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Results are in! Method Development Competition August 2021 - Create the best 4x4 method! - $10 gift card prize! - Sponsored by SpeedCubeShop.com

The development part of the competition has finished! Five methods have been submitted. Click the link below to view the poll where you can learn about the methods and vote on the one you think is best. There are three categories - Best Overall Method for Speedsolving, Most Original, and Most Ergonomic. Carefully study the steps of each method to understand how they work.

Vote Here!
The reconstruction for the 234 method on alg.cubing.net doesn't provide a full or an incorrect solve. There are a bunch of centers that are just not solved.
Yeah, I talked to the competitor about that before creating the poll. They said that it was intentional. It is supposed to be showing that the user then does whatever comms they want for the centers. Versus inputting the comms in the example.
I turned on email collection in the poll because I had a feeling that something was going on. There was an initial string of five very similar votes all occurring within 40 minutes. Each one put the same method as number 1 in all three categories. I thought "Fine, this could just be the people on the team." Then 6 hours later another string of very similar votes all within 5 minutes. Again each vote had the same method as number 1 in all three categories.

Screenshot 2021-09-04 230327.png

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Screenshot 2021-09-04 230546.png

Maybe the last one at 13:57 is just a coincidence, but it is very similar to the four above it.

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Screenshot 2021-09-04 230819.png

Then an hour after post number 22 in this topic where I reminded people to vote, there was another vote cast that looked the same as the strings of votes described above. This time email collection was turned on. The email was cuberfast2007@gmail.com.

Screenshot 2021-09-04 225838.png

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Screenshot 2021-09-04 225925.png

Then around an hour ago from now there was another set of votes. This time from lolcuber2007@gmail.com and lmaocuber2007@gmail.com. Again, very similar votes. The votes were around 2 minutes apart. 9:38 P.M. to 9:41 P.M. my time.

Screenshot 2021-09-04 230053.png

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Screenshot 2021-09-04 230138.png

Just 2 minutes after the above two votes there was a post by xtreme cuber2007 asking about the number of votes. 9:42 P.M. my time.

Screenshot 2021-09-04 220011.png

So we have:

xtreme cuber2007

All end in 2007. One name submitted a method for the competition (the one that received all of the number 1 votes mentioned above) and the others look like quickly made up emails and all had similar votes occurring within a series of very close timeframes and each ranked the same method number 1 in all three categories.

Should I completely disqualify you and remove your method from the results? Did you not think that I was going to look at the individual votes and the email addresses? Or am I simply seeing something that isn't there?
xtremecuber is my account
cuberfast I made it for my bro
lmaocuber my dad's account
lolcuber my mom's account

I asked them to vote
and then I asked to check if you have recieved the vote.

And also i didn't vote from there accounts, they shared their thoughts and they voted by themselves. I think they all voted the same things.
xtremecuber is my account
cuberfast I made it for my bro
lmaocuber my dad's account
lolcuber my mom's account

I asked them to vote
and then I asked to check if you have recieved the vote.

And also i didn't vote from there accounts, they shared their thoughts and they voted by themselves. I think they all voted the same things.
confirmed with my mom and she told they all discussed and put the same vote after going through all docs. And yeah I didn't tell them to vote for us, and I still don't know what they voted. So I think you can trust me.
confirmed with my mom and she told they all discussed and put the same vote after going through all docs. And yeah I didn't tell them to vote for us, and I still don't know what they voted. So I think you can trust me.
and also our time zones differ. so if you post a message don't expect me to reply right at the instant. I might reply after some hours. so yeah, and again you can trust me, me and my friend have a deal that we wont ask anyone to vote specifically for us. Any doubts dm me here, in speedsolving.com.
thank you
xtremecuber is my account
cuberfast I made it for my bro
lmaocuber my dad's account
lolcuber my mom's account

I asked them to vote
and then I asked to check if you have recieved the vote.

And also i didn't vote from there accounts, they shared their thoughts and they voted by themselves. I think they all voted the same things.

How do you explain the other strings of votes that look the same? The first string of 4-5 people all discussed together and agreed upon almost exactly the same thing? Then the second string of 3 people all discussed together and agreed upon almost exactly the same thing? For the lolcuber2007 and lmaocuber2007 votes, your mom and dad are deep enough into cubing that they understand the nuances of big cube solving well enough to vote? It's kind of an advanced subject within method development.
xtremecuber is my account
cuberfast I made it for my bro
lmaocuber my dad's account
lolcuber my mom's account

I asked them to vote
and then I asked to check if you have recieved the vote.

And also i didn't vote from there accounts, they shared their thoughts and they voted by themselves. I think they all voted the same things.
Your family all have an email with cubing in it and ending with 2007?

Do you have any proof other than that your mom told you? You also sound pretty nervous, posting three times in a row and saying "you can trust me" multiple times. You said "I think they all voted the same things" is not a very good point to bring up when you can obviously see that everyone voted the same thing in Athefre's post. You should also sound more professional when defending yourself when being accused of something pretty serious.
Your family all have an email with cubing in it and ending with 2007?

Do you have any proof other than that your mom told you? You also sound pretty nervous, posting three times in a row and saying "you can trust me" multiple times. You said "I think they all voted the same things" is not a very good point to bring up when you can obviously see that everyone voted the same thing in Athefre's post. You should also sound more professional when defending yourself when being accused of something pretty serious.
How do you explain the other strings of votes that look the same? The first string of 4-5 people all discussed together and agreed upon almost exactly the same thing? Then the second string of 3 people all discussed together and agreed upon almost exactly the same thing? For the lolcuber2007 and lmaocuber2007 votes, your mom and dad are deep enough into cubing that they understand the nuances of big cube solving well enough to vote? It's kind of an advanced subject within method development.
You know what ,i agree with @xtreme cuber2007 here I feel like he is correct and his family did vote. It's fine just deal with it, it's not a big deal. He may just have a family of cubers, who knows its not your business. You can just deal with it, it's not the end of the world. Apparently to yall if something happens less than 95% of the time, its fake. I do see yalls argument but I think the defendant here wins. Just don't accuse people of crap like this. It just happens.
You know what ,i agree with @xtreme cuber2007 here I feel like he is correct and his family did vote. It's fine just deal with it, it's not a big deal. He may just have a family of cubers, who knows its not your business. You can just deal with it, it's not the end of the world. Apparently to yall if something happens less than 95% of the time, its fake. I do see yalls argument but I think the defendant here wins. Just don't accuse people of crap like this. It just happens.
Just when I was starting to change my opinion on you...

This is quite literally the single worst argument I have ever heard on the forums and in real life. (@BenChristman1 if you're working on forum awards this year I'd like to nominate this for Worst Arguing and Dumbest Post of the Year. No offence Lukas). You start off in a way that suggests you wrote this spontaneously. "You know what" is a horrible to start a post, you also didn't capitalize the first "i" but did for the second. You than say you "feel" that he is correct which is fine. But it makes sense to be skeptical given that he didn't provide good evidence or a confident tone.

Let's assume he has a family of cubers like you said, the chances of that are extremely low but let's just pretend. If his family were all cubers are we also assuming they have a very good understanding of big cubes, theory, ergonomics, lookahead, and so on? If so can we also agree that they all discussed each method in great detail not knowing which was there relatives method as to prevent possible bias? And what are the chances of agreeing that the one was best in terms of all three categories? On top of that how was it that it was also xtreme cuber2007's method? It does not even make sense for all to put his method as most original since that is very, very debatable.

How do you explain the the second string of votes like @Athefre pointed out. Now that we mentioned Athefre let's discuss your next point. You quote his post replying that it's "fine" if he even did cheat and that it is "not a big deal". You then go on to tell this whiny Athefre fellow who's been creating methods since before you were even born that he needs to "deal with it" I mean c'mon Athefre it's not the "end of the world" for crying out loud.

You seem to contradict yourself when you go from saying that he did not cheat to even if he did it's not a big deal to it's none of our business if he cheats to stuff like this "just happens". Whether this is purposeful, the fault of bad writing and grammar, or just a poor understanding of arguments I don't know. But what I do know is that it is everyone's business on the forums, especially Atherfre and xtreme cuber2007's fellow competitors who, if I may add, seemed to put a lot more thought and time into this than xtreme. This isn't some card game your playing with your chums, this is a contest that is requiring hard work and thought. Not just anyone could enter. You needed to know what you're doing and how to win. Not only is this a contest that can contribute greatly to the cubing community, but, there is a prize at stake. To cheat someone out of an otherwise rightful prize is extremely dirty and does not belong anywhere, especially in a small community like this.

You act as though your decision is the deciding factor of determining quite possibly the winner of this important event. Excuse me if I sound rude but you aren't exactly the best decision maker on this forum. You tend to create lazy posts that don't really make a point and you never use a professional tone of voice no matter the topic or length. You've been known to not think things through into detail such as your 5x5 method which you cling to despite multiple experienced cubers and method creators telling you it's no good.

Moving on. You give no reason on why you think the defendant wins. You simply say we shouldn't accuse people of "crap" (real mature btw). This kind of stuff doesn't "just happen". @xtreme cuber2007 decided (unless he can provide some stone hard evidence) to make that decision. It was not by chance. A couple posts is not a big deal everybody has actually been surprisingly quiet about this. The things we "accuse" of not being happen much less than 95% of the time. Having a whole family cube is much greater than a 95% chance, same with when we questioned you about your PB. It was very suspicious and you did not even have the scramble again, something that happens less than 95% of the time.

In summary: 1. Telling the creator of the contest it's not a big deal is ridicules. 2. We have all the right to be suspicious. 3. You can have opinions but don't expect us to agree especially if you sound like a toxic inept internet kid.

Edit: That last bit was a little harsh. I'm sure you aren't this bad in real life but a lot of your posts give that impression. Sorry if I sounded like a jerk.
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