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My Mains 2024

2x2: GAN 251M Pro
3x3: X-Man Tornado v2.
4x4: MGC
Don’t have/do 5/6/7.
SQ-1: MGC. It broke but my new one will also likely be an MGC.
Skewb: QiYi skewb.
3BLD & OH: X-Man Tornado v2.
1x1: Gan 118 M Pro
2x2: Gan 251 M Leap UV Coated
3x3: Gan 12 MagLev UV Coated
4x4: YJ Mini ZhiLong
5x5: MGC
6x6: MGC
7x7: Imagine
Pyraminx: MoYu WeiLong (Standard)
Skewb: Gan Standard
Square-1: ProShop MGC
Clonk: QiYi (what else lol)
Megaminx: YJ YuHu
One-Handed: Gan 12 MagLev UV Coated
2x2: QiYi M Pro BC
3x3: MoYu Weilong GTS2M
4x4: YJ MGC
5x5: YJ YuChuang V2 M
6x6: YJ MGC (sitting disassembled in a bag)
7x7: YJ YuFu V2 M (me like beeg size)
Mega: YJ YuHu V2 M
Pyra: YJ MGC Evo with refinished surface
Skewb: MoYu RS Skewb M Standard
Clock: QiYi Clock
Square-1: N/A
Last edited:
Might as well do mine
2x2: MGC Elite
3x3: Tornado v3 Flagship/WRMv9 BC/RS3mv5 bc no uv/ Super rs3m v1 Luke edition/ RS3M2020
4x4: Angstrom MGC
5x5: AoChuang WRM
6x6: AoShi WRM
7x7: AoFu WRM
Mega: Dayan v2m
Skewb: Gan enhanced
Pyra: Weilong standard
Clock: Shengshou rip qiyi
Squan: MGC
My mains and averages

2x2: gan 251 m pro
Average: 3.1
3x3: moyu weilong v9 ball core
Average: 9.7
4x4: yj mini 4x4
Average: 41
5x5: yj mgc
Average: 1:18
6x6: moyu aoshi
Average: 2:20
7x7: moyu aofu
Average: 3:45
3x3 oh: dayan guhong pro 55mm
Average: 17
Pyraminx: moyu weilong maglev
Average: 3.7
Megaminx: dayan megaminx v2
Average: 1:09
Skewb: xman wings v2
Average: 5.5
Square 1: yj mgc
Average: 13
Clock: qiyi clock
Average: 5.6

I like all of my mains but I might get the gan 5x5 and the gan megaminx v2 when they come out
2x2 GAN 251 M Leap

3x3 GAN 13 MagLev UV

4x4-7x7 MGC

Pyraminx GAN Standard

Skewb Angstrom Skewb

Clock Shengshou Magnetic

Squan MGC

3x3 OH GAN 13 MagLev UV (same cube as my 3x3)
2x2: MoYu Weipo WRS 2x2
3x3: X-Man Tornado V3 Flagship
4x4: YJ MGC
5x5: YJ MCC
6x6: MoYu Aoshi WRM 6x6 that deeefinitely isn’t missing one of the center caps…
7x7: MoYu Aofu WRM 7x7
BLD: One I learn I’d have to use my MoYu RS3 M 2020
FMC: Well you can’t really have a main for this event…
OH: I’m not sure if I prefer my MoYu RS3 M 2020 or my X-Man Tornado V3 Flagship
Clock: QiYi Magnetic Clock
Megaminx: YJ YuHu Megaminx V2 M
Pyraminx: YuXin Little Magic Pyraminx M
Skewb: GAN Skewb M Enhanced
Square-1: YJ MGC SQ-1
3x3: GAN 356 lite (soon to be Rs3m 2022 bc)
2x2: GAN 251 M Pro
4x4: YJ MGC 4x4
Pyraminx Moyu rsm standard (soon to be weilong standard)
Megaminx: YJ yuhu Megaminx v2m
This is all I have because I think you should always get the best cubes rather than get loads of mid ones that don’t give good results.