3x3 fmc

  1. d---

    [Help Thread] My FMC NISS isn't working pls help😟😟

    I have been trying to learn FMC and get a good time with it, but for some reason my Niss isn't working as I believe it should. Scramble: D' L2 D R U F R' L U' D2 F' L2 U2 L2 B' U2 F2 D2 B' Inverse: B D2 F2 U2 B L2 U2 L2 F D2 U L' R F' U' R' D' L2 D I use two cubes for FMC, to have both...
  2. P

    Weekly 22-49 FMC Speed Solve 1 Solutions

    So I attempted the first scramble of the speed FMC for practice in the Weekly 22-49 competition. Scramble: I was using NISS and normal blockbuilding, and got to a pseudo-F2L-1 case in 18 moves which I was incredibly happy with. However, I was immediately stuck on how to continue with skeletons...
  3. Imsoosm

    Imsoosm's Progression Thread - learning eg1

    A page mainly to keep up with my cubing updates:) I usually cube most during the weekends because I still have to go to school during weekdays, so I will come on here once in a while during weekdays, and I'll be on here more frequently during the weekends. I hope you guys can give me some tips...
  4. teboecubes

    I livestreamed a 48-move 3x3 FMC solve!
