CP First
CP (corner permutation) First methods are methods which reduce the corners to <R,U> very early on in the solve, usually being planned during inspection. Corner permutation is often done alongside a 1x1x3 block on DL to reduce the whole cube to the complex 2 gen state <R,r,U,u>. Then the 1x1x3 is expanded into a 1x2x3. CP First methods are usually used for one-handed solving since it gives an advantage because after the first step you only have to use your pinkie and index finger for the entirety of the solve, although these methods can also be fast for two-handed solving as well.
CP First Methods
Since these methods are relatively new, there aren't many examples of such methods but a few of them stand out.
- CEOR: This is one of the first developed CP first methods. The steps are to solve corner permutation while solving a 1x2x3 block (CPFB), orient all remaining edges and add two edges and a center to the 1x2x3 to form a 2x2x3, solve the right side 1x2x3, then complete the last layer using 2GLL. The idea for this method has been re-discovered and re-developed many times under different names leading to the community deciding to consolidate all of the individual proposals into a single method called CEOR.
- B2 (Briggs2) Method: Created by Joseph Briggs, this method starts with CPFB then solves a 1x2x2 on the right side. After that the corner edge pair to complete the right side 1x2x3 is placed while orienting all U layer corners and influencing the remaining six edges to be an "arrow" orientation case. The solve then ends with LSE.
- 2GR: Invented by John Li (Teoidus), this method solves edge orientation along with the DL edge and DBL corner. Then all corners are permuted while solving the DFL corner and after that the FL, BL, DF, and DB edges are placed along with the L and D centers. The solve then continues the same as CEOR with right side block and 2GLL. It is also notable for having a simple and fast CP recognition method.
- CP Nautilus: This is the CP first version of the Nautilus method. The premise is to avoid recognizing the orientation of a large number of edges as in CEOR. It starts similarly to CEOR with CPFB. After that a 2x2x2 block is solved at dbr, all edges are oriented while placing the DF edge using an algorithm, the final F2L pair is solved, and the last layer is completed using 2GLL.
Briggs vs YruRU Controversy
Before the various methods with similar steps were grouped into a single method and given the name CEOR, there existed the Briggs method and the YruRU method. After the creation of the YruRU method, people started noticing that the two methods are virtually the same and this caused a lot of outrage from the community. Some people defended YruRU and others defended Briggs. This debate was settled with Briggs, YruRU, and all methods with similar steps prior to those two being combined into the CEOR method.