DaYan Panshi

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The DaYan Panshi is the sixth 3x3 cube in the DaYan (brand) series. The word "PanShi" means solid rock in Chinese. In other words it means that this cube is supposedly as solid as a rock and won't slip on you that easily.

The Panshi is widely considered to be the singular worst 3x3x3 cube in history.

Mechanism (Pieces)

The Panshi is similar and different with the Zhanchi (Dayan 5th cube). A significant difference is that the Panshi has a much smaller core (14mm rather than 18mm). The prices are mostly the same. An indent in a Zhanchi corner piece is a bump in a Panshi corner piece. The PanShi also had unusually thin corner stalks, increasing the chance of them snapping off. They often broke, even when not handled very harshly. The low quality of this cube started Dayan's slow downfall in speedcubing, until it became much more popular again with the DaYan TengYun, Dayan's eighth 3x3.

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