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Race to Sub-30 and Race to Sub 25


Aug 11, 2015
Round 209
Race to sub-30
Aolong V2
Ao12: 37.008

(27.431), 38.398, 36.423, 46.551+, 30.495, 38.311, (52.550), 27.751, 35.047, 37.983, 42.575, 36.543

A couple of bad solves in here. Overall I think this is worse than usual but not too bad. Last week's time was quite good for me.

Shaky Hands

Premium Member
Nov 9, 2015
Bristol, U.K.
Visit Channel
Round Two Hundred and Nine

No graduates this week. Well done to everyone that entered.

Race to Sub 25


Race to Sub 30


Previous Graduates
For graduates prior to Round 144 when I took over running this Race from Brian Kremer, please refer to Page 1 of this thread.

Race to Sub-25 Graduates
Round 144 GenTheThief (ZZ OH)
Round 145 muchacho (Roux CN)
Round 147 hagner (CFOP/Keyhole)
Round 149 Umm Roux? (Roux)
Round 154 Shaky Hands (CFOP)
Round 163 Loiloiloi (CFOP), Agguzi (CFOP)
Round 167 megagoune (CFOP), LindyHoppingCuber (CFOP)
Round 168 JanW (CFOP)
Round 171 Agguzi (CFOP CN)
Round 172 CubingGenius (ZZ CN)
Round 176 mitja (CFOP)
Round 178 GoldCubes29 (CFOP)
Round 179 Miges12w3 (CFOP)
Round 180 T1_M0 (CFOP)
Round 183 Mappo (CFOP)
Round 186 Fyzzna (Roux)
Round 190 cuber314159 (Roux), Jon Persson (CFOP)
Round 195 kprox1994 (CFOP)
Round 198 JanW (CFOP BC)
Round 203 xitvono (CFOP)
Round 207 Shaky Hands (CFOP YC), theos (ZZ)

Race to Sub-30 Graduates
Round 151 JustinTimeCuber (CFOP)
Round 151 Turn n' burn (CFOP)
Round 162 pipkiksass (CFOP 4x4)
Round 164 GenTheThief (RH OH ZZ)
Round 165 Mappo (CFOP), theos (ZZ)
Round 166 Shaky Hands (CFOP 4x4)
Round 167 oliviervlcube (CFOP)
Round 168 Agguzi (CFOP CN), GoldCubes29 (CFOP)
Round 169 CubingGenius (ZZ CN)
Round 170 Jon Persson (CFOP)
Round 171 Shaky Hands (CFOP 5x5)
Round 172 Sion (PCMS/Columns)
Round 175 Miges12w3 (CFOP)
Round 180 Shaky Hands (CFOP YC)
Round 183 Fyzzna (Roux)
Round 187 Philip Meyer (CFOP)
Round 189 muchacho (Roux OH)
Round 197 greengoatgal (CFOP)
Round 208 Duncan Bannon (CFOP)

Shaky Hands

Premium Member
Nov 9, 2015
Bristol, U.K.
Visit Channel
Round 210 Introductory Cube Races
Planned round end date Monday November 20th 2017

Reminder: Please put the round number in your post when you submit your results. If you're a new entry into the Race, please also include your Method. Thanks!


1. D2 R' F' B' R' L F R' D R' U' R2 B2 U' L' D' R F' U' D2 B R2 L2 U B'
2. B F' D2 F U2 F R U2 L2 U2 F' L' F R U2 R L2 U' F R L2 U' B' L' U
3. B' R D' F L U2 L' F R2 L' F' B D2 F2 U' F' R2 B2 U' B2 D2 F D' L2 F'
4. D R B' F2 D B' L' R2 F' B' R2 L U2 F R U R2 D2 R B2 R2 U' L B2 L
5. B2 F2 U2 L2 B R' L2 D U L2 D2 B F' L2 D2 B R2 B' L R D2 L2 U D F'
6. R2 F' B R F L2 D R2 B F L2 U2 L' F' B2 L R U D2 F' R2 F R2 F2 B2
7. F2 B U' F' B' D' U F' B R2 D2 F' U' F2 R U2 F U' B2 F2 U2 D2 L' D2 R
8. F B2 D L F2 R D' F' L' U' R B D F' R2 B' R2 D' F2 B R L B' R' U
9. R F2 B2 L' B' F' U' L U' R F2 L U R' F2 U' L B L' R B' R2 B D' L'
10. F R2 D' F U' F' B L' D B L B L R' F U' B2 R' U B2 L2 R B F' D
11. D2 U' F2 U' D L2 B' L D L' F' R F2 R2 D2 B' D B U' D' B' D' R' L' F
12. R2 D U' F L2 D' U' R' D U R' D' B2 L' F R2 D' B' D2 U L2 D' R' D F'

Good luck!


Aug 11, 2015
Round 210
Race to sub 30
Ao12: 35.086

(40.287), 29.655, 37.071, 30.015, (28.559), 32.902, 37.734, 36.670, 33.174, 40.246, 33.383, 40.006

Well, there were no really bad or really good times in these solves. It beats my time 2 weeks ago, but I feel like I could have done better. I don't like E perms.


May 27, 2015
Visit Channel
Round 210
Race to sub-25
Roux OH

Ao12: 26.55

26.06, (38.96), 23.93, 24.32, 24.01, (19.80), 25.81, 27.46, 29.74, 29.44, 22.26

That was too good, I'm averaging a bit less than 29.

Shaky Hands

Premium Member
Nov 9, 2015
Bristol, U.K.
Visit Channel
Round Two Hundred and Ten

No graduates this week. Well done to everyone that entered.

Race to Sub 25


Race to Sub 30


Previous Graduates
For graduates prior to Round 144 when I took over running this Race from Brian Kremer, please refer to Page 1 of this thread.

Race to Sub-25 Graduates
Round 144 GenTheThief (ZZ OH)
Round 145 muchacho (Roux CN)
Round 147 hagner (CFOP/Keyhole)
Round 149 Umm Roux? (Roux)
Round 154 Shaky Hands (CFOP)
Round 163 Loiloiloi (CFOP), Agguzi (CFOP)
Round 167 megagoune (CFOP), LindyHoppingCuber (CFOP)
Round 168 JanW (CFOP)
Round 171 Agguzi (CFOP CN)
Round 172 CubingGenius (ZZ CN)
Round 176 mitja (CFOP)
Round 178 GoldCubes29 (CFOP)
Round 179 Miges12w3 (CFOP)
Round 180 T1_M0 (CFOP)
Round 183 Mappo (CFOP)
Round 186 Fyzzna (Roux)
Round 190 cuber314159 (Roux), Jon Persson (CFOP)
Round 195 kprox1994 (CFOP)
Round 198 JanW (CFOP BC)
Round 203 xitvono (CFOP)
Round 207 Shaky Hands (CFOP YC), theos (ZZ)

Race to Sub-30 Graduates
Round 151 JustinTimeCuber (CFOP)
Round 151 Turn n' burn (CFOP)
Round 162 pipkiksass (CFOP 4x4)
Round 164 GenTheThief (RH OH ZZ)
Round 165 Mappo (CFOP), theos (ZZ)
Round 166 Shaky Hands (CFOP 4x4)
Round 167 oliviervlcube (CFOP)
Round 168 Agguzi (CFOP CN), GoldCubes29 (CFOP)
Round 169 CubingGenius (ZZ CN)
Round 170 Jon Persson (CFOP)
Round 171 Shaky Hands (CFOP 5x5)
Round 172 Sion (PCMS/Columns)
Round 175 Miges12w3 (CFOP)
Round 180 Shaky Hands (CFOP YC)
Round 183 Fyzzna (Roux)
Round 187 Philip Meyer (CFOP)
Round 189 muchacho (Roux OH)
Round 197 greengoatgal (CFOP)
Round 208 Duncan Bannon (CFOP)

Shaky Hands

Premium Member
Nov 9, 2015
Bristol, U.K.
Visit Channel
Round 211 Introductory Cube Races
Planned round end date Monday November 27th 2017

Reminder: Please put the round number in your post when you submit your results. If you're a new entry into the Race, please also include your Method. Thanks!


1. R' B L2 F' B U' R2 F U2 R F2 R2 U' R2 L2 B L2 B2 U' D2 L B' U2 L' F'
2. D F L F B U' F2 U2 B F' L2 D2 L2 F2 D F2 D' L R F L' F' R F' L2
3. U2 D B2 F' D R' L' B2 F2 D' L' U2 F2 D' R2 B' R L2 D B' F' L' F R F
4. L2 D' B' R B2 D' F' L' R2 D2 R2 B F' L R' D B D R2 L B' D2 R' L B
5. D' U2 B L2 F' R L' D F' R' B' D' B R' F B2 R2 B D2 R L D F D F'
6. B' D2 F2 U2 D R B2 D L2 B R' D2 B2 U' B' U' D R D2 B U' F' U L2 F2
7. F' U L U' D2 B L2 B' L' F2 B' R' F R F2 L R U' D L2 B2 R2 F2 L2 B2
8. L' B U2 R' U' F D' F' B U L2 R2 D' U2 R2 B2 D R F2 D' F' D' L F' U
9. U' F2 L F2 U' F2 D2 L' B U B' R F2 L' R' D' F B2 D' B' R' D' B2 U' R2
10. L R' U B2 D2 R D2 B' U2 L2 D2 F' D2 R2 F2 L D L2 D2 U' R2 B2 L' F D
11. B2 U' D' R' L2 U D' L' D R' B2 U2 D2 B' D' L' D2 L R2 D R2 D' R' B' F2
12. U B' D2 B' U B2 D R' U' D' F R' F' U F D' L' U B R2 U D2 B2 U' F'

Good luck!
Last edited:


Aug 11, 2015
Round 211?
Race to sub 30
Ao12: 34.412

39.574, (39.774), 33.167, 37.286, 32.456, 32.111, 38.278, 36.758, (24.455), 31.871, 34.279, 28.343

Started off pretty badly with lots of mistakes, but I managed to finish with a sub 35. The 24.455 finished with a Niklas ZBLL. My goal next week is sub 34.


Apr 16, 2015
South of the North Pole
Round 211
Race to sub-25
Valk M
Ao12: 23.66

20.31 (19.79) (27.04) 25.38 20.02 24.38 26.73 25.86 23.69 21.28 25.20 23.76

The first two solves were beautiful. The fifth solve could have been a sub-20 if I didn't AUF on the OLL/PLL.

Shaky Hands

Premium Member
Nov 9, 2015
Bristol, U.K.
Visit Channel
Round Two Hundred and Eleven

ultimatecube graduates the Race to Sub-25 this week with CFOP. Well done to everyone that entered.

Race to Sub 25


Race to Sub 30


Previous Graduates
For graduates prior to Round 144 when I took over running this Race from Brian Kremer, please refer to Page 1 of this thread.

Race to Sub-25 Graduates
Round 144 GenTheThief (ZZ OH)
Round 145 muchacho (Roux CN)
Round 147 hagner (CFOP/Keyhole)
Round 149 Umm Roux? (Roux)
Round 154 Shaky Hands (CFOP)
Round 163 Loiloiloi (CFOP), Agguzi (CFOP)
Round 167 megagoune (CFOP), LindyHoppingCuber (CFOP)
Round 168 JanW (CFOP)
Round 171 Agguzi (CFOP CN)
Round 172 CubingGenius (ZZ CN)
Round 176 mitja (CFOP)
Round 178 GoldCubes29 (CFOP)
Round 179 Miges12w3 (CFOP)
Round 180 T1_M0 (CFOP)
Round 183 Mappo (CFOP)
Round 186 Fyzzna (Roux)
Round 190 cuber314159 (Roux), Jon Persson (CFOP)
Round 195 kprox1994 (CFOP)
Round 198 JanW (CFOP BC)
Round 203 xitvono (CFOP)
Round 207 Shaky Hands (CFOP YC), theos (ZZ)
Round 211 ultimatecube (CFOP)

Race to Sub-30 Graduates
Round 151 JustinTimeCuber (CFOP)
Round 151 Turn n' burn (CFOP)
Round 162 pipkiksass (CFOP 4x4)
Round 164 GenTheThief (RH OH ZZ)
Round 165 Mappo (CFOP), theos (ZZ)
Round 166 Shaky Hands (CFOP 4x4)
Round 167 oliviervlcube (CFOP)
Round 168 Agguzi (CFOP CN), GoldCubes29 (CFOP)
Round 169 CubingGenius (ZZ CN)
Round 170 Jon Persson (CFOP)
Round 171 Shaky Hands (CFOP 5x5)
Round 172 Sion (PCMS/Columns)
Round 175 Miges12w3 (CFOP)
Round 180 Shaky Hands (CFOP YC)
Round 183 Fyzzna (Roux)
Round 187 Philip Meyer (CFOP)
Round 189 muchacho (Roux OH)
Round 197 greengoatgal (CFOP)
Round 208 Duncan Bannon (CFOP)

Shaky Hands

Premium Member
Nov 9, 2015
Bristol, U.K.
Visit Channel
Round 212 Introductory Cube Races
Planned round end date Monday December 4th 2017

Reminder: Please put the round number in your post when you submit your results. If you're a new entry into the Race, please also include your Method. Thanks!


1. D' U F U L2 R' U' L2 F2 D F L' F2 L2 R2 B' D2 L2 R' U R F' U2 D F2
2. B D L B' D' R' U R2 F U F2 D2 R2 B' D2 B F2 D' F D' U' B2 L2 D U
3. B' U B' R2 B2 R2 U R' U2 D2 L' R' B R F L' R' U L' R' D' F D R L'
4. U R2 D2 B D2 U B U D2 L D B' R2 D R' F' B2 L' R' B2 U B2 F' D' B
5. R U' D B' U D' L' U' F' B2 R F2 R2 B' D R2 B L R2 B D' R D2 F' R2
6. F D2 L D2 F2 B L' U L F U' R U' D' F B' R' D' U2 L2 R2 U2 F' B L'
7. U D2 R2 F2 R L' U' L2 U B L' U' L R' U2 L F R2 F' B2 D F R' F L2
8. R' U2 D F2 D L2 F D B' L2 D' R2 D2 L' U2 B' U' R2 F' B2 U' F2 B U' R'
9. B2 L' R B' F R L' U D R' B R' D' B2 F' D U' L' B2 D' F2 D F R' F'
10. F' U D F B2 U2 D' L' R' D2 B F2 L2 R U D' F' U2 D2 F2 R' F2 L' D F'
11. U2 L F2 U2 R U F' L U2 R L U' D2 B2 L B2 R B2 D R U' D2 B2 L' U'
12. U2 B' D' U2 B2 R B' R' L2 D U F' B R2 U2 B2 U F U D' B L2 B' U2 R2

Good luck!


Aug 11, 2015
Round 212
Race to sub 30
Ao12: 33.905

42.478, 29.879, 34.599, 31.896, 27.551, 28.271, 32.592, 38.278, 38.135, 39.238, 35.630, 30.536

It's not a bad time, but I still feel like I can do better. For example, it's annoying when I have an OLL I don't like to do a 2 look OLL alg followed by a slow COLL followed by an H perm.

Shaky Hands

Premium Member
Nov 9, 2015
Bristol, U.K.
Visit Channel
Round Two Hundred and Twelve

No graduates this week. Well done to everyone that entered.

Race to Sub 25


Race to Sub 30


Previous Graduates
For graduates prior to Round 144 when I took over running this Race from Brian Kremer, please refer to Page 1 of this thread.

Race to Sub-25 Graduates
Round 144 GenTheThief (ZZ OH)
Round 145 muchacho (Roux CN)
Round 147 hagner (CFOP/Keyhole)
Round 149 Umm Roux? (Roux)
Round 154 Shaky Hands (CFOP)
Round 163 Loiloiloi (CFOP), Agguzi (CFOP)
Round 167 megagoune (CFOP), LindyHoppingCuber (CFOP)
Round 168 JanW (CFOP)
Round 171 Agguzi (CFOP CN)
Round 172 CubingGenius (ZZ CN)
Round 176 mitja (CFOP)
Round 178 GoldCubes29 (CFOP)
Round 179 Miges12w3 (CFOP)
Round 180 T1_M0 (CFOP)
Round 183 Mappo (CFOP)
Round 186 Fyzzna (Roux)
Round 190 cuber314159 (Roux), Jon Persson (CFOP)
Round 195 kprox1994 (CFOP)
Round 198 JanW (CFOP BC)
Round 203 xitvono (CFOP)
Round 207 Shaky Hands (CFOP YC), theos (ZZ)
Round 211 ultimatecube (CFOP)

Race to Sub-30 Graduates
Round 151 JustinTimeCuber (CFOP)
Round 151 Turn n' burn (CFOP)
Round 162 pipkiksass (CFOP 4x4)
Round 164 GenTheThief (RH OH ZZ)
Round 165 Mappo (CFOP), theos (ZZ)
Round 166 Shaky Hands (CFOP 4x4)
Round 167 oliviervlcube (CFOP)
Round 168 Agguzi (CFOP CN), GoldCubes29 (CFOP)
Round 169 CubingGenius (ZZ CN)
Round 170 Jon Persson (CFOP)
Round 171 Shaky Hands (CFOP 5x5)
Round 172 Sion (PCMS/Columns)
Round 175 Miges12w3 (CFOP)
Round 180 Shaky Hands (CFOP YC)
Round 183 Fyzzna (Roux)
Round 187 Philip Meyer (CFOP)
Round 189 muchacho (Roux OH)
Round 197 greengoatgal (CFOP)
Round 208 Duncan Bannon (CFOP)

Shaky Hands

Premium Member
Nov 9, 2015
Bristol, U.K.
Visit Channel
Round 213 Introductory Cube Races
Planned round end date Monday December 11th 2017

Reminder: Please put the round number in your post when you submit your results. If you're a new entry into the Race, please also include your Method. Thanks!


1. L D' L D F2 L U D L2 U2 L2 B2 U' F' U F R' B' F' R B' U2 F B U
2. D2 R' L F' U B' U' L2 F2 R2 B2 D B U2 L D' L D' B' R D' L' U' B L2
3. U L2 R2 D' B' F U' L' F U' F2 B2 R' B F' U' B2 U D' B2 L F B2 R' D2
4. L F B2 R2 D2 R2 U F' U R B' L R U R D B2 D B' D R' D2 R' U2 R'
5. F2 D' F' U R2 U2 F2 R F2 D' L2 U2 F L D L B2 R L U2 D' R B R' L2
6. L D R D2 B U B U B2 U F2 L' R U L' F D2 L U' F2 R' D L' U' R
7. F U D' L R' F' B D B2 D L' F2 B' D R F' D' B L2 U2 L F2 D2 L2 B2
8. F U2 F' L' F U2 B2 R2 B2 R' D' F' U2 F U' F2 B2 D B F D U' R' F B'
9. B D' F D L2 D' L' D F2 U2 B2 U' B2 D R' B' L D2 U' L2 F2 L2 D L2 F'
10. F2 L' R D2 R2 D F2 B' L D' F D2 L' D2 L2 F' U2 B2 U' F2 D' R' D L D'
11. L U D B L R2 U' D2 L U2 R2 F D' F U2 L2 F2 D2 U' F U2 R2 D' B2 D2
12. F' L F2 R2 L U L' R2 B2 U' R' U D2 F2 R B' L2 U2 L2 B U' R2 D L R

Good luck!

Shaky Hands

Premium Member
Nov 9, 2015
Bristol, U.K.
Visit Channel
Round 213
Race to Sub-25
CFOP on 6x6
Ao12: 27.48

25.82, 26.55, (21.11,) 31.13, 28.58, 23.92, 23.31, 26.71, 26.02, 29.21, (35.61,) 33.52

Did COLL wrong a couple of times in these. Trying to learn some new cases.