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Eka method
Information about the method
Proposer(s): unknown
Proposed: unknown
Alt Names: none
Variants: Orozco method
No. Steps: unknown
No. Algs: 22 Commutators
Avg Moves: unknown

Eka is a method to solve the edges of the 3x3 blindfolded that solves 2 pieces at a time like the 3-Style method. It uses intuitive 3-Style commutators and is very similar to Orozco.

In Orozco, the pieces are solved one at a time, while in Eka, you set up the first target to the helper or slave buffer which most commonly comes out to be UR. Then you do a 3-Style commutator from the buffer (commonly UF) to the helper to the second target, which may get changed in position due to a setup.

The Eka method is fairly fast and is used by people not eager to learn the massive commutator set of 3-Style. The Eka method uses the 3-Style commutators from UF to UR to the other targets.


Considering you know whether there is parity or not by memoing corners first, you need to memo swap the UF and UR piece (weak swap technique). This way you will have an even number of targets, once you complete your edge and corner solve, do a Jb PLL (Orozco with UFR as buffer and UBR as helper) or U2 Y perm (Old Pochmann).

See also

External links