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Has Moyu Lost Its Way?

Well, it's been 5 months since I started this thread and asked about Moyu. They released a new "AI Cube", a basic smartcube and nothing special. The recent V5 seemed like a nice release with good performance and value, giving us some hope, but now the V10 ... I don't know what to say. They obviously have no solution to the QiYi X-Men Tornado V3, which was released more than a year ago. The Tornado V2 was also a great release, and that was more than a year before the Tornado V3. What a difference these two companies have!

Your thoughts?
True. You seem to have a different take on this matter than others. Are you a stakeholder? I believe Facebook, Pfizer and the big pharmas make even more. ;)
Not a stakeholder. Not a different take, but more take.
I of course hope that Moyu releases more cheap-yet-top-performance cube, just like all others hope.
But Moyu is after all a company that runs on money, not enthusiasm. People kept saying that "X company 'should' price it less than $20", "X company 'shouldn't' charge this so much", "X company has betrays it's supporters", but not much ppl would say "X company should make more money out of it's product", that's very weird, ppl dont read things from one end to another end.

And believe it or not, the pricing power that Moyu has gained over the years are given by its supporters, those who bought almost every release, has given Moyu the power to make the price "ridiculous" today, and the Moyu monopoly or Moyupoly is not far away.
Not a stakeholder. Not a different take, but more take.
I of course hope that Moyu releases more cheap-yet-top-performance cube, just like all others hope.
But Moyu is after all a company that runs on money, not enthusiasm. People kept saying that "X company 'should' price it less than $20", "X company 'shouldn't' charge this so much", "X company has betrays it's supporters", but not much ppl would say "X company should make more money out of it's product", that's very weird, ppl dont read things from one end to another end.

And believe it or not, the pricing power that Moyu has gained over the years are given by its supporters, those who bought almost every release, has given Moyu the power to make the price "ridiculous" today, and the Moyu monopoly or Moyupoly is not far away.
Thanks for your special insight. It will be interesting to see how well Moyu's new strategy work for it. Ganopoly it's what we have until this moment for the super high price cube. As for a Gan and Moyu duopoly? I really doubt that the super high priced cube market is big enough for two such makers. Interesting times ahead.
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Not a stakeholder. Not a different take, but more take.
I of course hope that Moyu releases more cheap-yet-top-performance cube, just like all others hope.
But Moyu is after all a company that runs on money, not enthusiasm. People kept saying that "X company 'should' price it less than $20", "X company 'shouldn't' charge this so much", "X company has betrays it's supporters", but not much ppl would say "X company should make more money out of it's product", that's very weird, ppl dont read things from one end to another end.

And believe it or not, the pricing power that Moyu has gained over the years are given by its supporters, those who bought almost every release, has given Moyu the power to make the price "ridiculous" today, and the Moyu monopoly or Moyupoly is not far away.
so what's next?

Hello Kitty Wrist-Strap Backpack Cuddle Cubes for only $999.99
Not a stakeholder. Not a different take, but more take.
I of course hope that Moyu releases more cheap-yet-top-performance cube, just like all others hope.
But Moyu is after all a company that runs on money, not enthusiasm. People kept saying that "X company 'should' price it less than $20", "X company 'shouldn't' charge this so much", "X company has betrays it's supporters", but not much ppl would say "X company should make more money out of it's product", that's very weird, ppl dont read things from one end to another end.

And believe it or not, the pricing power that Moyu has gained over the years are given by its supporters, those who bought almost every release, has given Moyu the power to make the price "ridiculous" today, and the Moyu monopoly or Moyupoly is not far away.

I disagree.
If a company has already been making products at $40 that many people deemed to be a better and cheaper alternative to $70 GAN flagships, making a $70 cube with fewer features is very strange.

Weilong V9 Ball Core UV with Maglev: $42.99
Super Weilong Ball Core UV (No MagLev): $69.99

Also I'm not a huge fan of the addition of the robot case and now the watch, as well as the packaging increasing in size for no clear reason. It just makes the price jump unnecessary for what isn't a major increase in performance (some may say it's not an increase in performance from the V9 at all).

I don't have the cube so I can't make any meaningful conclusions about performance and feel but from what I've seen it doesn't look like anyone can recommend these $70-90 cubes when a few months ago they released a set of competitive products at half the price. Companies can and should make more money from their products, but adding unnecessary accessories, fewer features and releasing a product at double the price 2 months after their "2023 flagship" wasn't the way imo.

Edit: I forgot about the magnet adjustment system they added in the Super Weilong. Even then, a $70 cube without maglev is pretty odd. I don't think magnet adjustment is worth an extra $30+ but we'll have to see.
so what's next?

Hello Kitty Wrist-Strap Backpack Cuddle Cubes for only $999.99
About the next, there are too many example floating around already. With Moyu's consumption, suppliers will give Moyu's higher priorities & cheaper price, for their orders of materials, injection molding cavities, jig & fixtures, packaging etc. Imagine you are Qiyi/Tengyun, your cube cost more to make, but you can sell higher than RS3M, and your sales are still lower than Moyu, how long do you think you can hold on to the 3x3 market?(ya tornado is good I know) What if at the same time Moyu pay more and hire your r&d or engineer? 5 years down the line the gaps are only becoming bigger.
I think next the competitors are gonna try to push their better performing cubes at a budget cubes price, but Moyu's gonna response with even cheaper cube, and the competitors still can't get good enough sales, and slowly exit this market.
So ya, I think the cheapest performing cube from Moyu is coming, because the competitors are gonna try.

If a company has already been making products at $40 that many people deemed to be a better and cheaper alternative to $70 GAN flagships, making a $70 cube with fewer features is very strange.
Perhaps they aren't comparing internally? Maybe Moyu is directly targeting GAN. Now forget about the stupid band, but a top performance cube, best adjustment system in class, best packaging and accessories. best build quality, and it's still slightly cheaper than GAN. I think the sales will not be pretty, but I think they are gonna do this for several years, to let the market get used to the high price of some of it's line up, just like how we are so used to the high price of GAN.
Weilong V9 Ball Core UV with Maglev: $42.99
Super Weilong Ball Core UV (No MagLev): $69.99
There's also the Super RS3 M Ball-Core with MagLev, for only $20. Even if you add PVC coating it's only $40.
I also find it very annoying that you have to buy the accessories such as the cube robot in the maglev and ball core versions of the rs3m v5.
I like to keep my cubes on stands or in display boxes, but I think it's unnecessary to give the boxes legs and arms.
if you search for super weilong on the chinese social network app xiaohongshu, there are multi post of kids wear the cube strap already...
That would look so funny as kids there have small wrists. 😃 However I remember something that may explain it
People there like to wear their coats with the tag still on the sleeve. Some designer clothes even have labels (normally sewn inside) fastened to the outside of the arm or pocket, to let people display the (apparently expensive) brand name. So, it is beginning to make sense and why the cube has to be expensive for this trend to take off. I'm still surprised why Moyu hasn't use some special colour (peacock?) for the internals, a new fancier name for this new range, or at least a gold logo on the white centre cap, etc to make the cube more special. 😆🤭
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