
  1. BlockOut

    3D Tetris tournament

    ---- Hi. It say on your page "All puzzles. All the time." I am, what I know, Swedish Master in 3D Tetris version BlockOut2 on level: Out of control and wonder if you guys here could help me set up a global tournament on this game? -- This is how to play the original game in DOSBOX online...
  2. S

    WCA rules for DNFs?

    Let's say that you like screwed up your Pll and your time goes wayyyy off. Can you just stop the time randomly during the solve and accept the DNF? Does that mean that your worst time from your 4 will count as that one?
  3. S

    Tournament questiosn

    Can someone explain to me how tournaments work? Like for 3x3, do they ask you to do your 5 solves one after the other or is there a break in between? If so, how long is the break? Thanks
  4. *LukeMayn*

    The One-Answer Question Thread [closed]

    Read before posting. Search before posting a question. The "search thread" tool in this thread can be used to see if someone already asked a similar question here. Depending on the question, you may also find answers on the Speedsolving Wiki, or in other threads. If you have questions about WCA...