cyclone boys

  1. Humble Cuber

    Yuxin Little Magic VS Cyclone Boys Megaminx | Comparison Video

  2. ThatLucas

    [Review] Cyclone Boys G8 8x8 Review In One Minute

    I saw that there weren't that many videos on the Cyclone Boys G8 8x8, so I made one!
  3. Fukuoka Kengo James

    Budget 7x7 comparison

    Which one is the best budget 7x7?
  4. Fukuoka Kengo James

    Best Skewb comparison

    which skewb is the best?
  5. L

    Selling Cyclone Boys Force Cubes

    Come assembled, tensioned and stickered. $10 each. Split shipping 50/50 (USA only) or pick up at a competition. PM if you're interested and tell me which color. If there is enough interest, I will begin selling them in a month. Preferred payment: cubicle gift card. I can do PayPal but I'd rather...
  6. CuberRiley

    [Review] Cyclone Boys 5x5

    This thread is for reviews of the Cyclone Boys 5x5x5. You can vote in the poll above, but please only vote if you own this particular puzzle. When posting your review, please follow a template similar to this: Where the puzzle was purchased: When the puzzle was purchased: Thoughts on the...
  7. mafergut

    [Review] Cyclone Boys FeiChang 2x2x2 Stickerless

    This thread is for reviews of Cyclone Boys FeiChang 2x2x2 Stickerless. You can vote in the poll above, but please only vote if you own this particular puzzle. When posting your review, please follow a template similar to this: Where the puzzle was purchased: When the puzzle was purchased...
  8. CubeCow

    FeiWu vs YuLong?

    Which is better for a beginner cuber: A Cyclone boys' FeiWu, or A YJ Yulong. I would also like a status comparison. Thanks!
  9. MarcelP

    [Review] Cyclone Boys FeiHong 3x3x3

    This thread is for reviews of the Cyclone Boys FeiHong. You can vote in the poll above, but please only vote if you own this particular puzzle. When posting your review, please follow a template similar to this: Where the puzzle was purchased: When the puzzle was purchased: Thoughts on the...
  10. pdid

    [Help Thread] Disassembly and Assembly Thread

    Hi, I looked through the forum and couldn't find anywhere where I could learn to disassemble my cubes, so I thought I'd create this thread. I thought this thread would be a good place to ask questions and post videos on how to assemble or disassemble. I thought I'd start it off by asking how...
  11. kprox1994

    [Help Thread] Lubrication Thread

    I keep seeing all of these questions about lube. I think it would be good to keep lubrication questions all in one thread about where to buy and what lube to use for what cubes. Lube Types (Descriptions by Thrawst) Lubix is like UN Security Council resolutions: it's not a be all end all...