Who wants to start the Speedsolving Forums Podcast with me?
Some ideas:
First, an example intro.
"Hey, welcome to the Speedsolving Forums Podcast, where cubing and fun meet! I'm your host, Bingus at Bingus Ringus McDingus, and today, my co-hosts are Person at Person123, Human at 7Human7 (and more names followed by usernames afterward)."
We start with small talk about personal lives, cubing endeavors, new hardware, records, news, etc. Then, we move onto the topic of the day, which, let's say, is "The World of Big Cubes". We talk about innovations, record times, their significance, history, and all that, with some silliness sprinkled in.
First recording could be December 8 or 9, so it's an OK time for everyone to plan it out.
Who's with me?