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Please be quiet Speed Solving 2024 (Forum competition)

Your officially Sub-20, if you average 100 moves your CFOP solutions are HIGHELY inefficient. (No offense)
That was a total fluke

They are so inefficient! Watch my vids. You will se how god-awful my solutions are. I only get somewhat decent times because I average around 5 tps on 3x3.

I also don’t know full OLL or PLL. I’m doing 4LLL, and I know a few OLLs and some PLLs
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They are so inefficient! Watch my vids. You will se how god-awful my solutions are. I only get somewhat decent times because I average around 5 tps on 3x3.
If you wanna improve I’d highly reccomend you work on that. That would probably help you get sub-15. That should be your only focus for now.

I do FMC by doing really bad solutions. I average around 100 moves, maybe 85 if I get lucky F2L cases. Is that okay?
Yes, that’s ok.
That was a total fluke

They are so inefficient! Watch my vids. You will se how god-awful my solutions are. I only get somewhat decent times because I average around 5 tps on 3x3.

I also don’t know full OLL or PLL. I’m doing 4LLL, and I know a few OLLs and some PLLs
Also, block building is more efficient (only viable for FMC)
Ok, here are the scrambles:

3BLD round 1:

MultiBLD attempt 1:

MultiBLD attempt 2:

MultiBLD attempt 3:

4BLD round 1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m9Fq6uhCXkkyd64pAFNMGeBcrWJS_BGLJ1FtJvs3a7o/edit

5BLD round 1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jJXqKu-N3Xh3S8k6rzg24ef4sbZl7BSh6S0E7rjDfts/edit

FMC attempt 1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ljxgo-s3sDtNYWGa2ZsTia3uMnLWKjSLemBzKIQfddY/edit

FMC attempt 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QZCnKKaQ1g4H77inEl4Qf5ytjohB95wVdqtBzr8Pgco/edit

FMC attempt 3: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10lJJh4R6pBfeDJoV_IqdQy3JOmKify0AY8rUU8U_s8A/edit

If you don't have access to one of the links, let me know and I will fix it.

I will give a 1 month deadline for submissions, at which point, I will start the next round.

Good luck to all competitors!