Speedsolving.com ID | Kinch Score | Competitions | Completed Solves |
Nicky Steingraber | 10.21 | 2 | 96 |
Event | SR | Single | Average | SR | Kinch Score |
2x2x2 | 937 | 1.52Week 2023-14 2.99 4.37 5.63 3.21 1.52 | 3.45Week 2023-15 68th Place 3.17 3.08 3.50 5.29 3.67 | 1469 | 22.34 |
3x3x3 | 1638 | 9.52Week 2023-15 9.52 13.63 13.51 14.39 15.20 solve plus 2 so dumb | 11.82Week 2023-14 139th Place 10.84 12.25 12.13 14.97 11.09 if I dont get this officially im gonna slam planets together | 1741 | 39.19 |
4x4x4 | 1784 | 52.32Week 2023-15 1:06.14 1:08.23 52.32 1:05.84 1:14.23 mm yes 2nd best solve 3 | 1:06.74Week 2023-15 109th Place 1:06.14 1:08.23 52.32 1:05.84 1:14.23 mm yes 2nd best solve 3 | 2081 | 34.90 |
5x5x5 | 1589 | 1:59.95Week 2023-14 2:10.22 2:17.69 2:26.18 1:59.95 2:23.07 solve 4 i 1 looked white center lol | 2:15.81Week 2023-15 74th Place 2:34.34 2:10.82 2:16.86 2:19.75 2:02.32 sex | 1598 | 32.77 |
6x6x6 | 1072 | 4:20.94Week 2023-14 4:20.94 6:56.13 4:45.77 4:49.58 4:35.02 solve 2 gf spilled water and I set cube down to grab a towel lmao | 4:43.46Week 2023-14 56th Place 4:20.94 6:56.13 4:45.77 4:49.58 4:35.02 solve 2 gf spilled water and I set cube down to grab a towel lmao | 1031 | 29.02 |
3x3x3 one-handed | 1888 | 23.39Week 2023-14 24.91 38.11 30.34 27.42 23.39 yuck | 26.99Week 2023-15 100th Place 24.15 31.25 28.43 26.17 26.36 | 1716 | 29.72 |
3x3x3 With feet | 248 | 1:28.11Week 2023-14 2:03.10 1:28.11 2:11.92 1:42.26 1:56.63 i should practice again more | 1:54.00Week 2023-14 5th Place 2:03.10 1:28.11 2:11.92 1:42.26 1:56.63 i should practice again more | 259 | 17.42 |
3x3x3 Match the scramble | 1210 | 4:58.77Week 2023-14 4:58.77 DNF DNF DNF DNF lost motivation | 0.00 | ||
2-3-4 Relay | 1902 | 1:42.26Week 2023-14 61st Place 1:42.26 | 29.62 | ||
2-3-4-5 Relay | 1185 | 3:50.02Week 2023-14 38th Place 3:50.02 | 34.46 | ||
Megaminx | 1232 | 1:59.38Week 2023-14 2:18.78 2:14.23 1:59.38 2:04.45 2:34.34 solve 3 is new pb, poggers, should practice more | 2:12.49Week 2023-14 62nd Place 2:18.78 2:14.23 1:59.38 2:04.45 2:34.34 solve 3 is new pb, poggers, should practice more | 1206 | 22.34 |
Pyraminx | 1931 | 5.56Week 2023-15 10.34 7.29 7.95 5.56 9.01 lol avg | 7.09Week 2023-14 101st Place 7.00 8.90 7.87 6.13 6.39 | 1522 | 16.13 |
Skewb | 1658 | 5.98Week 2023-15 13.15 12.83 10.20 10.00 5.98 worst skewb average in a long time lmfao | 11.01Week 2023-15 105th Place 13.15 12.83 10.20 10.00 5.98 worst skewb average in a long time lmfao | 1867 | 11.87 |
Kilominx | 422 | 41.91Week 2023-14 47.52 48.93 1:04.67 48.32 41.91 | 48.26Week 2023-14 12th Place 47.52 48.93 1:04.67 48.32 41.91 | 380 | 26.16 |
Mirror Blocks | 417 | 1:01.00Week 2023-14 1:47.38 1:01.00 1:25.06 1:48.42 DNF | 1:40.29Week 2023-14 27th Place 1:47.38 1:01.00 1:25.06 1:48.42 DNF | 502 | 11.32 |
Gold | Silver | Bronze |
0 | 0 | 0 |
Competition | Place | Single | Average | Solves | ||||
2x2x2 | ||||||||
2023-15 | 68 | 3.08 | 3.45 | 3.17 | (3.08) | 3.50 | (5.29) | 3.67 |
2023-14 | 91 | 1.52 | 3.52 | 2.99 | 4.37 | (5.63) | 3.21 | (1.52) |
3x3x3 | ||||||||
2023-15 | 178 | 9.52 | 13.84solve plus 2 so dumb | (9.52) | 13.63 | 13.51 | 14.39 | (15.20) |
2023-14 | 139 | 10.84 | 11.82if I dont get this officially im gonna slam planets together | (10.84) | 12.25 | 12.13 | (14.97) | 11.09 |
4x4x4 | ||||||||
2023-15 | 109 | 52.32 | 1:06.74mm yes 2nd best solve 3 | 1:06.14 | 1:08.23 | (52.32) | 1:05.84 | (1:14.23) |
2023-14 | 126 | 57.46 | 1:10.69that sub 1 was cray cray love me that 3x3 stage | 1:11.49 | 1:12.15 | 1:08.43 | (1:12.56) | (57.46) |
5x5x5 | ||||||||
2023-15 | 74 | 2:02.32 | 2:15.81sex | (2:34.34) | 2:10.82 | 2:16.86 | 2:19.75 | (2:02.32) |
2023-14 | 87 | 1:59.95 | 2:16.99solve 4 i 1 looked white center lol | 2:10.22 | 2:17.69 | (2:26.18) | (1:59.95) | 2:23.07 |
6x6x6 | ||||||||
2023-14 | 56 | 4:20.94 | 4:43.46solve 2 gf spilled water and I set cube down to grab a towel lmao | (4:20.94) | (6:56.13) | 4:45.77 | 4:49.58 | 4:35.02 |
2x2x2 blindfolded | ||||||||
2023-15 | 56 | DNF | DNFgosh i suck, next time though | DNF | DNF | DNF | ||
2023-14 | 55 | DNF | DNFsolve 2 i was 2 pieces off | DNF | DNF | DNF | ||
3x3x3 one-handed | ||||||||
2023-15 | 100 | 24.15 | 26.99 | (24.15) | (31.25) | 28.43 | 26.17 | 26.36 |
2023-14 | 104 | 23.39 | 27.56yuck | 24.91 | (38.11) | 30.34 | 27.42 | (23.39) |
3x3x3 With feet | ||||||||
2023-14 | 5 | 1:28.11 | 1:54.00i should practice again more | 2:03.10 | (1:28.11) | (2:11.92) | 1:42.26 | 1:56.63 |
3x3x3 Match the scramble | ||||||||
2023-14 | 26 | 4:58.77 | DNFlost motivation | (4:58.77) | (DNF) | DNF | DNF | DNF |
2-3-4 Relay | ||||||||
2023-14 | 61 | 1:42.26 | 1:42.26 | |||||
2-3-4-5 Relay | ||||||||
2023-14 | 38 | 3:50.02 | 3:50.02 | |||||
Megaminx | ||||||||
2023-14 | 62 | 1:59.38 | 2:12.49solve 3 is new pb, poggers, should practice more | 2:18.78 | 2:14.23 | (1:59.38) | 2:04.45 | (2:34.34) |
Pyraminx | ||||||||
2023-15 | 103 | 5.56 | 8.08lol avg
| (10.34) | 7.29 | 7.95 | (5.56) | 9.01 |
2023-14 | 101 | 6.13 | 7.09 | 7.00 | (8.90) | 7.87 | (6.13) | 6.39 |
Skewb | ||||||||
2023-15 | 105 | 5.98 | 11.01worst skewb average in a long time lmfao | (13.15) | 12.83 | 10.20 | 10.00 | (5.98) |
2023-14 | 136 | 8.46 | 15.08worlds best skewb solver | 11.90 | 13.19 | (DNF) | 20.15 | (8.46) |
Kilominx | ||||||||
2023-14 | 12 | 41.91 | 48.26 | 47.52 | 48.93 | (1:04.67) | 48.32 | (41.91) |
Mirror Blocks | ||||||||
2023-14 | 27 | 1:01.00 | 1:40.29 | 1:47.38 | (1:01.00) | 1:25.06 | 1:48.42 | (DNF) |