OBLBL method

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OBLBL method
Information about the method
Proposer(s): Michael Gottlieb
Proposed: earlier than 2012
Alt Names: none
Variants: LBL
No. Steps: 5
No. Algs: None
Avg Moves:

OBLBL (Optimized Blockbuilding LBL) is a method used to solve big cubes. It manages to utilize a Layer-by-layer approach for big cube solving while still maintaining a low movecount, distinguishing it from other LBL methods that often require lengthy commutators for their last step.


  1. Two Centers: Solve two opposite centers like in Yau or Hoya.
  2. Rouxblock: While holding the solved centers on R and L, build a block around the left center like in Meyer.
  3. First Block Layer: Solve one layer of three bars of center pieces and three (unpaired) edges to the right of the Rouxblock.
  4. Middle Block Layer(s): On cubes bigger than 4x4x4, repeat the step from before again until only one layer (of three bars of center pieces and three edges) is left to solve.
  5. Last Block Layer: Solve the remaining layer so that only the R and U layers remain. (This will also automatically solve the center on top.)
  6. Pairing edges: Perform a y rotation so that the last two layers are on U and F. Then, pair edges using u(') to form a pair, replace that pair with another edge and undo the u move. Repeat this until all edges are paired.
  7. Orienting edges: Like in the third step of the Petrus method, orient the edges so that the can be solved <R, U>-gen after a y' rotation. On even layered cubes, a parity algorithm may also need to be performed.
  8. Finishing the R layer: Perform a y' rotation and solve the R layer as in Petrus.
  9. Last Layer: Solve the last layer using either OCLL and PLL, COLL and EPLL or ZBLL. On even layered cubes, PLL parity maybe required.

See also

External links