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LSLL (Last Slot Last Layer) Intro

My original plan was to make this an advanced technique, but then I made this:

CFOP/ZZ Method

1. make an x-cross.
2. holding the solved slot in the back left, do EO.
ZZ with EOcross is a better approach. Doing EO mid-solve while preserving cross pieces is inefficient and slow, in general.
3. solve the FL and BR slot.
4. make the last pair. solve it into the case wher it can be solved by R U' R'.
5. do WLLSLL. (Winter Variation Last Slot Last Layer).
Honestly just perform the 3 moves, R U' R', then do the ZBLL. I imagine a large majority of the "WLLSLL" algorithms aren't going to be much better than that--I predict that around 99% of the algs will start with R U' R' or R U2 R'. Besides, case recognition is impractically difficult when not all pieces are in LL.

Ultimately you are still doing 2-step LSLL, 1) reduce to R U R' F2L case 2) WVLSLL. There is no real point when the best 2-step EOLSLL approaches are 1) last slot 2) ZBLL and mayyybe 1) OLS 2) PLL.
Hi all! lately I have been Organizing a non-intuitive algorithm set, LSLL.
The idea is to solve last layer while inserting your last F2L pair. I am currently working on a google sheet of these algorithms that should hopefully be done in early may. most of these algorithms consist of PLL+an easy winter variation case. each algorithm is about 16 moves, so not terrible:).they are really easy to learn.
the only downside is the number of algorithms. good luck learning them later this year!
"That should be done in early may"… 🤣 😅