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Has Moyu Lost Its Way?

Dan the Beginner

Premium Member
Jun 4, 2021
1. Why release ten 3x3 cubes within 6 month, with many overlapping features? There has to be a cost to do this. Looking at their prices, the better cubes certainly have noticeably higher prices than previous products. Performance improvement has been reported but it seems, based on the numerous reviews, not really so exciting or cheap, e.g. when compared to other recent cubes from others, e.g Tornado V3 models.

2. Where is the innovation? Apart from ball core, which seems not much more than core magnets IMO, and the use of a rounder centre cap and centre piece design (both of which were designed and used for years by others), I was unable to see any really new feature. While new to Moyu, it seems most of the latest "new" features are copied from others. Besides those mentioned, UV, auto-homing, are not exactly new either. In fact, it manages to lose corner magnet adjustment, which was there in the WRM 2021 and WRM Maglev 2021.

3. Where is the update of the Moyu Weilong AI Cube, which is already 2 years old? It was a very nice speed cube, well ahead of the others at the time, except in the software. I bought three already and have continued to use it, including one with its pieces swapped with the WRM 2021 to get magnet adjustment, because there were reliability problems, both in its flimsy charger and in the cube itself. Still, it is a really nice cube when working (using Cubeast), and all it takes is some more QA and updates to make it the top smartcube again, e.g. core magnet or ball core. It seems a simple and worthwhile thing to do, IMO, after all the work in releasing ten other cubes.

I still remember after the WRM 2021 was released (with a lower price than the WRM 2020 but added magnet adjustment), this nice AI Cube and then later the WRM Maglev were also released. They all had clearly different targets and selling points, and good products for their prices. I had thought that this company was really moving and going places. I can understand that Covid has made it tough for business, drained resources and delayed products, but with such constraints it would seem a better strategy to make fewer but more distinguished products. Your thoughts?
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1. Why release ten 3x3 cubes within 6 month, with many overlapping features? There has to be a cost to do this. Looking at their prices, the better cubes certainly have noticeably higher prices than previous products. Performance improvement has been reported but it seems, based on the numerous reviews, not really so exciting or cheap, e.g. when compared to other recent cubes from others, e.g Tornado V3 models.

2. Where is the innovation? Apart from ball core, which seems not much more than core magnets IMO, and the use of a rounder centre cap and centre piece design (both of which were designed and used for years by others), I was unable to see any really new feature. While new to Moyu, it seems most of the latest "new" features are copied from others. Besides those mentioned, UV, auto-homing, are not exactly new either. In fact, it manages to lose corner magnet adjustment, which was there in the WRM 2021 and WRM Maglev 2021.

3. Where is the update of the Moyu Weilong AI Cube, which is already 2 years old? It was a very nice speed cube, well ahead of the others at the time, except in the software. I bought three already and have continued to use it, including one with its pieces swapped with the WRM 2021 to get magnet adjustment, because there were reliability problems, both in its flimsy charger and in the cube itself. Still, it is a really nice cube when working (using Cubeast), and all it takes is some more QA and updates to make it the top smartcube again, e.g. core magnet or ball core. It seems a simple and worthwhile thing to do, IMO, after all the work in releasing ten other cubes.

I still remember after the WRM 2021 was released (with a lower price than the WRM 2020 but added magnet adjustment), this nice AI Cube and then later the WRM Maglev were also released. They all had clearly different targets and selling points, and good products for their prices. I had thought that this company was really moving and going places. I can understand that Covid has made it tough for business, drained resources and delayed products, but with such constraints it would seem a better strategy to make fewer but more distinguished products. Your thoughts?
I completely agree. To be honest, it seems that Cubing Innovation kind of slowed down after Corner Core magnets and Maglev, as everything else is just a version of these two, but it’s quite true how MoYu have in particular lost their way.
For point number 1, I think it's better for choice.
That's true. It's always good to have more choice. It would be even better if the new choices can be better structured. For example, in spite of all the 10 models, I can't get UV without all the other features, like Maglev (which not everybody likes), and hence without a high price or more weight. And (I may be wrong here), it seems I can't get ball core without maglev.

It seems Moyu is following Gan and it's not just about higher prices, but also hollow feeling or cheaper feeling plastic, lighter yes, but it's weight loss at the expense of good solid and smooth feel. It seems their strategy may be changing too.

I am a slow solver and it's mainly exercise for me. So a cube that feels nice is also important (Tornado V2).✌️🙂
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I still partially main a Tengyun and am waiting on a WRM 2019. I second this.
Expecting constant inovations is silly. 3x3 hardware has really stagnated. Like 2019 flagships are perfectly useable.

2. Where is the innovation? Apart from ball core, which seems not much more than core magnets IMO, and the use of a rounder centre cap and centre piece design (both of which were designed and used for years by others), I was unable to see any really new feature. While new to Moyu, it seems most of the latest "new" features are copied from others. Besides those mentioned, UV, auto-homing, are not exactly new either. In fact, it manages to lose corner magnet adjustment, which was there in the WRM 2021 and WRM Maglev 2021.

I still remember after the WRM 2021 was released (with a lower price than the WRM 2020 but added magnet adjustment), this nice AI Cube and then later the WRM Maglev were also released. They all had clearly different targets and selling points, and good products for their prices. I had thought that this company was really moving and going places. I can understand that Covid has made it tough for business, drained resources and delayed products, but with such constraints it would seem a better strategy to make fewer but more distinguished products. Your thoughts?
TBH, they should have just updated the WRM 2021 with ball core and UV coating. It was a great cube and, in my opinion, made the first two versions of the WRM V9 obsolete before it came out. Hell, even the GTS3M made the base WRM V9 obsolete before it came out. In 2018!
But I still like the YS3M. Its really the only cube that should have been released out of the three (or ten, technically) cubes that should have been released. Four (three actually, because no one is gonna buy the maglev only version), not ten, would have been fine.
I still partially main a Tengyun and am waiting on a WRM 2019. I second this.

TBH, they should have just updated the WRM 2021 with ball core and UV coating. It was a great cube and, in my opinion, made the first two versions of the WRM V9 obsolete before it came out. Hell, even the GTS3M made the base WRM V9 obsolete before it came out. In 2018!
I agree with you. Those two features, UV and ball core, are what I am interested in, but you can't get them without also getting Maglev, and in the WRM V9 UV model's case, also having to change your turning style due to the new/odd auto-homing feature. I can afford more cubes and I like getting the best, flagships, but I'm not ready to change my turning habits and go auto homing yet, as I have so many other conventional cubes, which I like, like the WRM 2021. Why can't they make a WRM V9 with ball-core (or core magnets) and without the Maglev, and with magnet adjustment? Like the Tornado V3 Flagship? They should consider more what the users want and less of what Marketing wants in designs and in bundling features.
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I agree with you. Those two features, UV and ball core, are what I am interested in, but you can't get them without also getting Maglev, and in the WRM V9 UV model's case, also having to change your turning style due to the new/odd auto-homing feature. I can afford more cubes and I like getting the best, flagships, but I'm not ready to change my turning habits and go auto homing yet, as I have so many other conventional cubes, which I like, like the WRM 2021. Why can't they make a WRM V9 with ball-core and without the Maglev, and with magnet adjustment? Like the Tornado V3 Flagship?
I personally don't mind the maglev in the YS3M but in the WRM V9 it's uncontrollable.
I'm also disappointed that they re-shaped the centre cap and pieces, apparently to get a tiny reverse corner cutting improvement that doesn't seem to matter in real life solving. I have had fun swapping pieces between the earlier pre-V9 WRM cubes, but won't be able to do that any more.
I personally don't mind the maglev in the YS3M but in the WRM V9 it's uncontrollable.
Good point that may be significant to people who are fast solvers. They may want to consider this. Assuming you are able to learn and adjust to the new auto-homing cube and take advantage of that, what would happen to your old cubes? Would using them affect your performance?
the (2020? 2021?) WRM with purple internals is the last Moyu I got excited about. I bought the new ball core and maglev and I just kind of felt like "meh"..

I have a Dayan Tengyun, a Valk, a Gan 11 frosted, and the purple WRM on my desk. I keep coming back to those 4.

the Tengyun v2 is probably my favorite. The magnet strength is perfect and it feels light but solid (not hollow), and it turns really easily and smoothly.

The new Moyu V9 looks like the Super RS3M to me with the matching blue logos. I guess I'm a snob because I find that a turn off. I don't want the $45. flagship cube to look like the $10. budget cube. And honestly the V9 ball-core/maglev/UV coated is just a copy of the Gan 13,.. so it's just kind of weird. I'll still get it though, Lol.

Everyone is all "Maglev!" "Ball Core Magnets!" now. And I get it that everyone wants to keep up with the hot new thing, but I'm trying to remember when I was really excited about a new 3x3.

The new Tornado with black internals and red magnets was exciting. The Purple internal WRM was exciting. The orange internal Gan chan with white external and stickers was exciting (I love that cube so much!) ... but most cubes now from all the major companies seem like so much, "me too!" .. that I get a lot of what the OP is saying. Moyu is just going along with the crowd going, "Me Too!" A lot of them even look very similar and Gan'ish with rounded centers.

I really like internal colors. Black, Purple, Orange,... cool stuff. At least they look different. And colored magnets. Remember when Gan had black internals with bright green and purple magnets? That was cool.

...as long as I'm (whining?).. I miss white stickered cubes. Hardly anyone does that anymore. They look really cool too.
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Many of the things you listed detail features such as maglev, UV coating, adjustability, and other magnet shennanigans.

There's only so much you can do or add.

I personally commend MoYu for having a high diversity in geometries that all feel quite distinct from one another, and is at least trying to keep each of them relevant. I personally disagree with all of the "three versions" stuff but then again it's options.

It's definitely better than QiYi and GAN who only have one main geometry that each of those companies promotes (QiYi having the new tornado geometry and GAN having well, the same geometry since 2010 that has been most recently updated in 2020).

My take is that they are focusing on honing in their geometry much more than they are focusing on many superficial features, which is honestly what most companies should be doing to begin with.
the (2020? 2021?) WRM with purple internals is the last Moyu I got excited about. I bought the new ball core and maglev and I just kind of felt like "meh"..

I have a Dayan Tengyun, a Valk, a Gan 11 frosted, and the purple WRM on my desk. I keep coming back to those 4.

the Tengyun v2 is probably my favorite. The magnet strength is perfect and it feels light but solid (not hollow), and it turns really easily and smoothly.

The new Moyu V9 looks like the Super RS3M to me with the matching blue logos. I guess I'm a snob because I find that a turn off. I don't want the $45. flagship cube to look like the $10. budget cube. And honestly the V9 ball-core/maglev/UV coated is just a copy of the Gan 13,.. so it's just kind of weird. I'll still get it though, Lol.

Everyone is all "Maglev!" "Ball Core Magnets!" now. And I get it that everyone wants to keep up with the hot new thing, but I'm trying to remember when I was really excited about a new 3x3.

The new Tornado with black internals and red magnets was exciting. The Purple internal WRM was exciting. The orange internal Gan chan with white external and stickers was exciting (I love that cube so much!) ... but most cubes now from all the major companies seem like so much, "me too!" .. that I get a lot of what the OP is saying. Moyu is just going along with the crowd going, "Me Too!" A lot of them even look very similar and Gan'ish with rounded centers.

I really like internal colors. Black, Purple, Orange,... cool stuff. At least they look different. And colored magnets. Remember when Gan had black internals with bright green and purple magnets? That was cool.

...as long as I'm (whining?).. I miss white stickered cubes. Hardly anyone does that anymore. They look really cool too.
In addition to what you said, I wish black stickered cubes are still available.