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Solving a Rubik's Cube One-handed while swimming laps!

I have heard that if you are multi tasking you can't do all the activities at 100% of your capability, however my 5x5 average is exactly the same if I am holding a conversation or am silent.

Then when you are not having a conversation, you are still not 100% focused on the cube anyway, and could improve your average if you could improve your focus. Good job, you just identified a way for you to improve at 5x5 without even meaning to. (not that focus is a particularly easy thing to improve, though :/ )
Rather than it being an argument, it is a Debate and that too in a constructive way. I got to learn that people cannot multitask, but it is serial task, Thanks to Drew and Brian. So, I guess these type of debates should be encouraged :p :)

My 2 cents: Read ANY basic neuro-science book that covers the consciousness and you will feel stupid.
Lol, Rather than feeling stupid, I will feel enlightened. I take things positively unlike you taking it negatively :p
I understand where Brian is coming from, but i think that it is very possible to do multiple things at once. You can walk, listen to music, chew gum and cube at the same time, none of these would require thought, except for cubing, because you can kind've just put walking chewing gum and listening to music on "auto pilot" if you know what i mean, once you start, unless your brain gives you a reason to stop such as your feet hurting from walking, your jaw hurting from chewing too long, or your ears hurting from listening too long, you will keep going. Cubing can be done kind've the same, but it still requires more thought. If we tried to do multiple things that will really work our brain though, like if we tried to read a book, while doing OH, while running, and listening to music, it would be near impossible to do them all correctly.