
  1. Ágoston Török

    [Unofficial] Török Ágoston - OH solve in 23.25

  2. Keroma12

    2x2x2 Stop Motion Solve

    Description: "It's been a while since my first stop motions, so I decided to find some spare time and make another one. It took about 2 and a half hours to make, and has around 550 pictures or so, at 32 fps" I believe it is a lanlan, but I'm not 100% sure. At one point I made a turn wrong so...
  3. lego

    [SAR] Leopoldo Andrés Ibarra Fuentes Megaminx 1:17.41 single and 1:22.30 avg

    My first SAR ,I am very happy:D Times: (1:25.22) , 1:23.61 , 1:24.44 , (1:17.41) , 1:18.84
  4. XXGeneration

    [Help Thread] Improving Consistency Discussion

    I started cubing last summer during China. I quickly dropped to a 30 second average by last December through practice, and after learning OLL and getting much practice, I got to around a 20 second average. Since last December, I've been stuck at the same time. :( Usually in an AO5 that I...
  5. B

    The FMC thread

    So I started FMC 2 weeks ago because of the forum competition, and it's the funnest (note: not funniest) thing in cubing for me by far and nothing comes close :D (well, maybe big cubes BLD, which I've quit :p) But being a noob and all in FMC (only 6 attempts so far), I couldn't find a place...
  6. Davepencilguin

    Easy / Lucky / Funny / Hard / Weird scrambles thread

    Have you ever gotten a REALLY lucky scramble, where you start with a semi-solved cube? I got this scramble for the 2x2x2 form JNetCube timer: L B2 D L D2 L' D F' U' R F2 D B2 U' F' L D F' U2 R2 B R' B2 U' F2 Anybody have any?
  7. D

    How-to/Guide Request Thread

    Hi everyone, Is there a certain cube-related discipline you cannot seem to master? Is there a certain method or technique that you have heard of, but do not understand? Well, look no further. Post your guide requests in this thread, and anyone who is willing and capable of writing a how-to...