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Metric Mixup 2025 Sponsored by Kanyon Cubes- $1369 in Prizes - Weeks 2 Submissions Open

Would you like to participate in this competition?

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Hi forum, Silky here.

I am happy to announce the first ever Metric Mixup FMC comp. This will be a FMC online forum competition with a twist. So what's the twist? Well, if you couldn't tell by the title, this will be an FMC competition but will be measured in different turn metrics! Specifically well will be measuring our solves in QTM, STM, and ATM. For more information on these turn metrics check out this article.

This competition will be held in January 2025. It will be held over 4 weeks. Each week there will be a Mo3. Week 1 will be measured in QTM, Week 2 will be measured STM, Week 3 will be measured in ATM, and Week 4 will be composed of a Mo3 - each solve measured in previous Turn Metrics.

I'm currently trying to get this competition sponsored so please either reply to the thread if you'd like to participate or answer the poll.

Much love,
according to this article I could average 0 in FMC with PTM 😅
Click "here" on either my post 2 messages above or on OP. Will lead you to a google sheet
thanks! I registered!!!

Also I know this is kinda off topic

but whats the difference between

Super RS3M V2 Magnetic Fewest Moves Version​


Super RS3M V2 Magnetic Fewest Moves Gift Box​

Is there a difference?