OBLBL method
From Speedsolving.com Wiki
OBLBL (Optimized Blockbuilding LBL) is a method used to solve big cubes. It manages to utilize a Layer-by-layer approach for big cube solving while still maintaining a low movecount, distinguishing it from other LBL methods that often require lengthy commutators for their last step.
- Two Centers: Solve two opposite centers like in Yau or Hoya.
- Rouxblock: While holding the solved centers on R and L, build a block around the left center like in Meyer.
- First Block Layer: Solve one layer of three bars of center pieces and three (unpaired) edges to the right of the Rouxblock.
- Middle Block Layer(s): On cubes bigger than 4x4x4, repeat the step from before again until only one layer (of three bars of center pieces and three edges) is left to solve.
- Last Block Layer: Solve the remaining layer so that only the R and U layers remain. (This will also automatically solve the center on top.)
- Pairing edges: Perform a y rotation so that the last two layers are on U and F. Then, pair edges using u(') to form a pair, replace that pair with another edge and undo the u move. Repeat this until all edges are paired.
- Orienting edges: Like in the third step of the Petrus method, orient the edges so that the can be solved <R, U>-gen after a y' rotation. On even layered cubes, a parity algorithm may also need to be performed.
- Finishing the R layer: Perform a y' rotation and solve the R layer as in Petrus.
- Last Layer: Solve the last layer using either OCLL and PLL, COLL and EPLL or ZBLL. On even layered cubes, PLL parity maybe required.