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The reconstruction thread


Sep 8, 2013
New York
Visit Channel
Could someone please reconstruct these?

I would do it myself, but I don't find reconstructing my own solves as much fun as other peoples solves
1. (7.69) B' L F' R' F2 B D' R2 F U2 L' U2 F2 L2 B2 R B2 L' U2 R
y' x
r' D' R' F R U R' D2
y' R' U2 R U' y R U R'
y R U' R' U R U' R' U2 R U' R'
y' U' L' U L F' L F L'
U' R U R' U R U2 R'
F' U' F R2 u R' U R U' R u' R2 U

2. 8.62 R' D' R' U' D' B' L2 F U D2 R2 U2 F' L2 D2 F B L2 B D2
z2 y
F2 L D' R' D2
U' R' U2 R U y' L' U L
R U R' U' R U R' U L U L'
U' y R U2 R' U' R U R'
U y' R U R' U2 R U' R' U R U' R'
R' F R U R' U' F' U R
U2 R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F' U

3. (12.81+) D' F2 L2 F2 D R2 D R2 D L2 U L' F L2 R' D2 L F' U F
z2 y
U L2 U' F' R' U' R' F R
y' U U y' R' U' R U y L U L'
U y' R U2 R' U' R' U2 R U' y L' U L
U' R R' U y' R' U2 R U2 R' U R
U' R U R' U'R' F R F'
M2 U M' U M' M U M2 U2 M' U' M2 U'

4. 9.43 U B2 F2 R2 B2 U2 B2 F2 U' R2 U B' R D' U B2 R B' L D' F
x' z
L' U x' U' R2 y' U R' F R
L U L' U L U' L'
U' U2 L' U' L U' L' U L U
U2 R' U R
U y' R' U R R' U' R U' R' U R
U2 R' U' R' F R F' U R
M2' U M2' U M' U2 M2' U2 M' U

5. 8.43 L D2 R' B2 L D2 F2 R2 U' R2 D B F' R F' R B D
D R2 D R L
U U' U' R U' R' U R U R'
U' y R U' R' U2 y L' U' L
U R U' R' U R U' R'
y U R U R' U R U' R'
U' R U R' U' R' F R2 U R' U' F'
U2 R' U R' y U' R' F' R2 U' R' U R' F R F U


May 12, 2013
Visit Channel
William Boards (ThisIsWEB) 10.18 ao12 (with 9.82 ao5)


8.67 D' R' U' D2 L F' D' B' U D F U2 B2 R2 B2 D F2 U2 R2 D' B2

x2 U2 L F’ U’ R2 D // cross
R U’ R’ U y’ R’ U R // F2L-1
U y’ R U’ R’ // F2L-2
R’ U’ R L’ U’ L // F2L-3
U R’ U R U’ R’ U’ R // F2L-4
F U R U’ R’ F’ // OLL
U’ F R U’ R’ U’ R U R’ F’ R U R’ U’ R’ F R F’ U’ // PLL
56 HTM
6.46 tps

9.98 U' F2 D' F' R' F2 R' U2 F R2 L' D2 F2 D' F2 L2 B2 L2 B2 D

z2 x D2 U R’ x’ D L’ D R’ D // cross
U R U’ R’ y L U L’ // F2L-1
y’ U’ R U R’ y U R U’ R’ // F2L-2
y’ U2 L U L’ // F2L-3
U2 R U’ R’ U’ R U’ R’ U R U’ R’ // F2L-4
U R U R’ U R U2 R’ // OLL
U R U’ R U R U R U’ R’ U’ R2 U’ // PLL
60 HTM
6.01 tps

12.04 R F2 B2 R U2 B' D2 R' F U2 F R2 F2 U' F2 U' B2 U' R2 D' B2

x2 D’ L’ R2 F R // cross
U2 L’ U L U R’ U R // F2L-1
U y’ U L’ U L // F2L-2
y U’ R U R’ y’ R U R’ // F2L-3
y U2 R U’ R’ U’ R U’ R’ U R U’ R’ // F2L-4
U R’ U’ R U’ R’ U R U’ R’ U2 R // OLL
U2 R' U2 R U2 R' F R U R' U' R' F' R2' U' // PLL
63 HTM
5.23 tps

9.66 R2 F2 B D F2 D' L U' R' D' F' R2 L2 D B2 D' B2 R2 D2 B2 D2

x2 R’ Rw U’ Rw’ D L R’ D2 // Cross
L U’ L’ // F2L-1
U’ R U2 R’ U2 L’ U’ L // F2L-2
y U L’ U L // F2L-3
y’ U R’ U’ R U2 R’ U’ R // F2L-4
L' Dw' R Dw L U' L' B' L // OLL
M2 U’ M2 U’ M’ U2 M2 U2 M’ // PLL
48 STM
4.97 tps

9.82 B R D2 F U2 L2 U2 B2 L U B R2 U D' L2 D F2 D B2 U2

z2 y’ R’ F D x U2 Rw’ D2 // cross
L U’ L2 U’ L // F2L-1
U’ R’ U2 R U2 R’ U R // F2L-2
R U’ R’ U’ L U L’ // F2L-3
U2 R U’ R’ // F2L-4
U’ F’ L’ U’ L U L’ U’ L U y’ R // OLL
U’ R' U' R y R2 Uw R' U R U' R Uw' R2 // PLL
54 HTM
5.50 tps

11.26 U2 B2 R' U' L2 F' D R' D R' B' L2 U F2 U R2 F2 U2 D F2 R2

z2 x D’ x’ L U L F’ D // cross
L’ U L U L’ U L U R’ U R // F2L-1
y’ R U’ R2 U’ R U L’ U’ L // F2L-2
y L’ U L U R U’ R’ U’ R U R’ // F2L-3
y’ U’ R U’ R’ U’ y’ R’ U’ R // F2L-4
U2 R Dw L' Dw’' R' U R B R' // OLL
R' U' R y R2 Uw R' U R U' R Uw' R2 U2 // PLL
68 HTM
6.04 tps

(8.53) D' F2 U2 L F' B2 D2 L2 B' R' F2 B2 U' F2 L2 B2 D L2 D F2

(Rw’ R) D // cross
Lw U2 R’ U’ R U R’ // F2L-1
U’ R’ U’ R U’ R’ U R // F2L-2
y’ U2 L’ U’ L U2 L’ U’ L // F2L-3
R U R’ U’ R U R’ // F2L-4
U x z’ U’ L U R’ U’ Rw’ F R // COLL
U’ R2 U R U R’ U’ R’ U’ R’ U R’ // EPLL
54 HTM
6.33 tps

10.26 R2 B U' L' D R2 U L' B U' F' R2 F2 R2 D F2 B2 D' L2 U L2

z2 U R’ F D U L2 // cross
U L’ U’ L Dw R’ U’ R // F2L-1
y’ R’ U R U’ R’ U R U L’ U L // F2L-2
R’ U2 R U’ y L’ U L // F2L-3
R U R’ U’ R U R’ // F2L-4
U2 Rw U2 R’ U’ R U’ Rw’ // OLL
U R U R’ y’ R2 Uw’ R U’ R’ U R’ Uw R2 // PLL
60 HTM
5.85 tps

(12.35) F R' B' U' F2 L' D2 B' R2 D B' D' F2 R2 L2 U L2 U' R2 F2 D2

y x2 F’ D R’ L2 D R’ D // cross
y2 U’ L’ U L R U R’ // F2L-1
y U’ R U’ R’ U2 R U’ R’ U R U’ R’ // F2L-2
y R U’ R’ y U’ L’ U’ L // F2L-3
y’ U2 R’ U R U’ R’ U R // F2L-4
U’ Lw’ U’ L U’ L’ U L U’ L’ U2 Lw // OLL
U2 Lw U’ R D2 R’ U R D2 R2 // PLL
63 HTM
5.10 tps

9.65 U' R B R' L U' R' U2 D2 F2 B L2 B2 U D2 B2 L2 D' L2 U2 L2

x2 y’ B R U F’ Rw U2 x’ Uw’ R2 // cross
U y’ R U’ R’ // F2L-1
U’ y L U L’ // F2L-2
R’ U R // F2L-3
U2 R U’ R’ U2 R U’ R’ U R U’ R’ // F2L-4
U’ L F’ L’ U’ L U F U’ L’ // OLL
U R’ U2 R U2 R’ F R U R’ U’ R’ F’ R2 // PLL
55 HTM
5.70 tps

9.76 U R' B2 U F' U R' B' U R B D2 B2 U R2 U2 L2 D' L2

z2 D U2 L F’ D2 L’ D // cross
U R U R’ L U’ L’ // F2L-1
R’ U R L’ U L // F2L-2
y U’ R U’ R’ // F2L-3
L’ U L y L U L’ // F2L-4
x U R’ U’ L U R U’ Rw’ // OLL
F R U’ R’ U’ R U R’ F’ R U R’ U’ R’ F R F’ U // PLL
56 HTM
5.74 tps

10.74 U F' U D' L D' F D' B' U R U2 F2 D' B2 U2 B2 D' B2 L2 U'

y x’ L’ U’ R’ D’ R’ U’ L U x’ D’ // cross
U y’ R U’ R’ // F2L-1
y’ R U R’ U2 R U’ R’ U2 y’ R U’ R’ // F2L-2
Dw’ R U2 R’ U’ y R’ U’ R // F2L-4
U L’ U L U L’ U’ L // F2L-4
U2 R U R’ U Lw’ F Lw F’ U2 Lw’ F R U’ // OLL
x’ U R U R’ F’ R U R’ U’ R’ F R2 U’ R’ U2 // PLL
69 HTM
6.42 tps

Ao12 = 10.18
Avg moves = 58.833
Avg rotations = 3.75

Avg old-schoolness = ∞
Last edited by a moderator:


Jul 7, 2009
Visit Channel
Janelle Tin - 11.03 3x3x3 Single - VOS 2014

L2 D2 B' F2 R2 B D2 R2 U2 L' B R' D L2 D' L2 U' B U'

z y2 // inspection
U' l' U2 L' R' U z' D' // cross
U L U L' U y L U' L' // 1st pair
U' U' R U R' U2 R U' R' // 2nd pair
U' L' U L U L' U L U' L' U L // 3rd pair
U y R U' R' // 4th pair
U U' F R U' R' U' R U R' F' // OLL
U R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' // PLL
View at alg.cubing.net
[b]Step	Time	HTM	HTPS	ETM	ETPS[/b]
[COLOR="red"]Total	11.03	65	5.89	68	6.17[/COLOR]

Cross+1	3.71	15	4.04	17	4.58
F2L	7.62	40	5.25	43	5.64
LL	3.41	25	7.33	25	7.33

[b]Step		Time	HTM	ETM[/b]
Cross+1/F2L	49%	38%	40%
F2L/Total	69%	62%	63%
LL/Total	31%	38%	37%


Sep 6, 2013
Janelle Tin - 11.03 3x3x3 Single - VOS 2014

L2 D2 B' F2 R2 B D2 R2 U2 L' B R' D L2 D' L2 U' B U'

z y2 // inspection
U' l' U2 L' R' U z' D' // cross
U L U L' U y L U' L' // 1st pair
U' U' R U R' U2 R U' R' // 2nd pair
U' L' U L U L' U L U' L' U L // 3rd pair
U y R U' R' // 4th pair
U U' F R U' R' U' R U R' F' // OLL
U R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' // PLL
View at alg.cubing.net
[b]Step	Time	HTM	HTPS	ETM	ETPS[/b]
[COLOR="red"]Total	11.03	65	5.89	68	6.17[/COLOR]

Cross+1	3.71	15	4.04	17	4.58
F2L	7.62	40	5.25	43	5.64
LL	3.41	25	7.33	25	7.33

[b]Step		Time	HTM	ETM[/b]
Cross+1/F2L	49%	38%	40%
F2L/Total	69%	62%	63%
LL/Total	31%	38%	37%

Nice! Where'd you find the scramble?


Jul 29, 2013
9.16 official single (at Indiana 2014)

scramble: F R' U2 R2 D2 R' U L' B' U' R L2 U2 L2 F' R2 U2 F U2 R2

R' F B' D2 R' D2 //cross
y R' U R //first pair
y' R U' R' y' U2 R' U' R //second pair
y R' U2 R U' R' U' R //third pair
L' U L //fourth pair
U' F R U R' U' R U R' U' F' //OLL
y' F R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R F' //PLL


May 7, 2006
Visit Channel
I did this for the (WCA) Stats thread and was asked to do it for this one as well.

Brest needs one more post to match the next six contributors combined.

 1. 17.9% (184 posts) Brest
 2.  4.4% ( 45 posts) qqwref
 3.  4.0% ( 41 posts) chrissyD
 4.  3.2% ( 33 posts) theZcuber
 5.  2.5% ( 26 posts) Kirjava
 6.  1.9% ( 20 posts) Username
     1.9% ( 20 posts) PandaCuber
 8.  1.8% ( 19 posts) JyH
 9.  1.7% ( 17 posts) antoineccantin
     1.7% ( 17 posts) Jaycee
     1.7% ( 17 posts) tx789
12.  1.6% ( 16 posts) JackJ
13.  1.5% ( 15 posts) Musicalboy2
     1.5% ( 15 posts) ottozing
15.  1.4% ( 14 posts) DavidWoner
     1.4% ( 14 posts) Rpotts
17.  1.3% ( 13 posts) 5BLD
     1.3% ( 13 posts) ThomasJE
19.  1.2% ( 12 posts) TDM
20.  1.1% ( 11 posts) ilikecubing
     1.1% ( 11 posts) TheNextFeliks
22.  1.0% ( 10 posts) kclejeune
     1.0% ( 10 posts) Cubenovice
24.  0.9% (  9 posts) MatejMuzatko
     0.9% (  9 posts) Renslay
26.  0.8% (  8 posts) ben1996123
     0.8% (  8 posts) Penguino138
28.  0.7% (  7 posts) jla
     0.7% (  7 posts) MarcelP
     0.7% (  7 posts) rybaby
     0.7% (  7 posts) irontwig
32.  0.6% (  6 posts) kirtpro
33.  0.5% (  5 posts) god-of-rubic-2
     0.5% (  5 posts) aronpm
     0.5% (  5 posts) MrRubiksUFO
     0.5% (  5 posts) stevecho816
     0.5% (  5 posts) samkli
     0.5% (  5 posts) rubiksarlen
     0.5% (  5 posts) SirWaffle
     0.5% (  5 posts) janelle
     0.5% (  5 posts) DYGH-Tjen
     0.5% (  5 posts) Julian
     0.5% (  5 posts) Methuselah96
     0.5% (  5 posts) APdRF
     0.5% (  5 posts) Coolster01
     0.5% (  5 posts) uvafan
     0.5% (  5 posts) Stefan
     0.5% (  5 posts) PranavCubes
     0.5% (  5 posts) Petro-Leum
50.  0.4% (  4 posts) whauk
     0.4% (  4 posts) KCuber
     0.4% (  4 posts) Robert-Y
     0.4% (  4 posts) JonnyWhoopes
     0.4% (  4 posts) kunparekh18
     0.4% (  4 posts) ryo
     0.4% (  4 posts) RCTACameron
     0.4% (  4 posts) Tim-Major
     0.4% (  4 posts) MrDemir
     0.4% (  4 posts) TheOneOnTheLeft
     0.4% (  4 posts) macky
     0.4% (  4 posts) Riley
     0.4% (  4 posts) lachose
63.  0.3% (  3 posts) IAssemble
     0.3% (  3 posts) AmazingCuber
     0.3% (  3 posts) arvind1999
     0.3% (  3 posts) arcio1
     0.3% (  3 posts) ravenguild08
     0.3% (  3 posts) Forte
     0.3% (  3 posts) Andri-Maulana
     0.3% (  3 posts) TheCuber23
     0.3% (  3 posts) jrb
     0.3% (  3 posts) Godmil
     0.3% (  3 posts) Divineskulls
     0.3% (  3 posts) Ezy-Ryder
     0.3% (  3 posts) Mollerz
     0.3% (  3 posts) Ickenicke
     0.3% (  3 posts) coldsun0630
     0.3% (  3 posts) gogozerg
     0.3% (  3 posts) Georgeanderre
     0.3% (  3 posts) y235
     0.3% (  3 posts) ellwd
     0.3% (  3 posts) Akash-Rupela
     0.3% (  3 posts) brandbest1
84.  0.2% (  2 posts) insane569
     0.2% (  2 posts) Anthony
     0.2% (  2 posts) JLarsen
     0.2% (  2 posts) Bob
     0.2% (  2 posts) kinch2002
     0.2% (  2 posts) Bhargav777
     0.2% (  2 posts) cubizh
     0.2% (  2 posts) Escher
     0.2% (  2 posts) Bestsimple
     0.2% (  2 posts) Weston
     0.2% (  2 posts) Carrot
     0.2% (  2 posts) riffz
     0.2% (  2 posts) CRO
     0.2% (  2 posts) Cool-Frog
     0.2% (  2 posts) Hussein-88
     0.2% (  2 posts) Mike-Hughey
     0.2% (  2 posts) Sahnguini
     0.2% (  2 posts) F-perm
     0.2% (  2 posts) Sa967St
     0.2% (  2 posts) EMI
     0.2% (  2 posts) CyanSandwich
     0.2% (  2 posts) TheChriskage
     0.2% (  2 posts) bran
     0.2% (  2 posts) Hyprul-9-ty2
     0.2% (  2 posts) guysensei1
     0.2% (  2 posts) dinostef
     0.2% (  2 posts) TheMachanga
     0.2% (  2 posts) mDiPalma
     0.2% (  2 posts) vinko
     0.2% (  2 posts) Suratha
     0.2% (  2 posts) Yes-We-Can!
     0.2% (  2 posts) Tao-Yu
     0.2% (  2 posts) JustinJ
     0.2% (  2 posts) JasonK
     0.2% (  2 posts) nccube
     0.2% (  2 posts) MostEd
     0.2% (  2 posts) AustinReed
     0.2% (  2 posts) XTowncuber
     0.2% (  2 posts) Bindedsa
     0.2% (  2 posts) AKOM
Last edited:


Mar 7, 2013
Oxfordshire, UK
Visit Channel
I did this for the (WCA) Stats thread and was asked to do it for this one as well.

Brest needs one more post to match the next six contributors combined.
How have I managed to get that high on the list in a thead I rarely post in? It must have been a conversation with someone that was several posts that got it that high, because I rarely ask for reconstructions or reconstruct someone else's solves...

Please can you do this for the accomplishment thread? You don't have to, but I'm just interested...


May 7, 2006
Visit Channel
How have I managed to get that high on the list in a thead I rarely post in?

[post=892090]#813[/post], [post=910297]#856[/post], [post=937347]#885[/post], [post=954133]#928[/post], [post=954153]#930[/post], [post=970134]#967[/post], [post=988263]#984[/post], [post=988319]#986[/post], [post=988327]#988[/post], [post=988334]#990[/post], [post=1000692]#1013[/post], [post=1000726]#1016[/post]

Please can you do this for the accomplishment thread? You don't have to, but I'm just interested...

Sorry, I probably won't. That one dwarfs the two I did, and I don't have access to the database but wrote a little "crawler" and analyzer. It's largely automatic but it does need a little attention and it's a slow and bad method. I'd like to see similar stats as well (like highest number of posts by one person in one thread), but they should be done properly with access to the database or at least some export. Maybe Pat could be convinced to make something like a list of (threadId, postId, memberId) triples available...
Last edited:


Mar 7, 2013
Oxfordshire, UK
Visit Channel
[post=892090]#813[/post], [post=910297]#856[/post], [post=937347]#885[/post], [post=954133]#928[/post], [post=954153]#930[/post], [post=970134]#967[/post], [post=988263]#984[/post], [post=988319]#986[/post], [post=988327]#988[/post], [post=988334]#990[/post], [post=1000692]#1013[/post], [post=1000726]#1016[/post]
Yeah, there were quite a few posts that one time I actually reconstructed something... the others were all just random single posts.

Sorry, I probably won't. That one dwarfs the two I did, and I don't have access to the database but wrote a little "crawler" and analyzer. It's largely automatic but it does need a little attention and it's a slow and bad method. I'd like to see similar stats as well (like highest number of posts by one person in one thread), but they should be done properly with access to the database or at least some export. Maybe Pat could be convinced to make something like a list of (threadId, postId, memberId) triples available...
Yeah, I knew that it was a much bigger thread and it would make it a lot harder. I mainly wanted to know how many of my total posts were in the accomplishment thread, because I know it's a lot - so nothing important really. I can't search for how many there are because there's a limit of something like 300 for how many of your posts appear when you search.


May 7, 2006
Visit Channel
(Using the same data used for my previous statistic, not counting the few posts since it)

100.00% at [post=570855]#1[/post] qqwref
 50.00% at [post=570865]#4[/post] Kirjava
 21.53% at [post=677929]#288[/post] Brest
 16.67% at [post=571972]#18[/post] DavidWoner
 16.67% at [post=571028]#6[/post] antoineccantin
 15.38% at [post=571174]#13[/post] JLarsen
 11.43% at [post=573252]#35[/post] JyH
  9.38% at [post=573093]#32[/post] JackJ
  6.72% at [post=757782]#580[/post] chrissyD
  5.88% at [post=573248]#34[/post] Julian
  5.26% at [post=572247]#19[/post] y235
  5.00% at [post=572289]#20[/post] hr-mohr
  4.71% at [post=614215]#85[/post] ilikecubing
  4.59% at [post=635253]#109[/post] APdRF
  4.11% at [post=610543]#73[/post] jrb
  3.85% at [post=573063]#26[/post] macky
  3.72% at [post=672125]#269[/post] Cubenovice
  3.49% at [post=810694]#688[/post] theZcuber
  3.29% at [post=764393]#607[/post] PandaCuber
  3.19% at [post=750118]#501[/post] Jaycee
  2.63% at [post=573510]#38[/post] Stefan
  2.59% at [post=750174]#502[/post] Rpotts
  2.52% at [post=637161]#119[/post] gogozerg
  2.50% at [post=613175]#80[/post] Hussein-88
  2.42% at [post=683229]#331[/post] Penguino138
  2.38% at [post=573558]#42[/post] David0794
  2.27% at [post=595138]#44[/post] bluecloe45
  2.21% at [post=913746]#861[/post] Username
  2.10% at [post=753511]#525[/post] 5BLD
  2.04% at [post=598379]#49[/post] EricReese
  2.01% at [post=640233]#149[/post] Robert-Y
  2.01% at [post=643229]#199[/post] ryo
  1.98% at [post=645288]#202[/post] irontwig
  1.92% at [post=634777]#104[/post] riffz
  1.74% at [post=977055]#977[/post] tx789
  1.72% at [post=600171]#58[/post] adragast
  1.61% at [post=600252]#62[/post] b4p
  1.57% at [post=642590]#191[/post] Godmil
  1.55% at [post=791501]#644[/post] ottozing
  1.54% at [post=600451]#65[/post] Tim-Major
  1.52% at [post=639161]#132[/post] Cool-Frog
  1.47% at [post=1003702]#1018[/post] Musicalboy2
  1.47% at [post=639194]#136[/post] Weston
  1.47% at [post=601498]#68[/post] Reinier-Schippers
  1.45% at [post=603409]#69[/post] AustinReed
  1.44% at [post=639415]#139[/post] Forte
  1.43% at [post=811788]#697[/post] ThomasJE
  1.33% at [post=610580]#75[/post] MaeLSTRoM
  1.33% at [post=655580]#226[/post] IAssemble
  1.32% at [post=612706]#76[/post] TheMachanga
  1.27% at [post=743575]#471[/post] ben1996123
  1.23% at [post=717835]#407[/post] DYGH-Tjen
  1.22% at [post=613395]#82[/post] uberCuber
  1.22% at [post=722819]#411[/post] aronpm
  1.20% at [post=613476]#83[/post] oddlespuddle
  1.19% at [post=726551]#419[/post] samkli
  1.18% at [post=1000726]#1016[/post] TDM
  1.16% at [post=955677]#949[/post] TheNextFeliks
  1.13% at [post=753647]#532[/post] jla
  1.10% at [post=624941]#91[/post] Erdos
  1.10% at [post=642333]#182[/post] Escher
  1.04% at [post=961405]#961[/post] kclejeune
  1.02% at [post=933987]#879[/post] MatejMuzatko
  1.00% at [post=761200]#599[/post] kirtpro

Last edited:


Apr 18, 2012
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Visit Channel
Bhargav Narasimhan - 14.30 OH Average of 5 (NR) - Aaruush Cube Open 2014

Please note that the video shows the solves the order 4, 5, 2, 3
1st solve: (13.04), no video

B2 U' B2 D2 F2 U2 L2 R F U B F R D2 U B F2 D2

x' // inspection
U' R' U' U' y R z' R U R // cross
U U' R U R' U' U' z U' R' U // 1st pair
z' R' U' R U' R U' U' R' // 2nd pair
U' R U R' // 3rd pair
y U' y U' R U' U' R' U' U' U' R' F R U R U' R' y' R' // WV
U' U' x' R U' R U' z U' R u' x' y' U' R U' R' U' z U' R z' R U' // PLL

View at alg.garron.us
[B]Step	Time	STM	stps	ETM	etps[/B]						
[COLOR="red"]Total	15.02	55	3.66	77	5.13	[/COLOR]	[B][SIZE="4"]%[/SIZE]				
							Step		Time	STM	ETM[/B]
Cross+1	4.40	14	3.18	21	4.77		Cross+1/F2L	44.6%	36.8%	38.9%	
F2L	9.88	38	3.85	54	5.47		F2L/Total	65.8%	69.1%	70.1%	
LL	5.14	17	3.31	23	4.48		LL/Total	34.2%	30.9%	29.9%
U L2 D R2 F2 U' R2 U' F L' F' L2 D R' D B' D2 B' U2

x2 // inspection
D2 R2 D y' R U' R y R' // cross
U' U' R U' R' U' z U R U' z' // 1st pair
y' U' R' U' R2 U R' // 2nd pair
y U' R' U' R U R' U' R U R' U' R // 3rd pair
U' U' R U' U' R' U R U' R' // 4th pair
U' U' U' U' r' U r2 U' r2 U' r2 U r' // OLL
U' R' z R U' R R z' R U' R' z U R U' R2 z' R U' r x' U' z R' // PLL

View at alg.garron.us
[B]Step	Time	STM	stps	ETM	etps[/B]						
[COLOR="red"]Total	16.31	66	4.05	86	5.27	[/COLOR]	[B][SIZE="4"]%[/SIZE]				
							Step		Time	STM	ETM[/B]
Cross+1	3.70	15	4.05	20	5.40		Cross+1/F2L	47.2%	36.6%	40.0%	
F2L	7.84	41	5.23	50	6.38		F2L/Total	48.1%	62.1%	58.1%	
LL	8.47	25	2.95	36	4.25		LL/Total	51.9%	37.9%	41.9%
L2 B' L2 B L' F' L2 B R D' L' B R B' U' R B2 R

x2 // inspection
R' D R' U' U' R' F // cross
U' U' R U' R' U' R' U' R // 1st pair
y' R U R' U R U' R' U' // 2nd pair
y' U' R U' U' R' U' U' R U' R' // 3rd pair
y R' U' U' R U R' U' R // 4th pair
U' r U' r' U' r U r' y' z D' z' U R // OLL
U' y' R' U' R z x' U' U' r U' R U R' U r' U' U' // PLL
View at alg.garron.us
[B]Step	Time	STM	stps	ETM	etps[/B]						
[COLOR="red"]Total	13.76	61	4.43	75	5.45	[/COLOR]	[B][SIZE="4"]%[/SIZE]				
							Step		Time	STM	ETM[/B]
Cross+1	4.01	14	3.49	16	3.99		Cross+1/F2L	50.9%	37.8%	35.6%	
F2L	7.88	37	4.70	45	5.71		F2L/Total	57.3%	60.7%	60.0%	
LL	5.88	24	4.08	30	5.10		LL/Total	42.7%	39.3%	40.0%
L2 U2 B U2 B L2 R2 B U2 L2 B' D' L R F' D B' F U' B D'

x2 // inspection
D' z' z R D' z' D' D' U' z U' R' D2 // cross
U' R' U R U' y U' R U R' // 1st pair
y U' R U' R' U' z U R U' z' // 2nd pair
U' R U' R' U' R' U' R // 3rd pair
U' U' y' R' U R y U' U' R' F R U R U' R' y' R' // WV
U R U' R' U R2 y R U R' U' x U' R' U R U' y U' R // PLL

View at alg.garron.us
[B]Step	Time	STM	stps	ETM	etps[/B]						
[COLOR="red"]Total	14.13	62	4.39	80	5.66	[/COLOR]	[B][SIZE="4"]%[/SIZE]				
							Step		Time	STM	ETM[/B]
Cross+1	4.87	17	3.49	23	4.72		Cross+1/F2L	43.3%	37.0%	38.3%	
F2L	11.25	46	4.09	60	5.34		F2L/Total	79.6%	74.2%	75.0%	
LL	2.89	16	5.54	20	6.92		LL/Total	20.4%	25.8%	25.0%
Sorry, everything else is derpy because one solve is missing, and I don't have the time to redo the stats... Thankfully, the missing solve is the fastest solve, so the average should work out fine.
Average (removing fastest and slowest solve)											
[B]Step	Time	STM	stps	ETM	etps[/B]						
[COLOR="red"]Total	14.30	59.33	4.15	77.33	5.41	[/COLOR]	[B][SIZE="4"]%[/SIZE]				
							Step		Time	STM	ETM[/B]
Cross+1	4.43	15.00	3.39	20.00	4.52		Cross+1/F2L	45.8%	37.2%	37.7%	
F2L	9.67	40.33	4.17	53.00	5.48		F2L/Total	67.6%	68.0%	68.5%	
LL	4.64	19.00	4.10	24.33	5.25		LL/Total	32.4%	32.0%	31.5%


OH friendly please
Dec 26, 2010
Chennai, India
Visit Channel
Bhargav Narasimhan - 14.30 OH Average of 5 (NR) - Aaruush Cube Open 2014

Please note that the video shows the solves the order 4, 5, 2, 3
1st solve: (13.04), no video

B2 U' B2 D2 F2 U2 L2 R F U B F R D2 U B F2 D2

x' // inspection
U' R' U' U' y R z' R U R // cross
U U' R U R' U' U' z U' R' U // 1st pair
z' R' U' R U' R U' U' R' // 2nd pair
U' R U R' // 3rd pair
y U' y U' R U' U' R' U' U' U' R' F R U R U' R' y' R' // WV
U' U' x' R U' R U' z U' R u' x' y' U' R U' R' U' z U' R z' R U' // PLL

View at alg.garron.us
U L2 D R2 F2 U' R2 U' F L' F' L2 D R' D B' D2 B' U2

x2 // inspection
D2 R2 D y' R U' R y R' // cross
U' U' R U' R' U' z U R U' z' // 1st pair
y' U' R' U' R2 U R' // 2nd pair
y U' R' U' R U R' U' R U R' U' R // 3rd pair
U' U' R U' U' R' U R U' R' // 4th pair
U' U' U' U' r' U r2 U' r2 U' r2 U r' // OLL
U' R' z R U' R R z' R U' R' z U R U' R2 z' R U' r x' U' z R' // PLL

View at alg.garron.us
L2 B' L2 B L' F' L2 B R D' L' B R B' U' R B2 R

x2 // inspection
R' D R' U' U' R' F // cross
U' U' R U' R' U' R' U' R // 1st pair
y' R U R' U R U' R' U' // 2nd pair
y' U' R U' U' R' U' U' R U' R' // 3rd pair
y R' U' U' R U R' U' R // 4th pair
U' r U' r' U' r U r' y' z D' z' U R // OLL
U' y' R' U' R z x' U' U' r U' R U R' U r' U' U' // PLL
View at alg.garron.us
L2 U2 B U2 B L2 R2 B U2 L2 B' D' L R F' D B' F U' B D'

x2 // inspection
D' z' z R D' z' D' D' U' z U' R' D2 // cross
U' R' U R U' y U' R U R' // 1st pair
y U' R U' R' U' z U R U' z' // 2nd pair
U' R U' R' U' R' U' R // 3rd pair
U' U' y' R' U R y U' U' R' F R U R U' R' y' R' // WV
U R U' R' U R2 y R U R' U' x U' R' U R U' y U' R // PLL

View at alg.garron.us
Sorry, everything else is derpy because one solve is missing, and I don't have the time to redo the stats... Thankfully, the missing solve is the fastest solve, so the average should work out fine.
Average (removing fastest and slowest solve)

Sorry for the pains caused. Thanks a lot Theodore! :)


May 7, 2006
Visit Channel
(new answer cause I just stumbled upon forum functionality I didn't know and probably many don't know)

Please can you do this for the accomplishment thread? You don't have to, but I'm just interested...

It's not quite what I did, but I accidentally just found some thread statistics:

You can also get there by going to the subforum of that thread and click on the "Replies:" number:

How have I managed to get that high on the list in a thead I rarely post in?

On the thread statistics page for this thread, you can click your posts number to see your posts in the thread:


Dec 8, 2013
Visit Channel
People on youtube and on the forum are clamoring for reconstructions of these sovles. I'll do some of the white/yellow cross ones when I get the chance. Anyone else, feel free to help. :p

EDIT: I'm actually having trouble reconstrusting because he's so insanely fast. I may not wind up doing any.
Last edited:


Mar 7, 2013
Oxfordshire, UK
Visit Channel
(new answer cause I just stumbled upon forum functionality I didn't know and probably many don't know)
Thanks! Apparently exactly one fifth of my posts (before this one) were in the accomplishment thread, and 9.9% were in the OAQT... unfortunately you can't search for them by clicking my number of posts because there seems to be a limit of 300. But that isn't really important, those links are just what I wanted, thanks.


May 24, 2012
Noord Holland, The Netherlands
Visit Channel
Could somebody please try to reconstruct:

R2 F2 D L2 U R2 U' R2 B D' L' R2 B' R F U L U2

I have tried my self for more than an hour. It's killing me that I can not find the way how I solved it.. I think I started out like this:

y2 // inspection
R' F y U' R' F R2 y U' R2 //cross


Sep 30, 2010
Visit Channel
Marcel Poots - 17.25 3x3 single - Dutch Nationals 2014

R2 F2 D L2 U R2 U' R2 B D' L' R2 B' R F U L U2

y2 // inspection
l' U (x' y') L U l U' l2' U l // cross
y' U' R U' R' U2 R U' R' // 1st pair
y R U2' R' U' L U L' // 2nd pair
U2' R U' R' U R U R' // 3rd pair
y R U' R' y' R' U' R // 4th pair
U2 R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F' U2 // PLL
View at alg.cubing.net
[B]Step	Time	STM	stps	ETM	etps[/B]
[COLOR="red"]Total	17.25	55	3.19	65	3.77	[/COLOR]	[B][SIZE="4"]%[/SIZE]
							Step		Time	STM	ETM[/B]
Cross+1	5.51	16	2.90	19	3.45		Cross+1/F2L	45.2%	41.0%	40.4%
F2L	12.18	39	3.20	47	3.86		F2L/Total	70.6%	70.9%	72.3%
LL	5.07	16	3.16	18	3.55		LL/Total	29.4%	29.1%	27.7%
R2 F2 D L2 U R2 U' R2 B D' L' R2 B' R F U L U2

y2 // inspection
l' U (x' y') L U l U' l' l' U l // cross
y' U' R U' R' U2 R U' R' // 1st pair
y U U' R U' U' R' U' L U L' // 2nd pair
U' U' R U' R' U R U R' // 3rd pair
y R U' R' y' R' U' R // 4th pair
U U R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U l' U' x' U2 // PLL
View at alg.cubing.net