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[WR] Eryk Kasperek 2.52 and 2.40 WR single and avg on clock!!!!

Oct 23, 2022
Someone with experience may correct me if I’m totally off base here, but that feels like a weird way to cheat in an event where you one look every solve

Edit: having thought about it a bit more I can see it providing an advantage in an event like 2x2 where it gives you more time to find the optimal solution, but to my knowledge 7-simul is completely deterministic. Again, someone with more experience feel free to correct me, I do not know how to solve clock myself

Edit 2: see response below

Nevermind, I was wrong lol

But knowing the scrambles beforehand still gives you a slight advantage, because inspecting from different angles, can give you better cases. Volodymyr uses this but IDK if Eryk also uses this.


Jan 19, 2021

Nevermind, I was wrong lol

But knowing the scrambles beforehand still gives you a slight advantage, because inspecting from different angles, can give you better cases. Volodymyr uses this but IDK if Eryk also uses this.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say since none of the top solvers one look clock but every half decent solver inspects from different angles
Oct 23, 2022
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say since none of the top solvers one look clock but every half decent solver inspects from different angles
Yeah, none of them use this method, but I just posted that to show that it is definitely possible to one-look clock, and that my assumption that one-looking clock with 7-simul is impossible was clearly false (because of the video).

What I mean by different angles is that usually top solvers start tracing from a certain angle, which gives them certain memo. If he had known the scrambles beforehand Eryk would be able to trace multiple angles (which you can't do in 15 sec) and he would pick the best angle that gives the best memo.

Jorian Meeuse

Apr 15, 2021
The Netherlands
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Nevermind, I was wrong lol

But knowing the scrambles beforehand still gives you a slight advantage, because inspecting from different angles, can give you better cases. Volodymyr uses this but IDK if Eryk also uses this.
That's funny, I made this myself too a while back (mainly to try clock BLD, which I ended up not even practicing lol). I was considering practicing 1-look 7s in solves because I'm quite consitently sub-6 with my normal memo but I figured it wasn't worth it because it's not that advantageous.


Dec 2, 2022
No offense but your totally off base here lol

You don't one look every solve, you just memorize certain moves, and execute them throughout the solve. Part of the solve you do the memorized moves, and the rest you blockbuild (connecting dials to other dials).

Knowing the scrambles beforehand gives you a big advantage in clock, because you can pick the best angle to memorize at, then find the best solution, then memorize that solution, so that way in the "blockbuilding" part of the solve you can just spam TPS. Even in one-look events, knowing the solution beforehand gives you unlimited inspection, so you can one-look a ton of solutions, giving you a huge advantage.

When I say this please do not judge Eryk, but during Clock Cup Semifinals there was a huge drama afterwards because Eryk was caught overinspecting many solves, and he won. I am just pointing out that he has a history of cheating, and he definitely could've changed, but I won't be surprised if he cheated. If it is real then this is an insane average and a big jump. 2.5 average is crazy
The middle part of this reply is completely false, even if he saw the scrambles before hand (which he didn't) it would barely give an advantage, because Eryk uses 7 simul the solve is the same everytime and top clockers can find an orientation is 2-3 seconds. After all he still had to turn well in the actual solve which if he didn't made the solve slower, this is not comparable to something like 3x3 where you can just downsolve the scramble for a while and get a good time. Because clock is almost fully based on turning accurately