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Band Cubers?

Dec 6, 2014
The United States of America
I play trumpet, but haven't done it too much since I've been in college--got busy and didn't find many spaces to get back into it. I've done band since 3rd grade, All States all years of high school, and top trumpet score in New England at All New England in 11th grade.


May 19, 2023
Still USA, but sub-12 this time
Visit Channel
As a band cuber myself, I want to see if anyone else out there is!
Here's a project I'm working on that's band related:
I'm gonna have a bass trombone custom built!
It will be about a year or 2 before I can have it started, but the concept arts are close to being done.
I should have an estimate at the end of the week, I'm assuming it'll be around $15K.
Materials are rose brass and silver
Images attached
i play percussion............... that is, piano.
Mar 3, 2023
an old commercial about super strong tape.
As a band cuber myself, I want to see if anyone else out there is!
Here's a project I'm working on that's band related:
I'm gonna have a bass trombone custom built!
It will be about a year or 2 before I can have it started, but the concept arts are close to being done.
I should have an estimate at the end of the week, I'm assuming it'll be around $15K.
Materials are rose brass and silver
Images attached
Here's the GoFundMe, it's up!
The project will be less than I originally planned