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The Ribbon Method


May 24, 2019
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OreKehstrah teach me free slotting cause I use O cls case where it looks like a ttll case
If you search free slotting on the forum you can probably find my post about it. The basic idea is you make one of your F2L pairs with either the correct corner or any of the four last layer corners, based on what is easiest/fastest. If you use a last layer corner, make sure that you treat the last layer sticker of that corner as you would a cross color sticker on a normal corner so that you can then just do a normal OLL alg and then go into TTLL or PLL.

ribbon method

Aug 3, 2020
For ribbon method should I do tols or tsle. I have been thinking about this, plz help, i need help with learning ribbon method

ribbon method

Aug 3, 2020
tols got more algs tols has 173 tsle has 102

but ig I will do the most efficient

which one be more efficient
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Jan 4, 2018
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Please stop posting new threads so much. There is one complete ribbon spreadsheet. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D26FLNRhHs5RBXswyfjaKzL_5bboleo6YxYKq3osYGQ/edit
Also this doc: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzm7fHMKOwCBb201b29RaUlHYms/view
Now go, learn the algs and practice. You can find everything else you need online and you can develop your own techniques to help. There's also freeslotting and other ideas that can be used.

Now you have all the info you need, take it and learn the Ribbon method.


May 24, 2019
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Hi everyone. I am setting up this thread to talk about the ribbon method, which was proposed by Justin Taylor. The link will tell you about the method and the steps. https://www.speedsolving.com/wiki/index.php/Ribbon_Method. I think that this method should be the method that all of the top speedcubers use, as it saves an f2l pair and is in general more efficient than CFOP, while still having a CFOP based background and utilising all the Olls and PLLs that we already know. Justin himself has an algsheet which you can download from the speedsolving wiki page, so that you can experiment with the algs.

I would like to know your thoughts as to why you think that this method isn't more popular. I think that this is partly because it was proposed relatively recently in 2017, so it has had less time to grow, but there must be something else, mustn't there...
As someone genning and learning algs for TTLL, I can say for a fact that one of the main reasons people don’t want to learn Ribbon is that not only do you need to learn new algs, but you also will have to replace them if better algs come out. TTLL is in a terrible state since not much time was put into it. The group of people I’ve been genning algs with revamped all the double bar algs, and they are still no where close to the niceness of PLLs, with only one being-sub1 with basically perfect execution. I haven’t even looked at the TOLS algs yet.

Another thing to note is that twisted corner TTLLs are being genned now so instead of learning TOLS, you can just make sure the ribbon slot has a LL corner in the slot without worrying about orientation, do a normal OLL to orient all the pieces without paying attention to the orientation of the F2L corner, then do TTLL/TTLL+/- or PLL if the F2L corner happened to be solved.

Has anyone actually learned and started using Ribbon? There’s been plenty of time for someone to learn it


Aug 10, 2020
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Has anyone actually learned and started using Ribbon? There’s been plenty of time for someone to learn it
im interested in it but i havent yet. I know full 2 look TTLL (DFR Edge+ Solve Corners 1 look, EPLL 2nd look). The ribbon to me is kinda hard to plan in inspection but Im getting there. I know about half of TOLS so what i use can be a similar movecount to CFOP.


May 2, 2021
I think that besides the high alg count, the main problem with this method is the lack of flexibility when it comes to the misoriented corner, as with cfop you can insert a pair into the back then forget about it, but while it would make sense to make the ribbon in the back to free up front slots, you would have to rotate to do tols, and that is a problem
Aug 15, 2022
Hi, my name is Lachie Stephens, known as "yeetskeet" elsewhere. I'm 14-year-old speedcuber from Australia, and I've been cubing for just under a year now. I average about 11.5-12 seconds with the CFOP method. Recently I've been talking with a friend of mine, Justin Taylor, over Discord, discussing the method known as "Ribbon". Both Justin and I believe this has not only equal to but greater potential than CFOP. But first, what exactly is the Ribbon Method?

Summary of the method

If you are familiar with the ZZ-CT method, then this method should not be too hard to grasp. If not, then hopefully most of the following makes some sense. Ribbon shares a few key factors with the CFOP method, being almost identical up until last slot and last layer. The steps of this method are as follows:

Ribbon: This step is very similar to CFOP in that it consists of executing a cross solution. However, there is another key factor to this step that gives it its name. An F2L edge must also be placed in its correct position on the cube (note this is just the edge, not the corner). This edge can be cancelled into the cross solution, or inserted directly after the cross (in fact, the edge can be placed at any point during F2L, however placing it during cross solution is almost always more useful).

F2L-1C: This step can be completed exactly like CFOP F2L, by forming pairs of edges and corners and inserting them into their respective slots on the first two layers, while completely ignoring the slot that is being used for the Ribbon. One unfortunate thing is that, without influence, around a third of the time you will end up with an F2L corner below the Ribbon edge (note: if the F2L corner corresponds with the Ribbon edge, in any orientation, no attention needs to be paid to it). This can be fixed by offsetting the D layer and solving the pair like normal. An example of this will be shown in the example solve later on.

TOLS: This step is the most unique step of the method, and as of now is only used in the Ribbon Method. In this step, all of the last layer corners will be oriented using a single algorithm. It can be recognized entirely from the top layer by noticing the orientation of the edges and corners, however noticing the orientation of the D-layer corner can greatly decrease the time required for recognition. This step contains 173 algorithms, however, this can be reduced to 116 algorithms if you already know Full OLL. This step uses the Ribbon's corner to orient all the last layer pieces and itself (note: in most cases, a different corner will appear in the Ribbon slot after executing a TOLS algorithm).

TTLL: This step also appears in the ZZ-CT method. TTLL permutes the remaining pieces of the cube after TOLS, and contains 93 algorithms. However, this can be reduced to 72 algorithms if you already know full PLL. After TOLS, there is a 20% chance that the remaining F2L corner happens to be in the correct place, which will result in a PLL. The recognition for TTLL is almost identical to that of PLL, however, it completely disregards the colours of the corner that belongs in the D-layer and the one that's already there (note that the position of the top layer corner is important, just not the colours).

The Pros and Cons of the Ribbon Method


  • On average, lower movecount than CFOP
  • Around 30% of the time, TTLL will be completely 2-Gen (only RU)
  • 2-Look LSLL, compared to CFOP's 3-Look LSLL
  • TOLS algorithms are mostly short and easily fingertrickable (sure that's a word)
  • Easier lookahead Multislotting using the Ribbon slot Easy TOLS recognition due to D-layer corner
  • Easy TTLL recognition, cases can easily be compared to PLLs (e.g. "Looks like an R perm except...")
  • Some TTLLs are extremely low in movecount

  • High algorithm count
  • Some TOLSs and TTLLs are nonoptimal (movecount and fingertricks)
  • Bad cases can occur with the D-layer corner
  • Bad combinations of TOLSs and TTLLs can lead to movecounts higher than CFOP's average

Example Solve using the Ribbon Method

R2 U2 D2 B' L B2 R D' R2 L2 B2 U L2 U2 F2 U' L2 U' F'

z2 y // inspection
D' L B' D2 L F // ribbon
U L U L' // first pair
U' R' F R F' R U' R' // second pair
y D2 L U' L' D2 U L U' L' // third pair
U2 F' R U R' U R U2 R' F // TOLS
U' R2 U2 R2 F2 U' R2 U' R2 U F2 // TTLL

// 48 STM


Inspection: I planned the Ribbon solution during inspection, I originally planned out the cross, then looked for pieces that could be integrated into the cross solution with one or two moves. In my experience this is the best method for planning the Ribbon during inspection.

Ribbon: As you can see, this was very low movecount, and this is around the average Ribbon movecount when solving colour neutral. The original cross solution was D' L D2 L F, and I added a B' in a strategic position during the solution so as to not interfere with any of the cross pieces, and place the Ribbon edge in its correct position.

First and second pairs: While solving these, I noticed the piece in the ribbon slot belonged in a different F2L slot, so I took note of that while solving the pairs. As for the execution of the two pairs, they were solved in a standard way, in the same way that most CFOP solvers would solve them.

Third pair: This is where I offset the D-layer in order to set up for my third pair. I do a D2 L U' L' to set the pieces up into a 4 move insert in the back left slot, before doing a D2 to restore the D-layer. Then it's a simple matter of inserting the pair.

TOLS: This was a nice case, and demonstrates how easy most of the TOLS cases are to both memorize and execute. This algorithm is just an F' sune F. This case could easily be recognized without using the D layer, however it could also be mistaken for a similar case. I used the D layer and noticed the white sticker facing towards me. This allowed for a quick realization of the case.

TTLL: The algorithm for this case is quite easy to memorize and in my opinion is quite fun to execute. The recognition for this case is moderately easy, looking similar to an R perm. The low movecount of this algorithm combined with the low movecount of the TOLS algorithm provide a very nice combination for LSLL.

As you can probably tell by now, this method has potential. By no means is it a perfect method, but yet again, what is? Justin has put in hours of dedication and effort into this method, and I'm proud to say I am going to attempt to be one of the first people to learn this method in full, even with the extra 188 algorithms I need to learn to get there. This method is almost completely unknown to the majority of the cubing community, despite it being a method with so much potential. I, personally, would love to see it expand and for more people to begin to use the method and become fast with it. This method deserves more attention, and I hope that by posting this that more people can gain an understanding of just how amazing this method can be.

Thanks for reading ;)
Lachie Stephens
I kinda liked this method but there are a lot of algs.