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Weekly Competition 2013-02

Mike Hughey

Staff member
Jun 7, 2007
SS Competition Results
Visit Channel
For the weekly competition, we are accepting results either of two ways:
1. Use http://www.speedsolving.com/competitions/. You will need to log in; please use the same username that you use on speedsolving.com! (You may feel free to use a different password, but use the same username.) Hopefully use of the website to enter your times will be self-explanatory, please post here or email Odder if you have questions.
2. Post here, as usual.

If you have posts in both places, we will give priority to posts within the thread, in case there are difficulties with the website.

We follow the WCA regulations for all events. Here are some things that people often don't know, or are different from the regulations:

  • For Multi-BLD you can choose how many cubes you are going to do (let me know if 30 scrambles is not enough). If you attempt 5 cubes you must use the first 5 scrambles.
  • For one-handed you can use both hands during inspection.
  • For with feet you can only use feet during inspection.
  • For 3x3x3 Fewest Moves there is a 1 hour time limit.
  • For relay you have 15 seconds of inspection in total, you can use any order to solve the cubes and the rest of the relay-rules should be obvious.
  • 6x6x6 and 7x7x7 will use an average of 5.

Notation and scrambling:
  • For all events (other than skewb) the Mark2 scrambler will be used.
  • For 4x4x4 and 5x5x5, a "w" means "Wide" so you turn not just the slice, but also the outer layer.
  • For 6x6x6 and 7x7x7, a number before the letter indicates the amount of layers to turn like a wide turn. "3U2" would mean "turn the 3 uppermost layers a half turn".
  • For Megaminx, Pochmann notation will be used.
  • For Square-1, 2x2x2, and 3x3x3, near-optimal random state scrambles will be used.
  • For Square1, the newest official scrambler is being used. This adds a slash whenever a slice move is to be applied.
  • For Clock, a shortened version of the official notation is used.
  • For Pyraminx, small letters are for the tips
  • Skewb scrambles are generated using Chen Shuang's scrambler, which uses Fixed Corner Notation.

This competition starts now and ends Monday/Tuesday nightchange GMT (officially). Automated results will close at the official time, but if you are slightly late, go ahead and post your results here and we will include them at our discretion if we think it's reasonable.

1. R2 U' R2 U' R U2
2. U2 R U2 R2 F' U' F2 U2 R'
3. R F' R' F U2 F2 R' U' F
4. U2 F2 U F R' U2 F R' U'
5. U2 R U2 R U' R' F U2 R'

1. F2 D B2 D L2 U R2 D' L2 F2 D R' D2 U L' B F D2 F' D R'
2. B2 U' F2 D2 B2 R2 F2 U' R2 F2 U F' D' B2 U' L D2 R' B2 F D'
3. F2 D2 F2 L2 D' L2 F2 D' F2 D2 B' R2 F' U L' D2 U2 L2 B' D' R
4. R2 F D2 F2 U B L D' R' B R2 F2 D' R2 D R2 F2 B2 U' L2 U2
5. L2 D2 F D2 B' U2 L2 B L2 B2 F' R' F D F' R2 F R U L

1. D B2 U F L D B F Rw2 Fw R2 D' Uw' F2 U L Rw2 Uw U Fw' Rw' D' R U B Fw2 Uw2 Rw Fw2 R Uw L2 Fw2 L F' R' B U Rw2 U'
2. B Fw L D Uw2 L' Rw' Fw F2 Rw R2 B' Fw U' L' B' F Rw' R U2 R' U L' Rw' U' Fw F Rw D' Uw2 Rw' Uw2 R2 D2 Rw' B2 R2 F L2 Rw2
3. D' Uw' Fw' Rw' B Fw U L2 Uw B2 Fw' Rw D L F2 Rw' D U2 Rw B2 F D F2 D F D2 U' Fw Uw' U2 L2 Rw' R' F' D2 Fw' Uw' U2 B Rw'
4. R F' L' U2 R U' R U Rw' R2 B2 Fw2 D' Fw2 D' F2 Rw R' D2 U' Rw' B' F' U' Rw B' R2 B Rw2 R' U' B Fw' F2 D2 Fw2 F' R Fw' D'
5. D2 L' Uw2 U' B' L R2 D' R' U2 B' L' Rw D2 Uw' U' B2 F' L2 Uw Fw' R B' Rw Uw Fw' F' U F2 Uw' L' Rw D' Uw' R Fw2 Rw' B2 D2 L'

1. Bw2 L' F Lw2 Uw2 Lw' Bw' Lw' R D2 Uw2 B U2 F Dw2 L2 Rw2 U2 B' Bw' Dw Uw' L2 Fw' U' F L2 Rw Bw2 Fw2 F2 Lw B F2 D Bw Lw Dw' L' Rw' Bw2 D2 Uw' F Lw' R Bw L2 Rw2 R2 B2 Rw Dw2 L2 Rw' Uw' R' Dw B' Lw
2. Rw R2 Dw2 U2 B2 Bw U B Bw' Fw Lw Dw' Bw' F2 Dw' U B Dw R' F2 D2 Uw2 Lw Rw Dw' F2 L Rw Bw' D2 Fw F U L Lw' Bw Uw' B Dw' R D2 Fw Uw2 Lw Fw L' Lw' F2 Uw' B Fw2 F U2 Lw2 Bw2 L Lw Rw' R D'
3. Bw' Lw' Rw' Uw Bw2 L2 Rw Bw2 D2 L2 Rw' D' Dw' Bw Rw2 Fw L' Bw Lw2 Fw2 R2 B2 L Rw Dw' Fw Dw Rw' Dw Fw F' Uw2 Fw Lw2 U R' Dw2 Bw' Rw R2 Fw D B2 D2 Uw' U L2 Rw Bw Uw' Lw2 U L2 R2 Bw' Fw2 F' L2 F2 L2
4. Fw Uw' L2 Uw U2 B' F Rw2 R Bw2 F R' D2 Lw' R Bw' L Lw2 R' Bw' Dw' Bw2 Fw' L B L2 Bw' R Fw Lw2 D' Dw U L' Bw Lw' Rw2 Bw2 U2 Lw2 D' Rw U B Dw2 Uw U' L2 Rw Uw' F D Fw D2 Dw Rw' Uw B Lw2 U2
5. Lw2 B Uw' L Dw' Fw2 F2 Lw' D Dw2 L2 Bw L' Lw' R2 Uw2 Lw' Dw' L D U' L2 Rw' Bw2 Fw Rw2 Uw' Fw' Dw B' Fw R' Bw2 Fw' R' F' Lw Rw' R' Dw2 R2 Dw' Bw D F' L Bw' Dw' Uw2 U2 Fw2 U2 B L' Rw2 R U' Lw R B

1. U B2 2L 3R' 2R' D2 2U 2R' 3U' B2 R' 3U 2R R2 2F 3U2 2B F L' 2L2 2R B 2R D2 2F2 R' 3F' 2F2 2L' 2F2 L 2D' 3U B2 2B 2F D' F 3U 3F' F2 L2 3U R2 2U' U' B' 3F 3R D B' 2R' R2 F2 L2 2B' L D2 2F' 2U 2L B 2U B R2 F U' R 2U' B2
2. 3R' 2R 2D2 2L D2 L2 3R' F' D' 2D2 2U2 U 3F 3R2 B2 2L' F2 L 3F2 2L F2 2U U2 2L 2F D 3F' 2L2 D' 3U' 3F' U2 2B2 2D' U 2F D2 3F F' 3R' 2R R2 D2 B 2F' F' 3U U' B 3U' 2U2 B' 2L 2B2 L 2L' D 3F' 2F2 3R 2R' R' 2U' 3F F2 2U2 3F' L2 2L2 3R'
3. B2 2B D L D2 2U B U2 R' 3F 2U' B2 2F2 D' L2 3R 2D 2R 2U 2F2 2L' 2R' 2D2 B' 2F 2L 2D' F2 3R 2D' 2L' 2F2 2U2 F D2 2L D' F' U L2 D 2D2 3U2 2U' 2B R2 2D' U2 R' D2 3U2 3R 2R' 2B 3F2 2D 2R' 2D' 2U' F2 U 3F2 2F2 F 2L' R' 3U2 3R2 3F' R2
4. 2B2 D2 3F' 2D2 2U' U 2L2 D' R2 2U F2 U B 3U' 3F' 2F2 3R2 D2 2F L' F D2 3F' F L 2U 2L2 3R' 2R 2U2 2F2 D 3U 2U' L2 2L' 3R' 2R R' D 3F' L' 3R 3U U 3R 2D U2 3R 2U 2L R2 2D' 3R2 2B' D R2 2F' R2 3U2 B' 2B 3F U' L' 2B U' F' 3R' 3F'
5. 2F2 D2 2B' L' U' L' 3R D' F' L2 2F2 3U2 U2 L 2R' 2U' U L2 R' D' B 2B2 2R' 2B2 U2 2L2 2R D2 2B' D2 2F F2 L' 3F2 L' D 2D' L' B 2F2 2L' 2U 2R2 F2 R D 2D 2B 2R2 U' B' 2D2 3F D' 3F' 3R 2B 2D' 2B 2R' 2B2 F2 2U 2F L' 2D 2B D2 2L' 2U

1. F' 3D 2U 2R2 2B' 3L B' L' 3L D2 2U2 2R2 3U' 3R2 3B R' 3D' 2B 2D' F D 2B2 2R' 3D2 U' 3L2 3U2 B2 3F2 3D2 3B' L2 3R R B' 3B2 2L' B' 2R2 2U' 3R 2R2 2B D2 3L' R' 2U' F 3U' B2 U' 2L F 3D2 3U' 3R' 3D L 2F D U 2R2 B 2D 2F 3U2 3B2 3F2 L2 D2 3B2 R B 2R' 3D2 2L' 3D2 F2 3R2 B2 3F 2F2 3U' 3L' R B' 3B2 3L D' 2B2 2L' B' R2 2D2 3D' 3U U L' 3R 2F2
2. L 3L' 3R' 3D' 2U2 3B 2U2 F' 2D' 3U' U' R F2 3R B' 2D2 2U F' 3U2 2L2 2F 3R 3D2 3B2 3F' L 2L' 2D2 3R F' R 2U2 B2 2B2 3L 2R' R2 3B 2D' B2 2F' 2R' U B2 U2 F' 3D 2L2 3L' 2F' L 2U2 L 2R2 R 3B 3F2 2D' 3U' 2R' D2 L' 2D' R 3D' 2U2 2R' 3D' 3L 2D' 3B2 3F2 D' 3R D2 3U 3R R' 2B' 3F 2U' 3L' B' 3D' U2 2B 3U' B2 3B' 3L' R B 2L2 3D2 3B F 3D' U' L' F2
3. 3L' 2R' D 2D2 2R2 R' 2U2 3F 2L2 D2 L2 2D2 U 2B' 3F' 3D B2 3F D' 3F' F' 3R D2 B D 3U2 R2 B2 3D2 3U' B 2B 3L 3F 2F 3D U2 3L2 3R2 2R2 D 2L' 3U' 2U L 3L' D2 3D' 3B 2R 2B' 3R2 2R B2 U2 R' B F' L2 2L2 3R' 2D' L D 2R 2F2 3R2 3F' 3R 3F L' 2U2 F2 3L' D 2U 3F2 2F2 2L F L 2L F' 3U2 2F L2 3L 3U2 3L2 2D' 3D' U' B 3B' L B2 2B 3B' 3F 3L
4. 2U2 R 2B 3R2 3B F 3L' 3B 3F2 2D R' 2F' L 3F2 3D 3B' 2F2 U2 R2 3B2 F U 2B' U' 3B2 2D' 3L2 3R2 B 2B2 F 3R2 D2 3U2 3B 2F F' 3L2 3D2 B' 3D 3L' 2R2 3D' B' 3L2 2B 3U' 3F 3L 3U2 2B2 D 3B2 3F2 3D2 3U' 2R' 3U2 3B2 2F' 3U2 U B 3B2 3F2 2F2 F' 3D' 2U2 3L F' 2L 2U2 F' 2D 3U2 2U' U 2B' L' 3L' 3R2 D 3U 2R 3U' 3R' 2F R B 3B' F 2D2 3D' U L' 3L' 2F' F'
5. 2U' 3L R2 3B 2F D' U2 B 3L2 2F 3L 3B D' 3U2 B' L 2D2 3D L' 3U' U 2R' 2D' 3D2 3B U 2L 3F2 3L 3D2 2L' 3R 3D' L D' 2R2 R U' 2L2 D2 3D 2U2 U 3F' 2F2 3L 2R' D 2R' 3F 3U2 3L 3R2 2R2 3B 3D 2F' 2U 2B2 U B' 3F 2F2 F2 2U2 R D' U2 L' F 2R2 2D L' 2D F' L' 2L R' 2B2 3L2 2B2 3L2 B R2 2D2 3B2 F2 L 3L2 3D 2R D2 3D 3F' R 2D2 B2 D2 F' 2L

2x2x2 Blindfolded
1. R' U2 F R' F2 R F2 U F
2. F2 R F' U F2 U F2 R U'
3. U R' U R2 F' R U2

3x3x3 Blindfolded
1. U2 F' L2 B2 L2 F' U2 B' L2 D2 F2 U L2 D2 R' D2 L F' R D R'
2. F2 R2 B L2 U2 F U2 B U2 L2 D2 R' B2 U' R2 D' B2 F2 L D' B'
3. L2 D F2 U F2 L2 D B2 U B' R' D' U B F' L' B2 D' R2 B2

4x4x4 Blindfolded
1. B' Fw' L' Fw' F L2 Rw2 R2 B' R B' R' F' L2 Fw' Rw2 R' D2 B2 Fw' L2 Fw R F Uw2 Rw' D Uw2 U R' F' L B' L2 B Rw' Fw2 Uw2 Rw2 Fw'
2. U B2 R Fw F' D2 B' D2 U F' D Uw U Fw' Uw2 L U L' D U B2 Fw2 L' Rw2 F' Uw2 B F R' D2 L2 Rw2 U B Rw F2 L Rw D2 F
3. L2 R2 Uw2 R' D' B Uw2 Rw Fw F R2 D2 F R2 U Fw' L2 F' D2 Uw L R2 U2 L R2 Uw' R2 Fw2 Uw R B F Uw' U' R2 U2 B L2 B2 U'

5x5x5 Blindfolded
1. B2 F2 D' Fw L2 R' Uw2 Bw Rw D' L2 Lw2 U' Bw Dw Uw2 Bw' Lw Rw' Fw D2 Fw Uw2 Rw D L Lw' R U' B F2 D R2 F2 Lw' B L2 D' Dw2 Bw' F D2 Bw' Fw L D Dw2 Fw' Uw2 Rw Dw L R' D Dw2 Rw' B L Rw Fw'
2. Fw2 Lw2 F' L Uw Bw' F R D2 Uw Bw2 Fw F L2 D Dw L' F D2 Rw2 U' Bw2 F2 U' F2 D Bw Lw2 D B2 Fw' L Lw B R2 Dw' Rw2 B' Bw2 U B' Fw F2 D2 Uw2 U Fw' D2 Uw U Fw2 Dw' Fw' D' U2 F2 Uw' Bw Fw U
3. B2 Bw' Fw F' D' L' Dw Bw' L2 Rw' R Fw R B' Bw' Rw2 D Lw' Dw' Uw2 L2 R2 Dw' U' L' Lw F U L' B2 D Dw2 U2 B Fw2 D2 Uw' Bw2 R U2 Rw F' Lw2 B2 L Lw Rw' Dw2 U2 Bw' Fw2 Dw' Uw2 R2 Dw' B' F' Dw Uw' B

6x6x6 Blindfolded
1. 2B2 3F2 2F' 3R 3U 2F 3R' 2D2 3U2 2B 2F' 2U2 U' 2L2 B 3R' 3U' 3F' U' 2F L' D 3U2 2B2 2F2 L 3R2 2R 2F F' 2L R2 B 2U' 3F 2D' L 2R' R F2 L2 2R' F2 3R B2 3U R 3F' 2U' 2F 2D2 3U 2L2 D L 2L F L2 3R' 2D' 2L' R' U2 R2 3F2 3U2 2U' 2R 3U' F'

7x7x7 Blindfolded
1. D' U2 2L 3R2 2R' 3D' L' 3L2 3B' 3L2 2D F 2L' D' L' 2R 3U B' 3B' 2F F2 2U F' 2L2 2R' 2D2 B' 3D2 2U2 2B 3F F L2 U' B' 3L2 2F 3D 2R 2F' R' 2F' R' 2B2 2R2 B2 2B' 3D2 2B2 3F' 3D 3U2 R2 3D' 2B2 3L' U2 3L2 3B2 F' D2 L B' 3D 2U 2L' R2 2B2 2D2 2B 3F' 2F 2L 2B2 L' R' 3F2 3L2 D' 2B2 3L R 2U 2R 3B' U B2 3U' U2 2F' D' 2L' 2R 3U' 2B 3F2 2F F 3D R'

3x3x3 Multiple Blindfolded
1. D2 R2 D2 R2 B2 D L2 F2 L2 U' F' R' F D2 B2 F D2 F2 R2 D L'
2. R2 U R2 D' U2 F2 U2 R2 B2 L2 F2 L' B' U2 F U' F D L F' D'
3. B2 U L2 D' B2 D2 R2 F2 R2 U' F' D U F2 L' R' D' F' U F2
4. D2 B2 D' R2 F2 D F2 D R2 F2 D' R B L2 F U' L' B' R' D2 R2
5. D2 F2 L2 F2 R2 U' L2 U F2 D F2 L B2 D' U2 L F' L R F2 U'
6. F' L2 B R2 D2 F U2 F' L2 R2 B' D L B D' B F' U' F2
7. D R2 U L2 U2 B2 L2 F2 R2 D2 U R' B F2 D2 L2 D' F' U' R F'
8. U B2 L2 R2 D2 L2 D R2 D' L2 U' R' B' R D' F2 U2 F' U' L R2
9. D2 F2 R2 F2 D F2 U' R2 U F2 U2 R B U' B2 D F' R2 U2 B R'
10. R' B2 R' F2 L D2 R' B2 L D2 R B' R2 D U R U' R U L' U2
11. F2 D2 F2 L2 D' L2 U' B2 D R2 U' R D' U2 R B' R' B2 F L'
12. B R2 U2 F2 U2 B' U2 F' L2 F L2 D B' R' B' D2 R' D' U' L' R2
13. F2 D B2 R2 D' U2 B2 L2 B2 F2 U F' D' R D2 F2 U' F' U2 B' F'
14. L2 R2 D F2 U' L2 U B2 L2 U2 F2 L B' D' B' R B L' U2 B R
15. D' L2 D' R2 B2 U F2 L2 F2 D F2 R D R2 U' R2 B L2 F R U'
16. B2 D2 R2 D' F2 U F2 U' L2 B2 R' U' R' B U L B' D R' B U2
17. D B2 F2 U' F2 L2 B2 U' L2 D2 U' F' R F L U' F L' F2 L U
18. U' R2 D B2 F2 L2 U R2 F2 U2 B2 R' B D L F' R' B D2 L' D
19. D' F2 U' F2 R2 U' L2 F2 U2 L2 D' L' D L F D2 L' R' F2 D' B2
20. R B2 U D' F' U' F2 R' B L D2 L2 U2 D2 F2 L2 U R2 L2 D F2
21. L U' F2 B' D B U2 L' B R' U2 F2 U2 B2 R2 F2 U R2 D2 R2 B2
22. U' B L2 B2 L B R U R U B2 D2 L2 D2 L2 U B2 U F2
23. L D2 F2 L U2 L2 B2 L' F2 L D2 U F2 L2 R F R2 U2 L R' F
24. R2 U2 L2 R2 F' L2 F R2 B L2 B' R' F U F' L2 D' F2 D2 L' F'
25. B2 R' U2 L D2 U2 L F2 L F2 D2 U L' R' D' L D F D' B' L2
26. F2 D' R2 D B2 F2 D' U2 B2 U B L B2 U B F2 R' D' U' B
27. R D2 U2 R' B2 U2 F2 L U2 R' B2 F L D' R2 U F' R' U L R2
28. F L' F2 U' B2 L B2 D' R2 F L2 F2 L2 U2 R2 B2 D L2 D' B2 D2
29. B2 U2 F2 R2 F D2 R2 U2 F2 L2 D F L R F' L2 D2 L U' B2
30. U B2 F2 L2 R2 U F2 D B2 R2 U2 L U F' R2 U2 L U' R' U' R
31. R2 F2 U' B2 U L2 D2 F2 D B2 R2 F' D2 U F' R' D' B2 F L2
32. F2 L D2 F2 R D2 U2 B2 L B2 F2 U F' D' B L U R2 D2 B
33. F2 R2 F2 R2 F2 R2 U F2 D B2 U2 F' R' B' F D' U L2 R' B' L
34. F R2 F D2 R2 D2 B U2 B' U2 B D B' U2 R B2 L' R2 D2 B D'
35. B2 R2 B' F' D2 F U2 B' D2 L2 F' R D2 L' D' L2 F' U B' F
36. B2 D2 R2 D B2 L2 D' R2 D' U2 B2 L B' D2 F R' U' F' L' B2 D
37. D2 R U2 R U' L' F2 R F B2 R2 U2 B2 U' L2 U2 F2 U B2 D'
38. R' U' D2 F D F2 L2 D F' R F' U2 F' D2 F' U2 F' R2 B R2 L2
39. D' U2 R2 F2 U R2 F2 U' B2 L2 D2 B' F' U L2 U R F' U2 L2 U
40. L2 F2 U2 R2 D F2 D' L2 R2 D2 L2 R' B2 F L B2 U2 B' R2 D' F

3x3x3 One Handed
1. U F2 L2 B2 U' R2 D' B2 D F2 U B D F' U L F' L2 D' L'
2. U' R2 D L2 F2 U B2 F2 U2 B2 F R' U' F2 L' R B' D F'
3. U F2 L2 D2 B2 R2 D2 U F2 U B2 L B U2 F D' R2 U B L' U2
4. F' L2 U2 B D2 L2 B D2 L2 D2 F R F' D F2 L2 B' R2 F R' B
5. L2 B2 D F2 D' F2 D2 L2 U F2 R D' R U' R D' B D2 F' L'

3x3x3 With Feet
1. F' R2 F' D2 F R2 F2 L2 U2 B' F' R' D' L' F' L2 D2 L U' R2 D
2. F' U2 R2 B R2 F2 L2 U2 F D2 B R B' F U F R2 D R2 D' L'
3. U2 F2 R2 D2 F2 U' F2 D' R2 B2 L2 R F R' U' L D B2 F2 U2 F'
4. D' U' B2 D2 U' L2 R2 U' R2 F2 L B U R2 D2 L' F2 U R2 F
5. U2 R' F2 L U2 R' D2 R' B2 R F2 U' B' L B2 R' U' R2 U' B

3x3x3 Match the scramble
1. D R2 U R2 U2 B2 F2 U L2 D' R2 B R U2 B D L2 R U F' D
2. F2 L2 D' R2 U' L2 D2 F2 D2 R2 U R D B' U F R B D R2 F2
3. F2 L2 R2 D' B2 U F2 U' L U' R B2 U' L F U' B' D B2
4. F2 U2 B' R' L2 F' U' L2 F D' R L D2 L' B2 D2 R U2 F2 R D2
5. F2 D2 F2 U2 R U2 L F2 L D2 B2 D' R F2 D B' U' F D2 L

3x3x3 Fewest Moves
1. D2 L2 F L2 R2 U2 L2 B' U2 F D R2 B D2 U L' B2 U2 R2

2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 Relay
2. U2 F' R F' R2 U2 F' U F'
3. R2 U' R2 D2 F2 U R2 B2 D F2 U R' D' F L B2 U B2 R D2 B
4. B F' R B' Uw' B2 L B F2 R' D B L F' L2 Fw2 Rw2 Uw U' B2 L2 R2 U' F2 R' D' Uw U R' Uw L B2 U' R' Fw' Uw2 Rw B2 U L'

2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 + 5x5x5 Relay
2. F U R2 U' F R' F R2 U
3. D2 F2 L2 U2 F2 D R2 F2 D U' F' R' D2 F2 D L2 U2 B F' R' D'
4. R' B' Fw' F' L' B' R D F2 Rw Fw2 F2 Rw F' Uw2 Rw2 U R' D2 R U2 L R' B2 F Rw' R2 F2 Uw Fw U Rw' U' B2 L D' Fw2 Uw2 Fw' U
5. U2 F R Uw' L Lw D2 B L' Uw' R D Dw R' Bw' Uw2 R2 U2 F' L' D' B Dw F' U' F' D' L2 U Fw2 Dw Rw Dw L B Lw2 R B Lw' Dw2 F' Dw Uw B D' Uw' B2 Fw' Rw' D L2 Uw2 B' L' Rw' R Dw' U Fw F

Magic (Just do 5 solves)

Master Magic (Just do 5 solves)

1. UUdd u=3,d=4 / dUdU u=-3,d=6 / ddUU u=-2,d=-3 / UdUd u=-4,d=-1 / dUUU u=3 / UdUU u=-5 / UUUd u=4 / UUdU u=-3 / UUUU u=5 / dddd d=-1 / dUdd
2. UUdd u=-3,d=0 / dUdU u=-2,d=4 / ddUU u=-1,d=-2 / UdUd u=-2,d=-1 / dUUU u=-1 / UdUU u=1 / UUUd u=-2 / UUdU u=5 / UUUU u=6 / dddd d=3 / UUdd
3. UUdd u=-5,d=3 / dUdU u=-1,d=0 / ddUU u=3,d=1 / UdUd u=-3,d=6 / dUUU u=-1 / UdUU u=0 / UUUd u=0 / UUdU u=-1 / UUUU u=-4 / dddd d=-2 / ddUd
4. UUdd u=6,d=0 / dUdU u=3,d=-2 / ddUU u=2,d=3 / UdUd u=3,d=5 / dUUU u=2 / UdUU u=-2 / UUUd u=4 / UUdU u=-2 / UUUU u=6 / dddd d=1 / dUdU
5. UUdd u=5,d=-1 / dUdU u=-2,d=4 / ddUU u=3,d=-4 / UdUd u=-4,d=-3 / dUUU u=2 / UdUU u=-3 / UUUd u=1 / UUdU u=3 / UUUU u=-4 / dddd d=3 / dUUd

1. R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- U'
R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ U
R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ U
R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ U
R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- U'
R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- U'
2. R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- U'
R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ U
R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ U
R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ U
3. R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ U
R-- D-- R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- R++ D-- R++ D-- U'
R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ U
R-- D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- U'
R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- U'
R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- U'
4. R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- U'
R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ U
R++ D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- U'
R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- U'
R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ U
5. R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- U'
R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ U
R++ D-- R++ D-- R++ D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ U
R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- U'
R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ U
R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- U'

1. U L U' R' L' U L' B l r b u'
2. L' U B' R B' U' B l' b'
3. U B' U' L R' L U R B l r b
4. B L R B' U' L B U' l' r b'
5. L U' B R' U L B' U' l' r b

1. (1, -3) / (5, -1) / (4, 1) / (0, 3) / (-4, -1) / (-3, -3) / (-2, 1) / (5, 0) / (-3, -3) / (0, 1) / (-2, 0) / (0, 2) / (-2, -2)
2. (-3, -1) / (0, -3) / (4, 1) / (-1, 5) / (0, -3) / (-2, 1) / (0, 3) / (0, 3) / (5, 0) / (-3, 0) / (-2, 0) / (-1, 0) / (0, -4) / (3, 0)
3. (1, 3) / (0, 3) / (-1, 2) / (1, 4) / (2, -1) / (-5, 1) / (-3, 0) / (3, 0) / (5, 0) / (-3, 0) / (-2, 5) / (4, 0) / (-3, 2) / (0, 6) /
4. (1, 0) / (-3, 3) / (-4, -1) / (1, 4) / (3, -3) / (2, -1) / (6, 1) / (6, 0) / (3, 0) / (-2, -1) / (-2, 0) /
5. (0, -1) / (1, 4) / (0, -3) / (5, -4) / (6, 0) / (-3, 0) / (1, -2) / (-3, -3) / (-1, 2) / (6, 1) / (-3, -3) / (0, -1) / (0, -4) / (0, 2) / (0, -4)

1. D' R' D' L D' R' L U L'
2. L' R U' R L R' L' U
3. R L U L' R' U L' D' U'
4. U L' D R D U R D' U
5. L' R L' U D' R L' D' R'


Jun 24, 2012
Exeter, UK
Visit Channel
2x2 - 7.84, 11.34, (15.56), 8.19, (5.75) = 9.12
3x3 - 24.92, 24.41, (29.84), 25.24, (22.56) = 24.86
4x4 - (2:31.03), 3:03.00, 2:53.13, (4:11.70), 2:53.79 = 2:56.64
5x5 - 5:01.29, 4:59.40, 5:13.39, (4:45.73), (5:17.57) = 5:04.69
6x6 - (8:52.97), 8:44.83, (7:11.24), 7:46.08, 7:48.65 = 8:06.52
7x7 - 12:19.16, (13:13.73), 12:04.19, (10:36.76), 11:42.78 = 12:02.04
2x2 BLD - 1:55.81, 43.54, DNF = 43.54
Multi-BLD - 1/2 (28:10)
OH - 1:17.19, (51.90), 58.23, 1:05.34, (1:43.75) = 1:06.92
Feet - 10:47.65, 7:20.00, (6:16.71), 7:22.46, DNF = 8:30.04
MTS - DNF, 2:31.71, DNF, DNS, DNS = DNF
FMC - 65
Scramble - D2 L2 F L2 R2 U2 L2 B' U2 F D R2 B D2 U L' B2 U2 R2
Solution - D F2 L D' U2 R2 U R F U2 y M F' R' F' U' F2 U F' U' F U F' U F U' F U F' U' x U L' U L U F U' F' y F R U R' U' F' y R' F' L' F R F' L y M' x' F R' B2 R F' R' B2 y U' M' U2 L' R B' U2

2-4 Relay - 2:58.10
2-5 Relay - 7:26.99
Megaminx - (11:36.00), 5:23.62, 5:22.20, (4:32.17), 6:14.34 = 5:40.05
Pyraminx - (26.03), (15.12), 21.29, 22.43, 19.31 = 21.01

Why am I so slow at 4x4? And also can I not get one successful solve with 3BLD haha!? :/
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Feb 18, 2009
Visit Channel
2x2: 2.29, 2.21, 3.69, 2.90, 2.44 = 2.54
3x3: 10.35, 9.83, 9.11, 9.41, 8.74 = 9.45
4x4: 40.78, 39.62, 47.81, 40.70, 40.20 = 40.56
5x5: 1:25.61, 1:25.42, 1:24.18, 1:20.04, 1:21.10 = 1:23.57
6x6: 2:40.45, 2:38.12, 2:38.79, 2:36.04, 2:24.69 = 2:37.65
7x7: 4:35.76, 4:12.98, 4:28.04, 4:46.89, 4:29.65 = 4:31.15
3x3 BLD:
4x4 BLD:
3x3 OH:
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Jun 11, 2012
Visit Channel
2x2 6.66, 7.12, (7.47), 7.10, (6.09) = 6.96

3x3 15.97, (14.14), (19.40), 15.83, 17.68 = 16.49

4x4 (1:37.41), 1:20.95, (1:14.68), 1:26.51, 1:30.43 = 1:25.96

2 - 4 Relay 1:51.83
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Aug 24, 2012
Visit Channel
2x2x2: (6.29), 14.42, (15.05), 13.68, 8.62 = 12.24
3x3x3: (27.27), 28.12, 30.34, (31.18), 28.86 = 29.11
4x4x4: 1:51.52, 1:54.61, 1:34.26, (1:24.32), (1:55.48) = 1:46.80
5x5x5: 3:37.95, (4:01.23), 3:32.42, 3:45.53, (3:08.48) = 3:38.63
Megaminx: (3:57.28), 3:46.92, (3:26.71), 3:31.71, 3:38.19 = 3:38.94
2x2x2 Blindfolded: 1:08.58, DNF, 54.78 = 54.78
3x3x3 Blindfolded: 3:07.84, 2:29.85, 2:12.23 = 2:12.23
3x3x3 One Handed: 50.92, 53.33, 52.18, (58.05), (49.02) = 52.14
2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 Relay: 2:24.34
2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 + 5x5x5 Relay: 5:12.59
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Deleted member 18847

2x2x2: (6.61), (5.48), 5.49, 6.16, 6.49 = 6.05
3x3x3: (22.04), 19.56, (16.83), 16.96, 19.26 = 18.59
4x4x4: 1:16.45, (1:06.23), (1:32.88), 1:12.91, 1:23.94 = 1:17.77
5x5x5: (2:25.36), 2:22.29, 2:17.72, (2:12.30), 2:16.03 = 2:18.68
6x6x6: (4:10.53), 4:02.25, 3:52.66, (3:34.57), 3:57.98 = 3:57.63
7x7x7: (5:18.21), 5:32.25, 5:24.85, 5:34.40, (5:39.13) = 5:30.50
3x3x3 blindfolded: 4:03.41, DNF, 5:56.74 = 4:03.41
Multi blind: 2/2 (15:04)
3x3x3 OH: (1:31.06), 1:31.11, 1:32.91, 1:36.00, (1:54.62) = 1:33.34
Match the scramble: 1:33.18, 1:22.96, (DNF), 1:25.12, (1:10.00) = 1:27.09
2-4 Relay: 2:02.38
2-5 Relay: 4:24.05
Megaminx: 1:59.37, (2:12.45), 1:56.22, (1:46.34), 1:56.55 = 1:57.38
Pyraminx: 8.95, (8.69), (13.01), 10.80, 9.15 = 9.63
Square-1: (26.28), 48.30, 32.85, (50.62), 41.84 = 41.00
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Mike Hughey

Staff member
Jun 7, 2007
SS Competition Results
Visit Channel
Fewest moves solution (38 moves):

inverse scramble, with premoves B L'
2x cross: L' B2 R' B L U' B
3rd pair: L2 F L' U L U'
4th pair: L D' L' D L' F L2 F'
OLL: U' L' F' L F U
PLL: U' D' L2 U D F B L2 F' B' L
Nice start, but not that good of an ending.


Dec 27, 2012
Golden, Colorado
Right now I'm working on the 4-look LL, and am still rusty on the algorithms, so I have some pretty slow times.
This is also my first OH. 4x4 FAIL, but at least I tried.

3x3x3: (36.09), 40.25, 48.84, 46.52, (49.25) =45.20
OH: 2:16.81, 1:53.80, 1:57.42, (1:43.39), (2:42.94) = 2:02.68
4x4x4: (4:23.00), 3:58.24, (3:07.52), 4:12.94, 3:16.52 = 3:49.23
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Tao Yu

Jun 29, 2011
Visit Channel
2x2: 1.41, 3.13, 2.56, 3.96, 2.65 = 2.78
2x2BLD: DNF(27.99), 23.64+, DNF(24.31) = 23.64
3x3: 10.50, 14.50, 10.44, 12.85, 13.57 = 12.31
OH: 15.06, 21.28, 17.26, 17.71, 26.02 = 18.75
3BLD: 2:46.49, DNF(2:29.57), DNF(3:25.34) = 2:46.49
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Premium Member
Dec 5, 2007
Visit Channel
Can I please ask for a wee extension to get my results in this week? I had a visit back home to New Zealand last week, and only got back Saturday (6:30am international flight!!), and was far too exhausted to cube seriously during the weekend. Tonight I only just got home from work and need to go to bed for a 5:30am wake up. I promise I'll get my results in tomorrow night (approximately 24 hours from now).


Premium Member
Jul 11, 2008
Bergshamra, Sweden
No problem, I'll add you when you post. But I'll do the other results as usual in 14 hours or so.
Just add new post after that (when it suits you) instead of editing an earlier or I'll probably miss it.


Premium Member
Jul 11, 2008
Bergshamra, Sweden
Results for week 02: congrats to yoinneroid, riley & Skullush

  1. 2.54 SimonWestlund
  2. 2.74 yoinneroid
  3. 2.78 Tao Yu
  4. 3.06 CuberMan
  5. 3.18 Andrejon
  6. 3.77 mycube
  7. 3.79 Maxelino
  8. 3.80 Jaycee
  9. 3.94 Skullush
  10. 4.24 riley
  11. 4.62 Krag
  12. 4.73 yuxuibbs
  13. 4.75 zaki
  14. 4.99 FinnGamer
  15. 5.30 Alcuber
  16. 5.41 janelle
  17. 5.55 Xishem
  18. 5.78 AvGalen
  19. 6.05 bacyril
  20. 6.26 Andrew Clayton
  21. 6.59 ThomasJE
  22. 6.82 Schmidt
  23. 6.96 khoavo12
  24. 7.64 blairubik
  25. 7.67 Trondhat
  26. 7.76 Mike Hughey
  27. 7.90 Speedcuber1
  28. 8.29 Mikel
  29. 8.62 Gordon
  30. 9.12 DuffyEdge
  31. 12.24 Sakoleg
  32. 14.07 ljackstar
  33. 15.59 MatsBergsten
3x3x3 (40)
  1. 9.45 SimonWestlund
  2. 10.57 yoinneroid
  3. 11.12 riley
  4. 11.33 CuberMan
  5. 11.81 Lapinsavant
  6. 12.07 Hendry cahyadi
  7. 12.28 Akash Rupela
  8. 12.31 Tao Yu
  9. 13.07 mycube
  10. 13.48 yuxuibbs
  11. 13.63 Skullush
  12. 13.65 Andrejon
  13. 15.46 Krag
  14. 15.73 Jaycee
  15. 15.97 FinnGamer
  16. 16.49 khoavo12
  17. 16.66 Dene
  18. 16.87 mande
  19. 16.87 zaki
  20. 17.38 eggseller
  21. 18.49 Mikel
  22. 18.59 bacyril
  23. 19.20 blairubik
  24. 20.08 AvGalen
  25. 22.36 ThomasJE
  26. 22.51 Perff
  27. 22.77 Speedcuber1
  28. 23.49 Mike Hughey
  29. 23.60 Andrew Clayton
  30. 24.15 Trondhat
  31. 24.86 DuffyEdge
  32. 24.88 Schmidt
  33. 26.09 Alcuber
  34. 29.11 Sakoleg
  35. 32.75 Gordon
  36. 36.90 skippykev
  37. 37.63 Xishem
  38. 38.81 MatsBergsten
  39. 45.20 Bh13
  40. 50.60 ljackstar
  1. 40.56 SimonWestlund
  2. 40.73 yoinneroid
  3. 47.14 Hendry cahyadi
  4. 47.99 CuberMan
  5. 51.64 mycube
  6. 55.67 Skullush
  7. 58.13 zaki
  8. 58.20 riley
  9. 1:04.89 Dene
  10. 1:07.26 FinnGamer
  11. 1:09.52 AvGalen
  12. 1:17.05 Jaycee
  13. 1:17.77 bacyril
  14. 1:22.50 Mikel
  15. 1:25.45 yuxuibbs
  16. 1:25.96 khoavo12
  17. 1:32.76 Mike Hughey
  18. 1:40.26 blairubik
  19. 1:41.91 Xishem
  20. 1:46.80 Sakoleg
  21. 1:49.91 Andrew Clayton
  22. 1:57.82 ThomasJE
  23. 2:10.64 Alcuber
  24. 2:19.02 Schmidt
  25. 2:56.64 DuffyEdge
  26. 3:49.23 Bh13
  1. 1:13.94 yoinneroid
  2. 1:23.57 SimonWestlund
  3. 1:24.83 zaki
  4. 1:36.66 Lapinsavant
  5. 1:36.69 mycube
  6. 1:39.57 CuberMan
  7. 1:41.90 Dene
  8. 1:56.67 AvGalen
  9. 1:58.42 Skullush
  10. 2:09.18 FinnGamer
  11. 2:18.68 bacyril
  12. 2:25.14 Mike Hughey
  13. 2:39.84 mande
  14. 2:49.09 Mikel
  15. 3:35.59 Jaycee
  16. 3:38.63 Sakoleg
  17. 3:50.25 Krag
  18. 3:53.62 Xishem
  19. 5:04.69 DuffyEdge
  1. 2:37.65 SimonWestlund
  2. 2:58.54 zaki
  3. 3:08.73 mycube
  4. 3:25.99 Dene
  5. 3:52.73 AvGalen
  6. 3:57.63 bacyril
  7. 4:53.78 FinnGamer
  8. 8:06.52 DuffyEdge
  1. 4:31.15 SimonWestlund
  2. 4:40.30 mycube
  3. 5:30.50 bacyril
  4. 5:35.98 Dene
  5. 5:42.74 AvGalen
  6. 6:59.18 Mike Hughey
  7. 7:28.92 FinnGamer
  8. 8:41.68 Mikel
  9. 12:02.04 DuffyEdge
3x3 one handed(29)
  1. 16.37 yoinneroid
  2. 18.28 CuberMan
  3. 18.75 Tao Yu
  4. 19.45 SimonWestlund
  5. 20.03 Andrejon
  6. 23.67 riley
  7. 24.47 mycube
  8. 25.74 Skullush
  9. 28.36 yuxuibbs
  10. 29.41 Lapinsavant
  11. 30.32 zaki
  12. 33.37 Dene
  13. 35.93 Jaycee
  14. 37.97 eggseller
  15. 38.97 FinnGamer
  16. 39.62 Alcuber
  17. 41.41 AvGalen
  18. 43.57 Mike Hughey
  19. 47.08 ThomasJE
  20. 47.32 blairubik
  21. 50.68 Mikel
  22. 52.14 Sakoleg
  23. 53.17 Krag
  24. 54.25 Xishem
  25. 55.20 Trondhat
  26. 1:06.92 DuffyEdge
  27. 1:14.83 Schmidt
  28. 1:33.34 bacyril
  29. 2:02.68 Bh13
3x3 with feet(7)
  1. 1:12.11 yoinneroid
  2. 1:36.52 CuberMan
  3. 1:52.28 riley
  4. 2:23.46 Mike Hughey
  5. 3:03.36 Mikel
  6. 4:47.36 Jaycee
  7. 8:30.04 DuffyEdge
2x2x2 Blindfolded(15)
  1. 8.83 SimonWestlund
  2. 15.02 riley
  3. 18.65 Mike Hughey
  4. 23.64 Tao Yu
  5. 30.07 Jaycee
  6. 31.69 Mikel
  7. 33.94 AvGalen
  8. 35.10 CuberMan
  9. 35.74 MatsBergsten
  10. 38.30 Andrew Clayton
  11. 43.50 blairubik
  12. 43.54 DuffyEdge
  13. 54.78 Sakoleg
  14. 1:02.93 Schmidt
  15. DNF Xishem
3x3x3 Blindfolded(17)
  1. 59.04 riley
  2. 1:01.52 eggseller
  3. 1:18.63 Mike Hughey
  4. 1:22.54 Skullush
  5. 1:25.37 mande
  6. 1:26.69 Mikel
  7. 1:30.37 CuberMan
  8. 1:35.80 MatsBergsten
  9. 1:42.29 blairubik
  10. 1:43.84 mycube
  11. 2:12.23 Sakoleg
  12. 2:33.35 Jaycee
  13. 2:46.49 Tao Yu
  14. 4:03.41 bacyril
  15. 4:04.84 AvGalen
  16. 4:27.44 Schmidt
  17. DNF DuffyEdge
4x4x4 Blindfolded(5)
  1. 6:35.94 Mike Hughey
  2. 7:06.20 Skullush
  3. 7:13.00 riley
  4. 7:26.87 MatsBergsten
  5. DNF Jaycee
5x5x5 Blindfolded(2)
  1. 14:23.34 MatsBergsten
  2. 20:53.00 mande
6x6x6 Blindfolded(1)
  1. 40:07.88 MatsBergsten
3x3 Multi blind(8)
  1. 14/15 (55:09) Skullush
  2. 6/7 (41:08) MatsBergsten
  3. 6/9 (46:08) mande
  4. 2/2 ( 3:37) riley
  5. 2/2 ( 9:52) Jaycee
  6. 2/2 (15:04) bacyril
  7. 3/4 (17:54) blairubik
  8. 1/2 (28:10) DuffyEdge
3x3 Match the scramble(4)
  1. 1:04.08 Jaycee
  2. 1:09.10 AvGalen
  3. 1:27.09 bacyril
  4. DNF DuffyEdge
2-3-4 Relay(16)
  1. 56.94 yoinneroid
  2. 1:12.94 zaki
  3. 1:14.77 mycube
  4. 1:17.40 riley
  5. 1:27.09 FinnGamer
  6. 1:41.12 Jaycee
  7. 1:43.78 AvGalen
  8. 1:51.07 yuxuibbs
  9. 1:55.57 blairubik
  10. 2:02.38 bacyril
  11. 2:19.27 Mikel
  12. 2:24.34 Sakoleg
  13. 2:48.08 Schmidt
  14. 2:48.69 Alcuber
  15. 2:52.24 Xishem
  16. 2:58.10 DuffyEdge
2-3-4-5 Relay(12)
  1. 2:14.72 yoinneroid
  2. 2:47.34 zaki
  3. 3:03.83 mycube
  4. 3:08.18 riley
  5. 3:34.85 FinnGamer
  6. 3:57.40 AvGalen
  7. 4:24.05 bacyril
  8. 4:48.78 Mikel
  9. 4:59.31 Jaycee
  10. 5:12.59 Sakoleg
  11. 6:17.31 blairubik
  12. 7:26.99 DuffyEdge
  1. 1.25 Mikel
  2. 1.65 yuxuibbs
  3. 1.83 Mike Hughey
  4. 2.99 Xishem
  5. 3.33 ljackstar
Master Magic(3)
  1. 3.50 Mikel
  2. 3.75 Mike Hughey
  3. 4.63 yuxuibbs
  1. 10.81 Xishem
  2. 18.30 Alcuber
  3. 22.01 Schmidt
  1. 9.26 Andrejon
  2. 11.70 yoinneroid
  3. 12.28 Perff
  4. 12.48 CuberMan
  5. 13.48 zaki
  6. 16.63 Mikel
  7. 16.69 Mike Hughey
  8. 34.14 Schmidt
  1. 4.99 Skullush
  2. 5.33 Maxelino
  3. 5.63 yoinneroid
  4. 5.77 CuberMan
  5. 6.01 Andrejon
  6. 7.16 zaki
  7. 7.17 Alcuber
  8. 9.63 bacyril
  9. 10.12 riley
  10. 11.47 Jaycee
  11. 13.29 Krag
  12. 13.69 yuxuibbs
  13. 13.89 Dene
  14. 15.33 Schmidt
  15. 15.79 Trondhat
  16. 16.75 FinnGamer
  17. 17.16 Mike Hughey
  18. 20.72 Mikel
  19. 21.01 DuffyEdge
  20. 21.57 Speedcuber1
  21. 31.75 Xishem
  22. 33.81 Gordon
  1. 49.64 SimonWestlund
  2. 1:44.74 yoinneroid
  3. 1:54.97 riley
  4. 1:57.38 bacyril
  5. 2:17.79 Dene
  6. 3:09.27 Xishem
  7. 3:18.72 ThomasJE
  8. 3:38.94 Sakoleg
  9. 3:44.41 Jaycee
  10. 5:31.41 Mikel
  11. 5:40.05 DuffyEdge
  1. 23.98 Dene
  2. 27.93 Skullush
  3. 30.81 yoinneroid
  4. 41.00 bacyril
  5. 43.89 Jaycee
  6. 1:07.45 Mikel
  7. 1:10.03 Schmidt
  8. 2:02.71 Alcuber
  9. 2:33.57 MatsBergsten
3x3x3 fewest moves(7)
  1. 27 guusrs
  2. 27 okayama
  3. 27 Attila
  4. 30 Jaycee
  5. 38 Mike Hughey
  6. 58 Xishem
  7. 65 DuffyEdge

Contest results
  1. 262 yoinneroid
  2. 244 riley
  3. 234 Skullush
  4. 224 SimonWestlund
  5. 224 Jaycee
  6. 215 CuberMan
  7. 207 mycube
  8. 186 zaki
  9. 182 bacyril
  10. 170 Mikel
  11. 168 Mike Hughey
  12. 163 AvGalen
  13. 158 FinnGamer
  14. 149 Dene
  15. 130 yuxuibbs
  16. 125 Tao Yu
  17. 122 Andrejon
  18. 114 DuffyEdge
  19. 110 blairubik
  20. 96 Xishem
  21. 95 MatsBergsten
  22. 93 mande
  23. 90 Alcuber
  24. 89 Krag
  25. 86 Sakoleg
  26. 84 Lapinsavant
  27. 81 Schmidt
  28. 67 ThomasJE
  29. 66 Hendry cahyadi
  30. 65 eggseller
  31. 56 khoavo12
  32. 52 Maxelino
  33. 50 Andrew Clayton
  34. 44 Trondhat
  35. 37 Akash Rupela
  36. 31 Speedcuber1
  37. 26 Perff
  38. 20 janelle
  39. 19 Gordon
  40. 17 Attila
  41. 17 okayama
  42. 17 guusrs
  43. 15 Bh13
  44. 10 ljackstar
  45. 8 skippykev
Last edited:


Premium Member
Dec 5, 2007
Visit Channel
No problem, I'll add you when you post. But I'll do the other results as usual in 14 hours or so.
Just add new post after that (when it suits you) instead of editing an earlier or I'll probably miss it.

Thanks! My results:

3x3: 17.03, 16.11, (17.88), 16.84, (14.11) = 16.66
4x4: 1:03.82, 1:09.99, (54.44), 1:00.85, (1:14.93) = 1:04.89
5x5: 1:41.54, (1:50.26), 1:42.15, 1:42.01, (1:35.13) = 1:41.90
6x6: (3:35.08), (3:19.33), 3:28.29, 3:28.20, 3:21.49 = 3:25.99
7x7: 5:50.56, (5:53.63), 5:23.06, 5:34.32, (5:17.92) = 5:35.98
OH: (38.24), (28.16), 34.58, 35.17, 30.35 = 33.37
Megaminx: (2:29.53), (1:57.64), 2:16.54, 2:27.45, 2:09.39 = 2:17.79
Pyraminx: 15.45, (8.05), 13.19, 13.02, (18.66) = 13.89
Square-1: (26.35), 25.80, (21.10), 22.67, 23.46 = 22.41

That went horribly, took way too long, and it is now way past my bedtime. Time for sleep!


Mar 22, 2012
2x2: 6.39, 5.80, 5.90, (6.79), (5.32) = 6.03
3x3: (13.84), (17.43), 15.03, 15.71, 14.38 = 15.03
3x3 OH: (26.01), (24.66), 25.20, 25.84, 24.74 - 25.26
Square-1: 23.92, (23.15), (29.20), 26.58, 24.07 = 24.86

Mike Hughey

Staff member
Jun 7, 2007
SS Competition Results
Visit Channel
I don't want to write in current weekly competition, so I'll write here.
Will clock scrambles be changed to new WCA scrambles?

Good suggestion. We should really do something about that. I'll start discussions about changing to TNoodle or a derivative for scrambling in the future. But don't expect it to happen right away - I'm guessing it might be a while before we have anything implemented. (I have a feeling the slowness of the 4x4x4 scrambles may make switching a bit unpleasant, but I'm not sure about that.)


Feb 4, 2011
8620 Danmark
@ 4x4 scrambles. It is only slow the first time you make them. After that it is as fast as the other scrambles. And I like the clock scrambles of the week comp. they are easy to understand.