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A collection of BLD algorithms lists

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Heejun Kim's list
Hello all, I'm releasing my alg sheet here. I've compiled algs from various resources as well as a handful of algs that I came up with myself. This is the sheet that I personally made for myself to learn blind algs from, so the algs listed are algs that I personally use and not necessarily the most common algs. Also, I haven't finished learning all of them, I'm just compiling them for me to get to them later.

Some sheets are incomplete but I've at the very least listed the main sets. I will be semi-consistently updating the sheets and filling in the incomplete sets and adding new sets. You can track my progress from the to do list inside. Feel free to comment inside any alternate alg suggestions and whatnot: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1reVKjwZj0RUvBzyOAYvDA-JbXpNxQxxo3lCDc6XNKII/edit?usp=sharing

(also if anyone is an expert on editing custom colour schemes on a sheet, do teach me, thanks)
^quoted from my thread where I released the sheet

Hi, feel free to add my sheet if you'd like, there are comms for UF, UB, UFR, UFL (WIP), UFr wings, UF midges, Ufr x, Uf +, parity, flips, twists and LTCT, with more sets coming in the future

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