parity states

  1. M

    Parity with orozco

    Hi, I am currently learning Orozco algs for corners and I will start learning Orozco algs for edges. I spent a lot of time to decide which method would the best for me to start blindsolving. Using Orozco method, how can I know that I have parity? From all my corners only solves: - I start with...
  2. Christopher Mowla

    Maximum Cyclic Order for 3x3x3 - nxnxn supercubes and the Megaminx

    I searched this subforum for threads related to the topic on maximum cyclic order for the 3x3x3. One of the best threads that was started was Possible orders of Rubik's Cube positions. Of course, to calculate maximum order, we need to be able to calculate all possible orders (which is more...