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3D Tetris tournament


May 15, 2021
It say on your page
"All puzzles. All the time."
I am, what I know, Swedish Master in 3D Tetris version BlockOut2 on level: Out of control
and wonder if you guys here could help me set up a global tournament on this game?
This is how to play the original game in DOSBOX online.

The global pro version is here.
I have this online version for people to try
if you do not want to download the pro version.

Or do someone know how to set up a global tournament of this game?
I have tried to contact esport companies and so on for some months
but I get no responce.

Regards from Sweden
I'm already bad at rubix cubs and tetr0s

but I would definitely watch a blockout tournament on twitch
So I have this Twitch channel.

So how do we get people to get in to this BlockOut tournament?
Do people send videos to my channel or how does this work?

Regards from Sweden
Here is a discord invite link
So I dont know how that work.
Can people go to my server and maybe stream a game to my server ?
Can two people strema agains each other at the same time ?

Or how does it work?

hey. I can post here now

I have no idea also, but I posted on the hard drop discord asking for ideas and I'm waiting for response.
let's be patient.

EDIT: I wanted to say that I installed blockout 2 pro on my pc yesterday and mapped the gamepad keys with JoyToKey, and it turned out pretty neat

EDIT: it doesn't have soft drop, right? @BlockOut
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hey. I can post here now

I have no idea also, but I posted on the hard drop discord asking for ideas and I'm waiting for response.
let's be patient.

EDIT: I wanted to say that I installed blockout 2 pro on my pc yesterday and mapped the gamepad keys with JoyToKey, and it turned out pretty neat

EDIT: it doesn't have soft drop, right? @BlockOut
I do not think there is "soft drop".
Only "hard drop"
