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All about famous cubers thread

Thom S.

Sep 26, 2017
now i know what cube i should get
Don't you think that's a bit old of a cube? Nothing wrong with it but the newer model should be cheaper.
I already wondered why is there nothing like a thread about famous cubers? Like news, gossip, speculation. Actually why is there no VIP thread going on for 10 years with 3000 replies
Thread: Famous Cuber Watch
Existed for years but it hasn't been used much lately
Are top 4x4 solvers color neutral on their first 2 centers? What level should I be at before trying to be full color neutral instead of dual Cn?
Feliks I believe is. Max might be. Sebastian is quedtionable, maybe dual?


Oct 10, 2022
Are top 4x4 solvers color neutral on their first 2 centers? What level should I be at before trying to be full color neutral instead of dual Cn?
You can check the reconstructions on Speedcubedb.

If you open the details for a 3x3 reconstructions there are also statistics like this aboutthe Solving style of most cubers

There are no such statistics for 4x4 but i guess the ones that are not color neutral for 3x3 won't be neither for 4x4.
You can also click trough the 4x4 solves of a certain cuber and make your own stistics.
I've checked a couple of solves from color neutral solvers and in all these cases they were also color neutral for 4x4.

A surprising number of top cubers stay with white/yellow
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