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The Custom Color Scheme Thread - Share and Discuss Your Schemes Here!

Oddly enough my brain seems to be FOCUSING on the black instead of ignoring it. That may change with time though since I may just be focusing on something NEW (black)
This was exactly my experience when I switched from gray to black on megaminx. The new color stuck out because it was different. If you stick with it for long enough, it'll go away.
Has anyone thought of doing inverted colors of every normal shade? Like the white would be black, blue would be orange, green would be red, and so on?

now that I think about it that’s stupid because your just swapping colors lol.
I tried red op green, yellow op purple, and blue op orange and... it was pretty atrocious lol
not ridiculous at all. This concept is the exact reason why I thought black last layer would be useful. Oddly enough my brain seems to be FOCUSING on the black instead of ignoring it. That may change with time though since I may just be focusing on something NEW (black) and am not able to reap the benefits yet.
I would suggest you power through for a couple days. At first my brain really focused on black because it's so striking and it messed with my OLL recog for a day or so. After a small adjustment period though it fell into the background and I really do feel like I recognize OLL faster now!
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My megaminx color scheme has brown, yellow, aqua, and mint in place of yellow, cream, light blue and light green respectively. Its different but also similar enough that i can use a normal MF8 color scheme without problem. Also, my pyraminx scheme has orange in place of yellow and pink in place of red.
I prefer black over yellow. the only problem is other then id say square one and maybe megaminx black isnt used very often
Not sure if this is unique/different, but for mega I have something quite interesting. Start with the standard megaminx scheme, then replace the normal yellow spot with black, move yellow to the gray location across from white, then replace tan/beige with gray.

Reason for this scheme: I have an insanely difficult time telling gray/tan/white, especially because I practice in lower light levels. So, I decided to maximize the contrast, especially by removing the tan color.
My unbranded 2x2 has purple replace orange. I don’t really care for it, but it works.

My brother is partially color blind. I can see how having a non-standard colored cube would be helpful for him. He’d probably opt to replace red and / or green with something, though I don't know what...

I think also part of it depends on the cubes you have. My Rubik’s cube has the orange side faded to the point that it’s hard to tell the difference between orange and yellow, especially in poor lighting. One of my other cubes, the SpeedRipper, it’s difficult to tell the difference between red and orange in poor lighting. But on my Gan 254, even in poor lighting I can tell the various colors well enough to be able to solve the cube without issues.

All that to say, I think various color schemes are great, but in the end it’s all about personal taste. Choose something that’s right for you!
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So I changed how I solve megaminx recently, and I adjusted my color scheme a bit to work better for it so I figured I'd make an update here.
I now start my solve on red then finish white and continue into S2L as if I had started on white, which has a few benefits, with the main two being better F2L to S2L transition after you finish the white side, and being able to do a star on either red or white.

The issue with this is that cream/tan/beige is really similar on a lot of stickerless megaminxes so I replaced that color with the grey, since I have black op white. This has definitely helped with piece differentiation. I highly recommend this, even if you are just solving on white star.

anyway, it's not a huge difference or anything crazy, but it's non-standard nonetheless.
Megaminx: Black replaces Gray, Gray replaces Tan, Purple and Orange swapped.

The Orange and Purple swap is so F2L is more similar to 3x3. Getting rid of Tan makes it easier to find White and it looks cool with Gray. Black is for better LL recognition.
I use the same color scheme, except instead of swapping orange and purple I swap orange and yellow. That way you have yellow in S2L which will contrast against pink better than orange does and F2L closer to 3x3 as well.
While I don't have an FTO yet, I have two different potential color schemes in mind.
Scheme 1: white/gray, red/orange, yellow/green, blue/purple
Scheme 2: yellow/white, red/orange, green/cyan, blue/purple
Scheme 1 has the advantage of using the standard LanLan color scheme, while Scheme 2 preserves the standard pyraminx colors on four faces, which would make it better suited for other eight-sided puzzles like the Hanoiminx or Platypus.
Have you competed before with your 3x3 color scheme in an official WCA competition? I thought modifications to provide identification advantages were prohibited by regulation 3h.
I have! Those regulations pertain to modifications that allow pieces to be identified by extra information. Different color schemes are totally fine so long as the colors can be told apart.