
  1. T

    [Official] 10.18 average Shanghai Summer 2012

    Sorry for the shaky video. It was taken by a 7 year old so don't complain. Not really bad for her first time at a camera I must say:) The video is much better in 720p 10.36, 9.75, 10.06, DNF(16.31), 10.13 = 10.18 avg 3/5, 3rd place in the comp Dunno how I managed with so many people looking...
  2. S

    [Unofficial] 5x5 avg of 5: 1:03.12 - Yu Nakajima

    His Comment: This is the Yu Nakajima that I know! Overcoming.
  3. IamWEB

    [Unofficial] 14.68 Calm Turning avg12 - WEB

    l7_9lm9ScCw Calm turning, I swear. :( Annotations added for fun, and because if you're faster than me you probably wouldn't watch. lol Happy Thanksgiving Break. ;)