
  1. Maddoxer

    ⌨️ | Typing Cubers

    I know there a quite a lot of cubers who type for fun, because the two hobbies have some transferable elements to eachother. After looking around the forums, I couldn't find any threads for typing cubers, the closest being "Keyboarding Cubers", and general typing discussion, which were mostly...
  2. VincentCuber

    Houston Area Cubing Club

    Hi, I'm Vincent. So I was cubing a while ago, and I was thinking, " Are there any cubing camps in Houston?" I did research, and there is none. I was wondering if there was anyone who'd be interested in starting a cubing club in the future. If you are interested, I'll PM you with my email and we...
  3. I'm A Cuber

    Yuxin club/cult

    So, there wasn’t one for Yuxin. Reasons you should join the yuxin club/cult: 1: The little magic series is the best budget series, as they have all wca events except clock, and are really good cubes. 2: They were the first ones with a good 7x7, the Hayes7 3: They have a really good squan...
  4. M

    Creating a speedcubing group for my country

    Hello I want to create a cubing group in my country I need help about how to advertise it What expenses will I face Making people join And everything in general I want to organize a competition first So I seem somewhat competent to owning this speedcubing club And advice or help will be appreciated
  5. D

    Illinois Area Speedcubing

    I'm posting this since it's been a bit less than a year since anyone has posted anything for Chicago/Illinois speedcubing. Are there any cubers in the Chicago/Illinois area that would be willing to form a group? I noticed that there have always been posts about Chicago area speedcubing, but...
  6. S

    England cube club?

    would anyone be interested in a cube club in england if enough people answer i could start one (unless there already is one with regular meet ups
  7. S

    Northeastern University Cubers

    Hey everybody, I'm a student at Northeastern University and was hoping to make a student organization devoted to cubing with a few friends. Regulations state that we need at least fifteen members to start and maintain a group but we don't know that many cubers. If you go to Northeastern or have...
  8. Zeyofa

    Speedcubers in Quebec?

    Hey everybody! Me and my friend RubikRem want to create a Speedcube Club in Quebec/Canada! We principally talk french but we can also talk english :) So if you're interested well comment this thread and give us your name, then we'll ad you on Facebook ;)
  9. Hovair

    Cubing comes to my school news!!!!

    Me and my friends formed a club at my school about how to solve the cubes and then we where interviewed. Now its on the schools news. Javier Gonzalez-Napoleoni is me!!!!
  10. collinbxyz

    Cubing Club Ideas and Discussion

    I know there have been many threads on clubs, but always on specific ones, like this one. So I think this can stay as it is, and I am not 100% sure that this is in the right forum area. If not Mods, feel free to move this! I am making a SpeedCubing club at my school with my best friend (who I...
  11. cannon4747

    Speedcubing in Austin, Texas

    Hello I'm Allen viljoen and I was wondering I there are any upcoming Speedcubing events in Williamson county in Texas. I'm bored of just practicing solving cubes and not having anyone to compete with. I'm aware of the Speedcubing club at the university of texas but they don't have any local...
  12. J

    New Rubik's Club

    :) hey there people, I'm Jonathan, and i'm still a novice in this awesome hobby (cubing) so I decided to create a facebook group for my country and college... so people, i would love to know if you can support me cuz just a few people (including me) in my country does know how to solve the...