rs3m 2020

  1. Bingus Ringus McDingus

    RS3M 2020 + RS3M V5 = Main?

    It all started with a bang. Well, maybe not a bang, more like... a heart-crushing clatter. The world was crashing down. It felt like it happened in slow motion, and I couldn't do anything other than watch. No, I'm not talking about the script to an upcoming Marvel movie, that was the day that...
  2. alireza90

    moyu released uv coated rs3m 2020
  3. Immortal Knight- Cubing

    3x3 RS3M 2020 Unboxing + First Impressions! Rlcubeshop! Custom magnetised Version

    Hey guys! In today's video, rlcubeshop sends me over quite a few cubes, out of which, one is the RS3M 2020! To know more about why I feel about it, click on the link below :