
  1. Gecko777

    Throwing Cubers

    Thread for Yoyo enthusiasts. My main is the Magic K2P and favorite trick is green triangle or dna
  2. Gecko777

    New Cube Store, CanyonCubes!

    Hey all, I've recently been into ordering cubes from small stores, and this one is one of my favorites! they have a lot of niche products, including awesome die-cut stickers and clock inserts. I believe @Chris Choi is sponsored by them, so shout out to him!
  3. Gecko777

    Petition to remove progression threads

    Hello, I would like to state a problem that has been growing in this forum for the last year or so, and that is progression threads. While it does seem good at first to have progression threads, they have been crowding the forums and not many people would like to see that someone has just...
  4. Gecko777

    3DS Modding Cubers

    Hello, This is a forum group for people that like modding on 3DSos. I'm relatively new to it, but I have experience modding the Wii U, so 3DS should't be to much harder. If you want to friend me, my friend code is 2511-0913-6884 I have an Old red 3DS XL, without homebrew (doing that tomorrow)
  5. Gecko777

    Quadratic Formula

    I recently learned the Formula in my math course and I am wondering if it is used in cubing at all. Thanks!