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Solving a Rubik's Cube One-handed while swimming laps!


Jan 4, 2014
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I can swim much better than this but as you might know multi-tasking is hard for guys :p

Really sorry I don't have and underwater camera thingy so you's could actually see me doing the solve.
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Solving a Rubik's Cube One-handed while swimming laps!!!

Good job. Impressive.

Just fyi, other than having our eyes decide where to look next, humans are physically incapable of multi-tasking.

So you read things and believe them without thinking about them at all?

Can you eat a sandwich while walking?

I have heard that if you are multi tasking you can't do all the activities at 100% of your capability, however my 5x5 average is exactly the same if I am holding a conversation or am silent.
Good job. Impressive.

So you read things and believe them without thinking about them at all?

Can you eat a sandwich while walking?

I have heard that if you are multi tasking you can't do all the activities at 100% of your capability, however my 5x5 average is exactly the same if I am holding a conversation or am silent.

That's serial-tasking, but we're doing it so fast that we don't notice it. Try adding a few things to it and it'll quickly become hard to do.

It's just like a CPU, we all know that it's incapable of doing multiple things (assuming it has one core), but it can still perform many tasks so fast that we think they're done simultaneously.
Solving a Rubik's Cube One-handed while swimming laps!!!

So are you saying that while eating and walking you are taking tiny breaks in the walking to eat or are you just failing to dig yourself out of a hole?

Why are you comparing the human brain to a CPU?
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Serial-tasking is not multi-tasking, and I did say "other than having our eyes decide where to look next" as in how our peripheral vision allows us to look exactly where we want with accuracy. Serial-tasking, on the other hand, is switching a processor's attention between many things, which is different than doing things at the same time.
Solving a Rubik's Cube One-handed while swimming laps!!!

I agree that doing several things at once will cause poor results in the tasks. Is there any example of multitasking that I can come up with that you won't just say is serial tasking? (Even though you haven't bothered addressing how someone can walk and eat yet)
If so I'm out and you can go on thinking whatever you want.
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I agree that doing several things at once will cause poor results in the tasks. Is there any example of multitasking that I can come up with that you won't just say is serial tasking? (Even though you haven't bothered addressing how someone can walk and eat yet)
If so I'm out and you can go on thinking whatever you want.

I'm not trying to start an argument, I'm only basing what I'm saying on the research papers I've read before. People can walk and eat because they're both habits that many have been doing for years, but this doesn't mean that one can walk and eat at a constant pace at the same time without putting a stop to one activity and/or messing up. On topic, you can see that he swims, inspects, swims, executes, and repeats this process, but if he makes this a daily routine for quite some years, I believe that he can start doing this with relative ease while still switching his attention between the different tasks.
I'm not a neurologist, but I believe stuff like walking (swimming?) etc. is done by the Cerebellum and propably doesn't count as a single "task" when you talk about multi tasking. Of course you can walk and eat at the same time, because both things usually don't require conscious thinking.
I'm not a neurologist, but I believe stuff like walking (swimming?) etc. is done by the Cerebellum and propably doesn't count as a single "task" when you talk about multi tasking. Of course you can walk and eat at the same time, because both things usually don't require conscious thinking.

True, but presumably, when I say multi-tasking, I'm talking about things that require conscious thinking as related to the video in the OP. Sometimes, walking and eating requires some thought too.
This is wrong. Humans can multi task upto 3 tasks. If practiced more I have seen humans multi task 6 tasks so your statement is bogus

Just because you see them doing it at the same time doesn't mean they're multi-tasking. The way our brain works is switching our attention back and forth (serial-tasking) very fast.
Just because you see them doing it at the same time doesn't mean they're multi-tasking. The way our brain works is switching our attention back and forth (serial-tasking) very fast.
Dude, I can juggle 2 apples in one hand and solve the cube in the other hand while balancing on the pole. Now is this multitasking or serial tasking?