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[NAR] Max Park 3.63 3x3 single


Jun 3, 2022
Oh that's a good alg I'll use that as my alg from now on. I used to use F U R U' R' F' R U R' U R U2 R'. Which is really just the 2 look alg, I used it because I saw Brody the cuber use it in one of his example solves
max has used that alg for ollcp in his cubedesk level 35 challenge video
F R' F' R U2 R U' R' U R U2 R' might be better than the 2 look alg, ruihang and tymon uses this


Apr 2, 2015
I used to use F U R U' R' F' R U R' U R U2 R'. Which is really just the 2 look alg, I used it because I saw Brody the cuber use it in one of his example solves
I use that for the diagonal OLLCP. I basically do it 2 look to see if I can do ZBLL on the sune. I don't know if the recognition pause is worth it since I only know 3 cases, I feel like it's not, but it feels nice when I skip lol. On OH it's probably worth it since it's FURURF into 2GLL.