
  1. Caleb Valenzuela

    Should i be worried?

    So i am planning to get a RS3M V5 but i heard it was kinda brittle, should i be worried or is it uncommon? Thanks in advance!
  2. T

    Moyu Aoshi 6x6 Spare Part

    Heyo guys, I'm looking for a replacement inner edge piece for the Moyu Aoshi 6x6x6 in black (the original non-magnetic version from quite a while ago) I understand the model is a little old now, but by any chance, if any one knows where i can find a spare or if anyone is willing to sell it to...
  3. AhsanDaCuber125

    MoYu RS3M V5 Ball-Core (Non-UV) (AA Cube Mod)

    So I have two versions of the RS3M V5, the Dual-Adjustment version and the Ball-Core UV. I wanted to use the BC version at a comp, but sadly… It was not WCA-Legal, the cube had deformed corners, and the main problem was the UV coating. The UV adds weight on the pieces which can cause the cube to...
  4. VincentCuber

    Which Moyu Cube Should I Buy?

    Which cube should I buy? There are about 10 popular moyu cubes out there, so I need some input.
  5. TheSpeedSkewber

    3x3 Super RS3M V2 - Moyu Needs To Think.

    I previously wrote a whole review, before seeing that the RS3M V5 is out. After trying that, i can confirm that the V5 is slightly worse, but for the price the Super V2 is no longer worth it. This is a shortened version. The Super V2 is an amazing cube. Perfect speed out of the box - no...
  6. T

    Do we need Cube Logo Stickers for the UV Coated YS3M/do they wear out?

    Just the title.
  7. Shahir

    YS3M problem

    I got a YS3M it’s my first cube to have spring compressor so I don’t know what is the best setting. Can someone help
  8. T

    Weight 1 on Pieces + Weight 5 in Core + Spring Compression of 5 = Nicely customized RS3M 2020?

    Additional Points: 1. Should I buy 2 5ml bottles of Weight 1 and 1 5ml bottle of Weight 5 (as here, we use weight 5 less)? 2. How will the setup be and how much would you rate it out of 10? 3. Are there any better setups using only silicone weight lubes?
  9. FenTheGoat

    Official 3x3 tier list

    Basically, i want the community to vote on the best cubes and make a tier list about it. Kinda like what the Super Smash Melee community has been doing for 20 years. The following cubes are the maxed out versions. For example, it would be the Weilong V9 ball core and IV coated. Not just...
  10. TheSpeedSkewber

    [Review] TheSpeedSkewber Compares Budget-Midrange-Flagship Skewbs

    Hey guys! I see sometimes people asking what skewb they should get for X reason with X budget. In this thread I will compare skewbs. Budget: QiYi QiCheng Moyu Meilong Skewb I would go with the Moyu Meilong if you are really on a budget but in my opinion I wouldn't buy any budget skewbs...
  11. TheSpeedSkewber

    [UV] Moyu Weilong WRM V9 Ball Core

    Listing from a sketchy chinese website claiming to be based in the UK Thoughts? I'm pretty sure this is the first 'UV' branded moyu cube, not counting "magic clothes". You can purchase maglev, magnetic or ball core maglev. It seems stickerless, (as is usually the case nowadays), is the only...
  12. S

    WRM 2021 vs WRM 2021 Maglev

    Recently, I've been considering to buy a new cube. Which one should I buy. (Another question: are both versions faster than the GAN XS?)
  13. Fukuoka Kengo James

    MoYu Super RS3M 2022 - Which version should I get?

    There are 3 versions of the MoYu Super RS3M 2022, but which version should I get?
  14. TheSpeedSkewber

    Will there be a WRM 2022?

    I currently main the WRM 2021 Maglev, im just wondering if there will be a WRM 2022, as surely Moyu will want it out before Christmas, and its November now. The pattern with their Pyraminx and Skewb was that they would release the Weilong, then the RS, but they RS3M 2022 is already out?
  15. DVD Cuber

    Buying Moyu weilong Gts V1 (Full primary or black with primary internarls)

    Hello, so can someone sell me a Moyu Weilong Gts V1 with primary (Can be full or only black with primary internals) I can buy only the primary internals Parts too, OR, trading for a Weilong GTS V1 (New Pink) Cube for trade: (OPTIONAL) (NEW)Weilong GTS V1 pink
  16. Z

    2x2 MoYu RS2 M Review

    I recently got the MoYu RS2 M 2x2, and it is my first 2x2. This 2x2 is only $9.99 CAD on CANcube and is meant for beginners. It has no adjustment system, except for a basic screw and spring. This cube works great with Lubicle Speedy in the springs. It uses the same core as most speedcubes, with...
  17. CubeStopCubing

    Moyu Weipo WRS 2021 Review

    I made a really cool review of the Moyu Weipo WRS 2021 and if you are interested, check it out below and consider subscribing and maybe check out some of my other videos. :)
  18. CuberSquad

    MoYu - Metal Cube

    3x3 Metal Solid Color Cube (Black) Overview: This cube is first and foremost, a collector’s item. It is not a Rubik’s Cube on which you can speed-solve or time yourself. It weighs approximately 300 grams and is not magnetic, so clearly it cannot be used for long periods or your hands will...
  19. Mrhashtagpickle

    Moyu RS3m 2021 Maglev

    The Rs3m 2021 Maglev by MoFang jioshang is a decent cube but it could improve in a few ways these ways include. Stronger magnets and auto alignment. (Gan 12 m has auto alignment) The magnets are weak and you can barely feels them I know you can upgrade them. But I don’t want to buy the...
  20. Kiwi_Cuber

    RS3M 2021 MagLev VS WRM 2021 Maglev | Which One Should You Get???

    Video comparison on the RS3M 2021 MagLev and the WRM 2021 MagLev Cubes. Let me know what you think!