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Silly 3x3x3 Speedsolving Challenge

So I found optimal solutions for all of them except one. I rushed it and ended up not solving it in 6 moves. I'll go back and check that one I guess...

6.08, (DNF), 6.90, 10.24, 14.90, 18.32, 31.98, 6.35, 12.43, 7.82, (3.04), 6.02
Average = 12.10

The 31 second one and that DNF really took a toll on my average. This is pretty fun though!

EDIT: Yeah, I see. The second move in the second scramble did not form any blocks, but created some pseudo-blocks instead. That was very difficult for me to see...
Last edited:
Pretty good.

7.63, 2.88, (2.44), (19.69), 16.97, 10.39, 10.32, 6.82, 2.53, 9.01, 2.44, 3.10 => 7.21

Anything sub4 was optimal solution (not all in inspection). Some of them I planned out and at least one was just luck that the four or so moves I tried ended up being the first four of the solution.
This was very fun to do!

12: 00:18.95 x
11: 00:13.89 x
10: 00:19.51 x
9: 00:12.25 x
8: 00:13.37 x
7: 00:11.95 x
6: 00:09.60 x
5: 00:13.78 x
4: 00:03.88 x
3: 00:12.98 x
2: 00:22.62 x
1: 00:12.66 x

I'm kind of disappointed actually, I only saw the optimal solution once (solve #4). I had tons of Xcross solves, but I was hoping that by finding that I would be finding the solution and apparently not. This was very fun, but I didn't like that I knew how many double turns were in the solution.

Mike, in the future you can do this, which is what we used to do to get scrambling algs for short solves.

Take a scrambling algorithm (25 turns) and plug the cube state in cube explorer. Cube explorer will discover a 17-19 move solution usually.

Now do:
(Scramble) -> (Cube explorer solution minus number of turns you want your scrambled state to be)

This will give a long scrambling alg, but it does not let you know any information about the solve when inspecting.

Some very interesting results so far! I love seeing the sub-2's. Such fun!

Mike, in the future you can do this, which is what we used to do to get scrambling algs for short solves.

Take a scrambling algorithm (25 turns) and plug the cube state in cube explorer. Cube explorer will discover a 17-19 move solution usually.

Now do:
(Scramble) -> (Cube explorer solution minus number of turns you want your scrambled state to be)

This will give a long scrambling alg, but it does not let you know any information about the solve when inspecting.


Oh, that's a nice idea! Sorry I didn't think of that the first time - that is much better.
12.04, 16.96, 33.73[Used M2 LOL], 20.62, 9.10, 12.08, 13.09, 13.70, 13.84, 19.98, 5.50, 14.14 = 14.55

Tried to be CN but did not work at all...only saw optimal solution once
4.65, 4.71, 5.37, 8.17, 23.10, 24.33, 17.37, (26.84), 21.60, 18.98, (3.30), 20.91 => 14.92

All the sub-10's were trivial to solve after EOLine, the rest were just regular solves really. Any other ZZ'ers fancy trying this? It seems as though EOLine almost solves the whole scramble a lot of the time..
Very interesting and quite depressing. This was quite a bit higher than my normal average.

Average: 15.20
Standard Deviation: 2.05
Best Time: 4.38
Worst Time: 25.69+
Individual Times:
1. 16.95
2. (25.69+)
3. 13.92
4. 13.53
5. 18.46
6. 11.55
7. 16.51
8. 15.20
9. 12.40
10. 15.25
11. (4.38)
12. 18.25
4.65, 4.71, 5.37, 8.17, 23.10, 24.33, 17.37, (26.84), 21.60, 18.98, (3.30), 20.91 => 14.92

All the sub-10's were trivial to solve after EOLine, the rest were just regular solves really. Any other ZZ'ers fancy trying this? It seems as though EOLine almost solves the whole scramble a lot of the time..

15.32, 23.43, (24.56), 17.93, 7.30, 18.03, 18.40, 20.30, (3.04), 9.36, 6.19, 18.16, 5.43 = 14.45 (σ = 6.29)

I actually looked for blocks for optimal solutions but I will try it with ZZ and see how it goes.
1. 10.69 B2 R' U2 F2 R F U' L2 R2 B R D U2 L U L' U F2 L2 R2 F' L2 R2 B2 R
2. 19.30 F2 R' D2 U L' R D U' L' R D' B' U' L2 U' L2 R U' B2 L' R B L D2 U
3. (27.36) D2 U2 B' L2 R2 U2 F L D B' D R D2 U' B' F D2 U B D2 U2 B' F D L2
4. 12.96 F L2 B D' U R' D' U B U' B D F D L2 D2 U F' L' B' D R D2 B F'
5. 6.64 B' R B D R2 D' U B L B' R2 D2 U B F R D2 U' R2 D U' F R2 B F'
6. 13.90 L' R' F' U' B R' B' F2 L' B F2 R B' U L2 U F2 D2 L' R D U' L R2 F'
7. 18.04 L' R2 B R2 D U2 L' R' B' F2 L2 B2 L' R' B' F2 L2 R' B F' L2 R B F R2
8. 4.24 R' B F L2 B L R' U2 F2 U' F2 U2 B F' R U' L2 B2 D' L2 R D B D' R
9. 17.61 L R2 F2 R2 B D' F2 L R' B2 L2 B2 L D F D U L B' F' L' B F' L2 D'
10. 22.27 B F2 L' U' L2 D L R' F D R2 B' F' L' R' B' D B2 U B2 L' D' U L D'
11. 19.50 B2 D2 L' D2 U' F L' R D' U B' F D U' F L2 R' D2 F R F2 R' U' L' R2
12. (3.44) L U' L' D U2 B' F L2 B D2 L' D2 L2 D' U' R2 B2 F' D2 U2 L' R' U' L2 R'

Ignore thee scrambles, obviously.

I found optimal for 2 solves(The 3 and the 4.), had one pop(guess which one), and the rest were just normal solves, with the 6 being an OLL skip.
17.81, 22.62, 23.44, (27.65), 21.24, 16.11, 20.10, 17.75, 16.88, 23.44 (screwed up the PLL), (8.31), 19.34

Average=19.55, which is 4sec faster than usual. I see many X-crosses :D:D:D
Average: 08.16 seconds
Individual Times: 21.30, 22.84, (03.20), 07.48, 04.17, (26.78), 03.27, 04.83, 03.54, 05.58, 04.38, 04.18
Most scrambles are very nice for CF, lots of edges already solved :D