing. In 2018, only the leader of the WEC resigned without being to blame for the matter and the new leader has just resigned after announcing that I would contact the WCA Board.

The WDC has obligations that it has not met. You must give public explanations for this.

The WEC has obligations that it has not met and is complicit in the fact that the WDC has spent more than a year with a leader who lies. You must also give the appropriate public explanations.

The WCA Board in a month does not solve anything either and I have given warnings that it does not comply It has to fulfill its mission.

Recently the WDC has published a report that, among other issues, cites the confession of a former Board member of a fact that occurred in 2007. The WDC thanks you for your honesty in confessing. The affected attempt was, of course, disqualified, changing the history of the records. See a part of the report:

“ … Even though a lot of time has passed, ( …) confession is important, since it finally makes things right. Mistakes can happen, but it’s important to recognize and learn from them”.

“In addition, if you think the competition results are being compromised in any way or see suspicious behavior, find the nearest delegate immediately and report the incident.

Thank you all for your help in supporting the WCA Spirit and Mission.

Lorenzo Vigani Poli
WDC Team Leader
On behalf of the Disciplinary Committee”

Likewise, those that I have denounced with evidence should ask for forgiveness in writing and also from the community. The WDC, WEC and WCA Board teams must also do so.

Those who hold positions in the WCA, if they do not want to harm some colleagues, must leave their positions so as not to be complicit. They must let others comply with the ethical code and spirit of the WCA. The positions they occupy are voluntary, they should not feel pressured to fail to fulfill their duties and their commitments.
Remember that in addition all of us who compete are members of the WCA. With passivity nothing is improved. The forum is to discuss and comment and improve the WCA. For now it is seen that the competition is distorted and there are privileges.

It turns out that those who must ensure compliance with the WCA rules violate or disregard their obligations.

We are facing the most serious and embarrassing case of the WCA. And so far they continue with inaction.
I cannot remain without doing anything seeing how they harm me and treat me badly.
I received from several delegates contempt, teasing and even insult on my mobile. In addition to cheating in front of me and other competitors without hiding. All that even before I denounced the traps to the WCA.

When I published time spent in Speedsolving as it was the first investigation of my complaint with the WCA, no one complained to me. Even Luis Javier Iañez, then a member of the Board, approached me in the 2018 European Championship too kindly (well I knew in addition to the traps all the damage that had been done to me). But the case is that it continued to harm me. I know that he later contacted a certain open organizer so that he did not take the Fewest Moves test.

I received the reproach of the WDC leader Lorenzo Vigani to excuse his inaction and protect the denounced. But he made the reproach based on the lie. And so I quickly reported to the WEC.

(*) (In another post I hope to copy the email I sent to the WEC, it is written in Spanish, you can translate it).
The delegate Javier Tirado initially put on a good face but then he has returned with attitudes to make others mock me. In an Open he indicated me as a whistleblower before the rest of the competitors. I replied that I was missing facts to tell. He can call me a whistleblower. I can say that who cheats or who consents cheats is a cheater. And that is what he is and others. Very recently, in a medium, he has asked for me with some irony. And some take advantage to belittle me.

The charges of the WCA Board must already fulfill their functions. They are facing the last chance or they can lead the WCA to total chaos. They have already shown me their claims. I offered to provide more documentation in case they needed it. They didn't need it because they already showed me an inadequate way to close the case. That is why I showed them that my complaints are in force. Unfortunately they have stopped communicating and choose to hold people who have cheated and who lie in positions of trust.

They hurt me, the community and the WCA itself they represent.
I still have the hope that the WCA Board member, Alberto Pérez, can properly close this whole case, without trying to minimize or excuse anyone. He has long known the unfortunate treatment that I have been receiving from some and I demonstrated to the Spanish Association of the Rubik's Cube (AECR) how some of its members with responsibility (who were also delegates of the WCA) requested or modified the number of attempts (of Fewest Moves) for their own benefit and they reproached me. I have also managed to get Alberto Pérez to know the whole background of this matter well. He has a good view of this whole case.
I hope Alberto Pérez can make the rest see what the future vision of the WCA is.

Any delegate from the WCA, from any country, go to Alberto Pérez to show support and that the WCA can take a good course.
I have already worn out excessively. I could post more things that could compromise others. I hope nobody gets into trouble
I would like to make good publicity of the WCA. I've had too much patience to give time for things to be done well. But that does not happen, it is the opposite. I have paralyzed projects. It is difficult to convey enthusiasm and enthusiasm to young people who start when I know firsthand that the world of competition is a fraud and can be treated badly. Parents spend money to take their children to competitions and do not really know that in certain cases there are delegates who take advantage of their charges. And the most serious thing is that even if they are denounced and proven they protect them.

All those who cheat in competition or lie in the responsibility of their positions cannot be left without a proportionate punishment. So far, from the WCA everything about my complaints has been aimed at covering the matter without giving publicity. Anyone who thinks that this gives good service to the community that separates, because it is contributing to the contrary.

So far there has been a good plot to cover this issue.
Are not there honest people, with values and commitment to give an effective solution to this matter and also to me to repair all the immense moral and sporting damage that I have been suffering? And remember that it's not just for me, it's for the whole community and for the WCA.
Is anyone else going to discredit himself for continuing to cover this issue? Remember that inaction contributes to it.
Let me remind the community of what are the functions and obligations of some WCA teams. It is what they have been neglecting in my complaints.

WCA Disciplinary Committee (WDC)
This committee advises the WCA Board in special cases, like alleged violations of WCA Regulations, and may be contacted by WCA members in case of important personal matters regarding WCA competitions.

WCA Ethics Committee (WEC).
This committee's role is to ensure that all the procedures followed by the WCA Staff and External Staff abide by its Code of Ethics, and to perform independent investigations if the behavior of any of these members is not compliant with said Code of Ethics. Such investigations can be requested by any Registered Speedcubers, for whom the WEC is a confidant. This committee also functions as the board of appeal if anyone involved disagrees with a decision made by the WCA Disciplinary Committee.

WCA Board of Directors.
The WCA Board is responsible for leading the organization as a whole, and fulfilling any duties not fulfilled by other Teams, Committees, and Councils.
WCA Communication Team (WCT)
The WCA Communication Team (WCT) has the role to oversee and support communications of the WCA with the Community and the general public. The communication of the WCA should contribute to the Objectives of the WCA and support a general positive culture of friendliness, transparency, inclusiveness, openness, and responsiveness.

The community should see reports on this issue from the WDC, the WEC, the WCA Board and the WCT. Reports that are visible in time and that help to remember what is the ethical code and the true spirit of the WCA.

WCA charges including delegates should not remain silent. They must act for justice and transparency or depart from their charges so as not to be complicit in injustices.

I hope that sanctioning measures will be taken before one month. In a certain Spanish championship, a competitor was left without a podium because of the traps of the Spanish delegates that I denounced. Therefore, your next participation is not allowed. There is no justification for delaying sanctions. Some competitors for much less were sanctioned one year. This is much more serious and naturally requires greater sanction. It is not right to let cheats participate who have not fulfilled their sanction. Still one of them is as a delegate (Javier Tirado) in the next Spanish championship.

To the whole community, my publication is not just for reading, going out and forgetting. My post is for reflection and you debate to help the WCA improve. Too large changes in the control of members with responsibility of the WCA are required.
Today is an important day for the community.

My respectful regards.
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Oct 4, 2014
Email complaint to WEC June 1, 2018: (in Spanish, Translate it.)

Javier C. S.
Vie 01/06/2018 20:43
Hippolyte Moreau​

SOLICITO de manera oficial que el WEC analice y se pronuncie sobre mis denuncias a Alexander Olleta del Molino, sobre los delegados Javier Tirado y Luis Javier Iañez y sobre el WDC (antiguo y actual).

Tras mi primera denuncia:

-El WDC destaca que otros competidores dicen de Alexander Olleta que es muy dedicado. Y que es digno de confianza para la WCA.

-El WDC no contactó con el delegado del Basauri Open 2012 y era su obligación profundizar en la investigación.

-El WDC reconoce que otro testigo corrobora mi declaración del Molina Open 2014, Pero el WDC resalta dándole más valor que los otros dos intentos no sucedió nada.

-Se silencia el asunto y no se publica ninguna resolución.

-Reitero reapertura oficial contra Alexander Olleta (al nuevo WDC) y no se me da ni el acuse de recibo.

-Aviso de plazo de que si no se investiga yo hago saber el caso a la comunidad y ni siquiera me comunican reapertura del caso en ese plazo de cortesía.

-El nuevo WDC me reprocha mi publicación del asunto en Speed Solving y se permite mentir intencionadamente en el correo que me envía.

(Ampliación y comentarios):

En contacto con una parte de la WDC se me dice que profundizaran en el caso pero pasan demasiados meses y no lo reabren. Por lo que yo solicité de manera oficial la reapertura (incluyendo información extra). Entre tanto el WEC no se podía pronunciar por estar el caso en manos del WDC y por otro lado el WDC seguía sin comunicarse conmigo ni para darme acuse de recibo de mi solicitud de reapertura oficial del caso. Tras mis avisos seguía pasando el tiempo y no se hacía nada. Todo ello con grave perjuicio para la propia WCA y para mí. Por eso por el bien de la propia WCA y resto de competidores no me quedó más remedio que poner el asunto en la opinión pública. Así pretendía desbloquear el asunto.

Decir que desde antes de mi primera denuncia yo ya he venido sufriendo además de los perjuicios en competición otros sucesos de desprecio y juego sucio del que sacaban provecho algunos delegados españoles. Bien haciéndose valer de sus cargos de la WCA como de la Asociación Española del Cubo de Rubik (AECR). De ello podría aportar distinta y extensa documentación. Pero solo voy a aportar otro caso claro en el que los delegados españoles cuentan con el apoyo del nuevo WDC que miente intencionadamente.
Por otro lado dos testigos ante su asombro por que no pasaba nada con la denuncia de Alexander Olleta me enviaron voluntariamente sus manifestaciones. Que coincidían con lo que yo había denunciado.

De hecho incluí las manifestaciones de esos testigos al nuevo WDC y al propio WEC (para que fuese teniendo constancia). Y pese a esto el nuevo WDC me dice de manera muy clara que ninguno de los testigos de mi primera denuncia corroboran mi versión en ninguna parte. Esto es gravísimo por cuando se sustenta en la mentira (Chris Tran ya reconoció por escrito que en el Molina Open 2014 coincidía la manifestación de al menos uno de los testigos).

Esto demuestra la mentira del WDC y lo poco que han leído o interesado por el caso de mi denuncia. No les importa seguir haciendo daño a una persona (a mí ) con tal de salvar al delegado Alexander Olleta, pese a que se reitera en el juego sucio y se aprovecha de su ventaja de delegado.

Alexander Olleta pese a saber que ya había sido investigado previamente y contar con la confianza de la WCA se permite con posterioridad alterar el resultado de una competición sobre la marcha. En concreto en el Asturias Open 2017 cambiando el formato de la prueba de Fewest Moves sobre la marcha para optar a record del mundo en media de tres (cuando no estaba previsto). De eso reporté documentación al WDC (en la reapertura del caso) y al WEC.
Yo he venido sufriendo en algunas ocasiones maltrato e injusticias y viendo como el WDC con sus anteriores y actuales miembros siguen apoyando a Alexander Olleta, desde la parcialidad y la mentira, no me han dejado más opción que desbloquear publicando en Speed Solving para que la propia WCA tome conciencia y cumpla su obligación apartando a aquellos que incumplen. Ya sean competidores, delegados, boards o miembros de comités.

WDC me reprocha que haya hecho tal publicación. Pero yo no puedo consentir el continuar el maltrato que recibo en ocasiones y perjuicio en competiciones (además del resto de competidores), la falta de interés en la investigación (incluso después se aprecia la mentira del WDC).

El WDC me dijo que ya no iba a reabrir el caso y que pasaba a evaluación por parte del WEC. He dejado pasar tiempo para que el WEC revise el caso y para que antes de que este comité pueda cometer un nuevo error he referido el último caso en el que el nuevo WDC miente intencionadamente.

Antes de denunciar a Alexander Olleta yo pedí que se me investigase a mí para disipar la duda de algunos que no comprenden mis resoluciones. Resoluciones hechas ante vigilancia de delegados y con distintas propuestas al comité de reglamento entre otras cosas que no se den las mezclas (scrambles) para que no haya posible manipulación. Yo he solicitado cubos mezclados para todos los competidores y evitar que los delegados dispongan de la mezcla con antelación.
Tras muchos meses no obtuve noticias de mi investigación y antes de ir al mundial de París solicité que se pronunciasen para que dijeran que si yo iba como sospechoso o limpio. Finalmente contestaron que no había duda de mis resoluciones por cuanto las hacía delante de los delegados.

Ahora voy a competir en el campeonato de Europa 2018. Sería bueno contar para entonces con la publicación de un informe de este WEC. Esté comité debería pronunciarse sobre quien ha mentido en sus manifestaciones y actuaciones. Es mejor que se pronuncie adecuadamente en base al desarrollo de los hechos. El WEC creo que puede solicitar se cambie a la parte del WDC que miente y que se pudiese hacer una correcta investigación. Pues es primordial por el bien de la comunidad que quienes actúan contra el espíritu de la WCA (y más grave si tienen cargos representativos) merezcan la oportuna amonestación y sanción.

Yo he actuado por mi honor y por el de la WCA y el bien y mejora de la competición para que tenga credibilidad. Llevo años dedicado a esta causa dejando a un lado mis investigaciones y entrenamientos.

No tiene sentido dejar pasar el tiempo y que haya impunidad para algunos y que a quien lucha por el espíritu de WCA (como es mi caso) quede en la marginación.

El WEC debe pronunciarse rápido para ayudar a la justicia, limpieza y regeneración de la WCA.

Si una parte importante de la WCA va contra mí lo está haciendo contra ella misma y haciéndose daño a sí misma.

A mí que no me acusen de que estoy perjudicando a la WCA. Yo ante las injusticias seguiré reaccionando. No paro de reiterar que yo estoy a favor del espíritu de la WCA.

Yo represento valores. Resolví el cubo sin ayuda ni tutoriales. En España no daban crédito y he ido comunicando que solo compito con conocimientos propios y sin usar técnicas de premoves ni mezcla inversa, por tanto no hago uso de la mezcla (scramble) respetando el reglamento. He recibido oposición de algunos y una parte no asume deportivamente que un solo hombre pueda hacer logros que la mayoría de ellos no pueden alcanzar sin estudiar tutoriales. Inicialmente ponían intentos de FM para evaluar si hacía trampas. Y cuando ven que no las hago y me acerco a la cabeza del ranking mundial pasan a ningunearme en ocasiones, a reducir los intentos, pero sin descuidar ponerlos cuando a ciertos delegados les interesa. Y aún con todo eso ciertos delegados se unen para preparar ventajas para ellos y contra mí e incluso infringir el reglamento.

La WCA está consintiendo que se me maltrate al dejar de sancionar las conductas de infractores.

El WEC debe pronunciarse públicamente sobre la actuación de Alexander Olleta, los delegados que le apoyan y sobre todo del WDC antiguo (con parcialidad y dejando de investigar ciertas áreas y del WDC actual (que no reabría el caso y miente intencionadamente). Debería pronunciarse antes de la competición del campeonato de Europa 2018 y avisarme cuando se produzca esa publicación.

Entre tanto díganme rápidamente si van a llevar a cabo alguna actuación y para cuando.
Espero alguna noticia del WDC antes de del 30 de junio de 2018. Para saber si piensan ustedes actuar o se van a desentender del caso.

Considero que es mejor un pronunciamiento claro del WEC ante la comunidad a que se me siga perjudicando y tenga yo en un futuro decir que el WDC miente. Reitero que defiendo mi honor y el de la WCA y velo por el espíritu de la WCA, pese a que una parte importante de la WCA vaya contra mí.

Adjunto el email en el que el WDC actual miente al decir que ningún testigo corroboró ninguna parte de mi denuncia.
EMAIL del WDC (15-04-2018).

Hello Javier,

I took a few days to think what to write to you after you published the details of the WDC investigation lead by Chris Tran on speedsolving.com

All the correspondence with the WDC is confidential and you broke this confidentiality with your actions.
To reply to one of the main things you accused the WDC of, we already told you that we contacted the witnesses you mentioned and no one, and I repeat no one, confirmed any of what you said to us.
This was the reason the first investigation was closed, because there was absolutely no evidence that Alex broke the Regulations.

In all of your really long emails and messages you have failed to present concrete proof of any actual violation of the Regulations. Therefore. the investigation will not be opened again.

Alex may be unprofessional as a WCA Delegate, but this does not qualify as a violation of the Regulation and therefore the WDC has nothing to say about it.
The WEC and his Senior Delegate are monitoring the situation.

I won't share any detail with you since it's clear that I can't trust you to keep it to yourself.


WDC Leader

Mi respuesta al WDC
En mi primera denuncia tras intercambios de correos ya expresé las razones por las que no estaba de acuerdo.

Además Alexander Olleta y los delegados se sirven se su situación para imponer su versión (que desconozco).

A mí sí me consta que alguno de los otros testigos corroboró mi denuncia en la parte que le correspondía.

Llevo demasiado tiempo esperando que se reabra el caso con promesas falsas.

El comité de Ética me dijo que de momento no hacía nada porque otros estaban tratando el asunto.

Pero por más que he vuelto a pedir que se reabra el caso y volver a insistir en ello todo sigue parado y el tiempo corre en mi contra y en el de la propia WCA. Ya les comuniqué que tras el cierre de la primera investigación Alexander Olleta ha seguido con algunas actuaciones antideportivas y de abuso de cargo para cambiar el formato de una prueba durante el transcurso de la misma (pasar de al mejor de vario/s intento/s a media de tres para optar a récord del mundo). De lo último les envié imágenes de capturas de pantalla.

A Usted le avisé de lo que iba a hacer si antes del 07 de abrir no se cerraba el caso. Obviamente no había demasiado tiempo, pero si el suficiente para haberme comunicado que reabrían el caso y convencerme de que esta vez si iban a profundizar más en la investigación y con mayor celeridad. Como no ocurrió nada de lo anterior es por lo que comuniqué lo que ocurre a la comunidad.

Para mí por encima de todo está defender la verdad y el buen funcionamiento de la WCA. Espero que la WCA (todos los delegados y boards) e incluso competidores reflexionen para crecer.

En todo este asunto hay un bien a proteger que es el espíritu y prestigio de la WCA. Los delegados y personal de la WCA que incumplen lo anterior y se provechan de sus cargos hacen daño a la institución que representan.

Yo quedo en total desventaja y desprotección. Durante años me planteé si merecía la pena embarcarme en una denuncia como la que he interpuesto a Alexander Olleta y más tras comprobar como los otros delegados lo protegieron. Pero por el citado espíritu y prestigio de la WCA he llevado el asunto con toda la paciencia posible. Y todo esto aún a sabiendas que el asunto se vuelva contra mí y me quieran sancionar.

Como ya me ha comunicado que no va a reabrir el caso pasamos a ver en qué sentido se pronuncia el WEC.



Oct 4, 2014
Your claim is that a particular competitor has been allowed to exceed the time limit in FMC on more than one occasion? Do you have proof of this? When confronted with your allegations, what has been the specific response? Any explanation given for not taking action?

You are a current member of the WDC.

It has all my complaints and the conversations I had with the leaders of the WDC. You can now answer the community with your own questions.

I have waited for the new appeal resolution of which I was told on January 14, 2020 that it had concluded. I answered all the questions asked. (I was previously told that I would be asked about my complaints to the WCA and my publications on SpeedSolving.)

But there is no published report. In a case like this there should be a strong response and action. I have not been reproached for my complaints. I have been suggested not to criticize the resolution.

Someone must explain the entire process to the community of competitors. It is no use hiding anything or saying that the procedures of the appeal have been followed properly, without motivating.

(I corrected a date error, warned by Abso Ruub).[/QUOTE]


Feb 6, 2017
Spokane, WA (USA)
Visit Channel
You are a current member of the WDC.

It has all my complaints and the conversations I had with the leaders of the WDC. You can now answer the community with your own questions.

Yes, I am now a member of the WDC (I was not at the time of my previous post). However, I can't disclose anything. So, no, I can't answer my own questions publicly.
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