corner permutation

  1. C

    Why does <R, U> preserve CP?

    What is the reason that doing only R and U moves preserves corner permutation? Well I guess "preserving" corner permutation isn't really the correct term; the more accurate question would be out of the 720 possible CP states with 6 corners, why are only 120 of them reachable using <R, U> moves...
  2. V Achyuthan

    E2CR2 Method proposal | A method for OH solving

    I think this has some potential to be a fast method. (Ya I invented it) Here is the speedsolving wiki page - Youtube video tutorial with two example solves - Let me know your thoughts on this. Thank you
  3. LunarCuber

    ROLL Tutorial

    You may know, there are pretty much no resources for learning ROLL out there. So I decided to make a spreadsheet that teaches ROLL. If you want to request an algorithm, feel free to message me and I'll add it. I'm also doing a video series to go along with the spreadsheet, to make it easier for...
  4. Noahaha

    Noah's CP-Block Method

    Just something I've been toying around with. Probably not very useful. This is based on Petrus: Step 1: create a 2x2x2 block with all D-layer corners placed. One of the two adjacent to the block must be oriented. Step 2: Identify the corner swap in the U-layer and swap the corners using R...