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  • I have been speedcubing since spring 2010 and I am currently 15 years old and I have 14 puzzles in my collection so far plus 3-5 that i'm getting for christmas and a 4x4 on the way from lightake. I have recently finished with my 1 look pll and am starting on 1 look oll and am currently practicing cross techniques and f2l lookahead. i average about 30-35 seconds and have brought it down a considerable amount from what i used to get at around 1:40. hopefully in a year or less i will have my full oll memorized and start learning my clls and be around sub-20 by then. i am still looking for other speedcubers in texas near austin so i can hopefully enter a competition. I normally practice cubes: 2x2(10-25 ortega) 3x3 (30-35 partial fridrich) 4x4 (2:30-3:00 yau) 5x5 (4:00-5:00 reduction) 6x6 (7:00-8:00 reduction) 7x7 (i havent done an average). if anyone has any tips for me to get better at f2l lookahead and advanced pairing send me a link.
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