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A Speedsolving Forums podcast, featuring: All of you!

First episode December 9: Who wants to be what role?

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I mentioned you in a post about schedule and potential subject matter experts in an episode about clock and 2x2. (Guess which one I thought you might be more related to.)
Probably 2x2. I hate clock. I could discuss clock if needed. I've been a clock main for 2 years and I've known about clock stuff since 2015 when I started cubing!
I would recommend @Discomantis for 2x2, he is quite good at the event and could probably share a lot of things. If he is not interested, I may consider, but timing might be an issue.
I'm not interested in running the podcast

I'm not good at any other events, so I don't think I'd be much of a help.

@Jorian Meeuse is pretty good at 2x2, as well as BLD events, so he might be a good help
I would recommend @Discomantis for 2x2, he is quite good at the event and could probably share a lot of things. If he is not interested, I may consider, but timing might be an issue.

I'm an amateur 2x2 expert myself actually. The four cube, also known as a 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube, is a puzzle which can be solved in four moves at any given state. This is because there are four pieces present on each side.
considering all he talks about is BLD
Lol no
Was surprised to learn that 2x2 is his best preforming sighted event
Well yes all my sighted events are relatively bad, except 3x3 and 2x2, but there are way more people good at 3x3, so logically 2x2 would be better. Besides, 2x2 has the advantage that learning algs makes you fast.

anyway, I'm afraid I can't participate with this. Free time is becoming a little scarce, and I still have a 4BLD ao1000 to complete😂
So, my thinking for the first episode would be:

Topic: 3x3 and 3x3 OH History
Co-Host(s): @caleb_g (likely) and @fes_77 (tentative)
Subject Matter Expert(s): @gsingh (likely) and @Spencer131 (tentative)
Recording Date: December 9, 2023
Recording Length: 60-75 minutes
Likely air date: December 16, 2023
Likely air length: 45-60 minutes