g perm

  1. Existential Shrimp

    This G Perm is Weird.

    This is my first real video of 2021, so check it out!
  2. X

    [Unofficial] G sets in 7.71

    hi im practising tps so i went and timed my g sets. this came out. enjoy
  3. TiLiMayor

    G perm recognition?

    Im on my way to learn full pll, and the G's have been a real pain for me, I cant identify them on first sight (recongize A, solve corners, recognize U, solve edges), and as all algorithms have y rotations im not acustomed to identify the case since i solve with the 1x2 block on DFL corner with...
  4. *LukeMayn*

    The One-Answer Question Thread [closed]

    Read before posting. Search before posting a question. The "search thread" tool in this thread can be used to see if someone already asked a similar question here. Depending on the question, you may also find answers on the Speedsolving Wiki, or in other threads. If you have questions about WCA...