
  1. SpeedCubeReview

    CFOP breakdown percentage

    There is already a thread on what people's times are for each step of CFOP. I'm wondering what you think an ideal amount of time in percentage of the full time would be for each step. For example, cross 10%, F2L 60%, OLL 15%, PLL 15% So a solve that is 20 seconds should be about 2...
  2. T

    Square-1 breakdown

    Hello, What is your average breakdown for square-1? Example: Cube Shape: 7s CO: 4s EO: 4s CP: 5s EP: 10s Total: 30s Parity: 7s How many EP algorithems do you know?
  3. C

    Time proportions when solving 4x4

    I saw there was a 3x3 version of this thread but I didn't thing asking there was appropriate. Also I was gonna ask in the one answer thread but wanted more answers from people. So I just began using Yau to solve the 4x4 and am significantly worse at it as suppose to straight redux...
  4. RussianWhiteBoi

    what is your 7x7 movecount breakdown ?

    Hello! I've used the search function and haven't found an answer to this. Can you help out and tell me what your movecount breakdown is for: -first four centers -last two centers -tredges -3x3 thank you :)
  5. *LukeMayn*

    The One-Answer Question Thread [closed]

    Read before posting. Search before posting a question. The "search thread" tool in this thread can be used to see if someone already asked a similar question here. Depending on the question, you may also find answers on the Speedsolving Wiki, or in other threads. If you have questions about WCA...