blindfold 3x3 help

  1. M

    Parity with orozco

    Hi, I am currently learning Orozco algs for corners and I will start learning Orozco algs for edges. I spent a lot of time to decide which method would the best for me to start blindsolving. Using Orozco method, how can I know that I have parity? From all my corners only solves: - I start with...
  2. F'prime

    Any tips for 3x3 BLD?

    Title says it all.
  3. D

    [Help Thread] I used nail polish remover to remove a cube logo

    I just used nail polish remover to try and remove a cube logo from my stickerless Tornado V3 hoping I could make it legal for blind solves. Unfortunately, while the logo is gone, the centerpiece is a bit rough and no longer glossy like the rest of the pieces. Is this still comp legal for blind...
  4. Shahir

    How many people around the world can solve the Rubik’s cube blindfolded

    Hi Cubers I recently solved the cube blindfolded. My mom fells it’s simple . So that’s why I want to tell her exactly how many people (%) can solve the Rubik’s cube blindfolded. I also want to make a video above my journey of learning in YouTube @DZSRUBIKSCUBE Thank you
  5. A

    The Ayam Method and what intermediate corner BLD method to learn

    Hey everyone! My name is Ayyub and I’ve been cubing on and off for a couple years now. I would categorize myself as a cubing hobbyist rather than someone fully dedicated and super interested in cubing (I average ~20 seconds for anyone curious). I am though completely in love with BLD. I first...
  6. shmimel

    Blindfold help?

    I am new to cubing and I have taken the blindfold solving quest upon me. I can solve 2x2-5x5, so I guess I am less nooby than others. I can solve corners blindfolded, and I am now working on edges. Does anyone have any tips?
  7. larosh12

    3x3 Blind folded help needed

    Hi ! :) I am new to Blind folding . I have a trouble remembering (when you are in the middle of solving the edges Orange yellow piece comes on the buffer place orange yellow and some of the other edges are unsolved . what to do now:confused: how to remember where to shoot this buffer to...