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  1. Batsy_who_laughs

    Accomplishment Thread

    my pbs: 2x2 (0.93) R2 U2 R2 U2 R' U2 F U2 3x3 (6.04) U L2 F2 D L2 B2 D2 L2 D R' B D' R' B L R B' D2 F 4x4 (35.45) Fw B L R D' Uw' F D U' L2 Rw' U' R2 Fw L' Uw2 F D' Uw Rw' F2 B2 U2 L' R B' L2 R B2 D' B Fw F2 D' Uw R' L Uw' Fw2 L2 5x5 (1:47.46) Uw' Lw Fw B F' D Dw' R Rw2 L' D' Rw Bw2 U2 Dw2 R'...
  2. Batsy_who_laughs

    My experience with Maglev and Core Magnets

    do u have other maglevs?
  3. Batsy_who_laughs

    [Official] The world’s first +16 Penalty

    now i can die in peace knowing that someone got an official +16 😂😂
  4. Batsy_who_laughs

    what? when?

    what? when?
  5. Batsy_who_laughs

    [Member Intro] Hi everyone

    hola welcome!!
  6. Batsy_who_laughs

    [Member Intro] Returning after 4 years

    hola welcome back :)
  7. Batsy_who_laughs

    [Member Intro] Hello everyone!

    hola welcome!!
  8. Batsy_who_laughs

    [Member Intro] Hello

    hola welcome!!
  9. Batsy_who_laughs

    [Member Intro] Hello!

    hola welcome!!
  10. Batsy_who_laughs

    [Member Intro] Greetings

    hola welcome!
  11. Batsy_who_laughs

    [Help Thread] Is Using a timer is better than clicking space bar?

    yea having a timer is btr coz theres pickup time and ur hands have to be placed palms down on the timer. but for cs timer even if u r not holding the cube ur palms will not be down but getting ready to get the cube so yeah its good to buy a timer
  12. Batsy_who_laughs

    Color Neutral: Yes, No, Tried and Quit, Never Tried

    uhhh the thing is im not trying to be colour neutral or m i quitting to be colour neutral like i jus do CN solves when i feel like it so yeah 😂
  13. Batsy_who_laughs

    Upcoming puzzles

    bruh imagine the price of a 7x7 gan cube prolly as expensive as moyu 21x21
  14. Batsy_who_laughs

    Have you broken your PB more than once in the same day?

    yea i once broke my pb like around 7 consecutive times when i was a beginner and the celebration and excited-ness energy i had is the same as when i break a pb once aft a few months now 🤣🤣 (nope i havent broken my pb of 6.09s i deproved aft a month of break of cubing my average is 12s)
  15. Batsy_who_laughs

    [Member Intro] Explosive Introduction

    oh and if u have any questions feel free to ask :)
  16. Batsy_who_laughs

    [Member Intro] Explosive Introduction

    spring ah i mean maglev compression?
  17. Batsy_who_laughs

    [Member Intro] Explosive Introduction

    loosest setting be like: coob snaps back at 45° i put mine to j perms favourite setting coz it ended up being mine too btw j perms favourite setting is 2 and 2 clicks frm the bottom for anyone who need (you’re welcome)
  18. Batsy_who_laughs

    [Member Intro] Explosive Introduction

    yea but getting used to like the old cubes and having a relatively strong turning style and then now the gan 12 turning is like so effortless at first i keep screwing up becoz of overturn and dnf and +2 but gotten used to it alr (not a 100% tho but still yes)
  19. Batsy_who_laughs

    [Member Intro] Explosive Introduction

    btw the catching problem j perm said didnt happen to my gan 12 too so probably its jus him? or we high? eeeehhhhhh? no offence btw