Recent content by DavidWoner

  1. DavidWoner

    Magnets Discussion and Help thread

    Is there a consensus for magnets to use in 60mm 4x4s (Mini AoSu, Yuxin Blue)? I've found people saying N52 3x1.5 inner with N38 4x2 outer, as well as people saying to use the WuQue's N48 4x1.5 inner with 5x1 outer. I'm a little concerned with the larger magnets fitting in the slightly smaller...
  2. DavidWoner

    KCubing Spring 2016

    Hah. Better men than you have tried. Waris and I are gonna show you kids how it's done. #Don'tCallItAComeback
  3. DavidWoner

    The FMC thread

    First solve in over 2 years Scramble: B D2 F D2 R2 U2 L2 B2 R2 F R2 D L' D' F2 U B R U2 F Solution: B' R D2 L U L' D' L U' L2 D L D2 R2 B' R B2 U R2 U' B2 F' U F U2 R F' R D2 B2 (30) Process: Start with inverse scramble: F' U2 R' B' U' F2 D L D' R2 F' R2 B2 L2 U2 R2 D2 F' D2 B'...
  4. DavidWoner

    [Official] 25.06 Square-1 Average (Yau-1 Method)

    That's kind of a mischaracterization of the method. There is plenty of room to influence what cases you get in the next step with things like EOCP and EP control during CP. This method seems pretty cool though; I'll mess around with it some once it's published. I'm too lazy to try to develop...
  5. DavidWoner

    Qiyi Square-1

    This is the only endorsement anyone should ever need.
  6. DavidWoner

    KCubing 2015 November 7th 2015

    I am legally changing my name to Dσvid Woner.
  7. DavidWoner

    KCubing 2015 November 7th 2015

    Kenners is going down now I guess??? (ง •́~•̀)ง(ง •́~•̀)ง(ง •́~•̀)ง I'm scared
  8. DavidWoner

    KCubing 2015 November 7th 2015

    Chris is going down. (ง •̀_•́)ง(ง •̀_•́)ง(ง •̀_•́)ง
  9. DavidWoner

    Join the 2013 Speedsolving Bracket Challenge!

    FYI I am bob jones, I'll be damned if I give my name to yahoo.
  10. DavidWoner

    WC2013 - Unofficial Events and Activities

    You're going down, team Rest-of-World is gonna stomp you Canadians and the two traitors.
  11. DavidWoner

    My Apology

    That was a very grown up and difficult thing to do, Rowe. Admirable, even. Cubers have done worse things when they were young and under pressure. The fact that you admitted it freely without accusation where others have continuously denied, even when presented with proof, is what sets this...
  12. DavidWoner

    [Unofficial] 3x3 Sub-8 Average of 5 + 4.64 Single

    Sub-4 if you had done U' B' R' U' R U B for OLL instead :/ Great solves though!
  13. DavidWoner

    Any One Handed Cubers?

    Emerson Herrman has only a thumb and pinky on his right hand. He's still pretty good at 2H cubing. Sittinon Sukhaya has thumb and index finger on his left hand. I know at some competitions he just competed with one hand during the 2h event, since his times are pretty similar for the two events...