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[Unofficial] G sets in 7.71

nice. at first it looked like you were a bit slow but turns out that's just smooth turning.
i tried going fast and i absolutely couldn't do it LOL i kept messing up.

but i really love G perms so yeah. tried about 30 times and 6.72 is my best.
I love how G-Perms work, but I hate getting them in actual solves. They look so cool and the wide turns are really nice, it has a good flow. I just have trouble with identification usually. I mean I get it, I just take the longest on G-Perms.
I hate those G perm algs and can't understand why so many cubers use them when there are nicer algs out there!

sure these algs aren't the best and i'd change them if i could, but i've tried tons of other algs and none of them can even compare imo.
this is "kind of" 2 gen if you use rotations, which makes the finger trick nice.
maybe you should learn good finger tricks for these algs. they're only 12 moves long and sub-2 is really easy.
i can sub-1.5 and i've never drilled these algs in my life.

you enjoying your sub-1 G perms with your better algs?
I worked on these G perms for ages, trying several different fingerings from different vids. I wanted to avoid rotations so focused on the wide F turns and similar. When done exactly right they flowed OK, but I found them unforgiving and too easy to screw up, with all the fiddly tricks in there. So I use 15-move algs in <RUD> and for me they work better.

It's all personal preference of course, but still I'm surprised the easier algs aren't more widely used and more widely listed on sites like BM's.
I worked on these G perms for ages, trying several different fingerings from different vids. I wanted to avoid rotations so focused on the wide F turns and similar. When done exactly right they flowed OK, but I found them unforgiving and too easy to screw up, with all the fiddly tricks in there. So I use 15-move algs in <RUD> and for me they work better.

It's all personal preference of course, but still I'm surprised the easier algs aren't more widely used and more widely listed on sites like BM's.

yes personal preference, because i tend to dislike RUD algs idk why
well one of the great things about G perm is it's only 12 HTM or 13 QTM, quite short, so you can slow down a bit and it won't really affect your speed.
and trust me, i didn't get G perms naturally either. but now they're among my favourite PLLs! i never watched any videos or anything, i just thought real hard about the alg, and with some testing, i made up my own finger trick. i've never seen anyone use my finger trick before (cause i don't watch a lot of videos), but i'm sure someone does.

for example, R2 u' R U' R U R' u R2 y R U' R'
R2 u' R U' - very straightforward, R2 goes downwards
R U R' - don't regrip even until now, the U turn should be with a flexible right hand, quite free until now because that's the first right handed U-turn.
u R2 y - as you finished the R', slide in a reverse-lefty wide u (index finger from FL to LB) and finish with R2 upwards as you rotate
R U' R' - your right hand shouldn't have to move much to set up for this one.
That's a good example. Using that alg I used to finish using the back of my right ring finger to push FRD for the R2, then finish with fR'f' without rotation. Can't remember where I got that right ring push - maybe Kaozty. Takes a lot of practice though.

The alg I use now: D R2' U' R U' R U R' U R2 [D' U] R U' R'
Start the R2' with thumb on top, pulling the D with left during the regrip; push the second U with left index while doing right hand regrip to put right index on FRD ready for the R2; flows nicely from there, doing D’U as one move. Only 14 moves if you count the D'U as one. I'd be interested to hear how it works for you.

Funny you dislike <RUD> algs - as a relative noob I started to dislike lots of the PLLs I'd learned initially, and ended up changing more than half my algs, many to <RUD>. I think it's because I like the Rowe E perm so much and had drilled it to death - U and D' with left hand now feel good.

For example, here's a nice V perm in <RUD>: z D' R2 D R2 U R' D' R U' R U R' D R U'
I do all the U&D moves with left hand, except for the first U.

BTW, I am nowhere near as fast as you - my PLLs are about 3-4 seconds.
I hate those G perm algs and can't understand why so many cubers use them when there are nicer algs out there!

well, its a matter of what each cuber feels good. as for me, i like them because they require no rotations at all (thats because of the use of insertions like f R' f') and the flow is quite nice, all the g perms have this "2 motion" thing, i mean, if you make them smoothly youll notice that theres alwas 1 up motion and 1 down motion, or the other way around.